A list of important changes to FarmBot OS organized by major version. _This file is parsed by the FarmBot Web App._ # v6 * The calculation for `encoder scaling factor` has changed in v6.0.1 to `10000 * (motor resolution * microsteps) / encoder resolution`. If you are using encoders and have previously changed this setting, please check the updated value. * The change also increases accuracy for FarmBots with `use encoders for positioning` enabled while using the default `encoder scaling factor` value. If you have previously enabled `use encoders for positioning` please check movements to tool positions or other high-accuracy requirement movements. * Sequence errors will now send an emergency stop command, locking FarmBot. * If you are using `Farmduino (Genesis v1.3)`, check that `FIRMWARE` is correct after upgrading. If it isn't, choose the correct value from the drop-down. # v7 * FarmBot OS now uses Python 3 rather than Python 2 when running Farmware. If you have added custom or 3rd-party Farmware, please check to make sure your FarmBot is still running as expected. # v8 This release uses an improved Farmware API:
* If you have previously added custom or 3rd-party Farmware, you will need to reinstall the Farmware using the new manifest format. * If you are a Farmware developer using Farmware Tools (`import farmware_tools`), the reinstalled Farmware should continue working as before. If you have authored a Farmware that does not use the package, you will need to replace any FarmBot device communication in your Farmware to use the `farmware_tools` package. * See the [Farmware developer documentation](https://developer.farm.bot/docs/farmware) for more information. # v9 FarmBot OS v8+ uses an improved Farmware API. See the [Farmware developer documentation](https://developer.farm.bot/docs/farmware) for more information. # v10 FarmBot OS v10 features an improved *Mark As* step. If you have previously added *Mark As* steps to sequences, you will need to update them before they can be executed by FarmBot: * Open any sequences with a caution icon next to the name. * Click the `CONVERT` button in each old *Mark As* step. * Save the sequence. * If you have auto-sync disabled, press `SYNC NOW` once all sequences have been updated. * Verify that any events using the updated sequences are running as expected. FarmBot OS auto-update was disabled prior to this release.