# FarmBot Ext OTP App the `farmbot_ext` OTP app contains extended FarmbotCore functionality. This includes mostly network functionality that isn't possible to do in `farmbot_core`. ## Bootstrap subsystem Subsystem responsible for bootstrapping a connection to the FarmBot network services. This includes authenticating with the FarmBot API, connecting to AMQP/MQTT and syncing the bare minimum resources to get up and running. ## HTTP/Sync subsystem This is the subsystem that syncronizes FarmBot with the remote API. It uses HTTP to download an index of all the data FarmBot cares about, and compares timestamps to determine who has the most up to date data. The basic flow is whoever has the most recent `updated_at` field will become the "most truthy". If FarmBot has a more recent `updated_at` field, FarmBot will do an HTTP PUT of it's data. If the remote resource does not exist, FarmBot will do an HTTP POST of it's data. If the remote data has a more recent `updated_at` field, FarmBot will do an HTTP GET and replace it's own data. ## AMQP/MQTT substem FarmBot maintains a connection to the API for real time communication. This real time communication connection is multiplexed over multiple `channel`s. Below is a description of the channels: * bot_state - pushes a JSON encoded version of the `bot_state` process (from `farmbot_core`) * celery_script - receives/sends JSON encoded celery_script. Used for controling FarmBot externally * log - sends log messages from `farmbot_core`'s logger * ping/pong - echos everything received. used for detecting active conncetion * auto_sync - the API dispatches every REST resource change on this channel. Used to speed up HTTP requests * telemetry - similar to the log channel, but sends consumable events, rather than human readable messages ## Image uploader subsystem This subsystem watches a local directory, and as matching files appear in that directory, it uploads them using the FarmBot image upload protocol. Basically an HTTP request to fetch credentials that are used to preform another HTTP request to upload the photo.