defmodule FarmbotCeleryScript.AST do @moduledoc """ Handy functions for turning various data types into Farbot Celery Script Ast nodes. """ alias FarmbotCeleryScript.AST @typedoc "Arguments to a ast node." @type args :: map @typedoc "Body of a ast node." @type body :: [t] @typedoc "Kind of a ast node." @type kind :: module @typedoc "AST node." @type t :: %__MODULE__{ kind: kind, args: args, body: body, comment: binary, meta: any() } defstruct [:args, :body, :kind, :comment, :meta] @doc "Decode a base map into CeleryScript AST." @spec decode(t() | map | [t() | map]) :: t() def decode(map_or_list_of_maps) def decode(list) when is_list(list) do decode_body(list) end def decode(%{__struct__: _} = thing) do thing |> Map.from_struct() |> decode() end def decode(%{} = thing) do kind = thing["kind"] || thing[:kind] || raise("Bad ast: #{inspect(thing)}") args = thing["args"] || thing[:args] || raise("Bad ast: #{inspect(thing)}") body = thing["body"] || thing[:body] || [] comment = thing["comment"] || thing[:comment] || nil meta = thing["meta"] || thing[:meta] || nil %AST{ kind: String.to_atom(to_string(kind)), args: decode_args(args), body: decode_body(body), comment: comment, meta: meta } end def decode(bad_ast), do: raise("Bad ast: #{inspect(bad_ast)}") # You can give a list of nodes. @spec decode_body([map]) :: [t()] def decode_body(body) when is_list(body) do, fn itm -> decode(itm) end) end @spec decode_args(map) :: args def decode_args(map) when is_map(map) do Enum.reduce(map, %{}, fn {key, val}, acc -> if is_map(val) do # if it is a map, it could be another node so decode it too. real_val = decode(val) Map.put(acc, String.to_atom(to_string(key)), real_val) else Map.put(acc, String.to_atom(to_string(key)), val) end end) end @spec new(atom, map, [map]) :: t() def new(kind, args, body, comment \\ nil, meta \\ nil) when is_map(args) and is_list(body) do %AST{ kind: String.to_atom(to_string(kind)), args: args, body: body, comment: comment, meta: meta } |> decode() end end