# 2.1.9 * changed folder structure around * moved farmbot_auth and farmbot_configurator back into an umbrella application * begin migration to CeleryScript for all the things * Multi Platform support * `Configurator` looks great. thanks @MrChristofferson && @RickCarlino * Code base was converted to CeleryScript, so it is much more stable * bot configuration is now based on a single (json) that is shared across platforms/targets # 2.1.10 * a few minor bug fixes to the previous release. # 3.0.0 * Makefile # 3.0.1 * implement bot state migrations * logger fixes. # 3.0.2 * Farmware initial concepts. # 3.0.3 * Farmware fixes # 3.0.4 * Logger bug fixes # 3.0.5 * Configurator got a facelift + a few extra features. # 3.0.6 * Syncing is now a multiple request action and is now much faster and safer. * change folder structure * begin adding redis support.