defmodule FarmbotFirmware do @moduledoc """ Firmware wrapper for interacting with Farmbot-Arduino-Firmware. This GenServer is expected to be a pretty simple state machine with no side effects to anything in the rest of the Farmbot application. Side effects should be implemented using a callback/pubsub system. This allows for indpendent testing. Functionality that is needed to boot the firmware: * parameters - Keyword list of {param_atom, float} Side affects that should be handled * position reports * end stop reports * calibration reports * busy reports # State machine The firmware starts in a `:transport_boot` state, moving to `:boot`. It then loads all parameters writes all parameters, and goes to idle if all params were loaded successfully. State machine flows go as follows: ## Boot :transport_boot |> :boot |> :no_config |> :configuration |> :idle ## Idle :idle |> :begin |> :busy |> :error | :invalid | :success # Constraints and Exceptions Commands will be queued as they received with some exceptions: * if a command is currently executing (state is not `:idle`), proceding commands will be queued in the order they are received. * the `:emergency_lock` and `:emergency_unlock` commands go to the front of the command queue and are started immediately. * if a `report_emergency_lock` message is received at any point during a commands execution, that command is considered an error. (this does not apply to `:boot` state, since `:parameter_write` is accepted while the firmware is locked.) * all reports outside of control flow reports (:begin, :error, :invalid, :success) will be discarded while in `:boot` state. This means while boot, position updates, end stop updates etc are ignored. # Transports GCODES should be exchanged in the following format: {tag, {command, args}} * `tag` - binary integer. This is translated to the `Q` parameter. * `command` - either a `RXX`, `FXX`, or `GXX` code. * `args` - a list of arguments to be processed. For example a report might look like: {"123", {:report_some_information, [h: 10.00, u: 90.10]}} and a command might look like: {"555", {:fire_laser, [w: 100.00]}} Numbers should be floats when possible. An Exeption to this is `:report_end_stops` where there is only two values: `1` or `0`. See the `GCODE` module for more information on available implemented GCODES. a `Transport` should be a process that implements standard `GenServer` behaviour. Upon `init/1` the args passed in should be a Keyword list required to configure the transport such as a serial device, etc. `args` will also contain a `:handle_gcode` function that should be called everytime a GCODE is received. Keyword.fetch!(args, :handle_gcode).({"999", {:report_software_version, ["Just a test!"]}}) a transport should also implement a `handle_call` clause like: def handle_call({"166", {:parameter_write, [some_param: 100.00]}}, _from, state) and reply with `:ok | {:error, term()}` # VCR This server can save all the input and output gcodes to a text file for further external analysis or playback later. ## Using VCR mode The server can be started in VCR mode by doing: FarmbotFirmware.start_link([transport: FarmbotFirmware.StubTransport, vcr_path: "/tmp/vcr.txt"], []) or can be started at runtime: FarmbotFirmware.enter_vcr_mode(firmware_server, "/tmp/vcr.txt") in either case the VCR recording needs to be stopped: FarmbotFirmware.exit_vcr_mode(firmware_server) VCRs can later be played back: FarmbotFirmware.VCR.playback!("/tmp/vcr.txt") """ use GenServer require Logger alias FarmbotFirmware, as: State alias FarmbotFirmware.{GCODE, Command, Request} @transport_init_error_retry_ms 5_000 @type status :: :transport_boot | :boot | :no_config | :configuration | :idle | :emergency_lock defstruct [ :transport, :transport_pid, :transport_ref, :transport_args, :side_effects, :status, :tag, :configuration_queue, :command_queue, :caller_pid, :current, :vcr_fd ] @type state :: %State{ transport: module(), transport_pid: nil | pid(), transport_ref: nil | reference(), transport_args: Keyword.t(), side_effects: nil | module(), status: status(), tag: GCODE.tag(), configuration_queue: [{GCODE.kind(), GCODE.args()}], command_queue: [{pid(), GCODE.t()}], caller_pid: nil | pid, current: nil | GCODE.t(), vcr_fd: nil | File.io_device() } @doc """ Command the firmware to do something. Takes a `{tag, {command, args}}` GCODE. This command will be queued if there is already a command executing. (this does not apply to `:emergency_lock` and `:emergency_unlock`) ## Response/Control Flow When executed, `command` will block until one of the following respones are received: * `{:report_success, []}` -> `:ok` * `{:report_invalid, []}` -> `{:error, :invalid_command}` * `{:report_error, []}` -> `{:error, :firmware_error}` * `{:report_emergency_lock, []}` -> {:error, :emergency_lock}` If the firmware is in any of the following states: * `:boot` * `:no_config` * `:configuration` `command` will fail with `{:error, state}` """ defdelegate command(server \\ __MODULE__, code), to: Command @doc """ Request data from the firmware. Valid requests are of kind: :parameter_read :status_read :pin_read :end_stops_read :position_read :software_version_read Will return `{:ok, {tag, {:report_*, args}}}` on success or `{:error, term()}` on error. """ defdelegate request(server \\ __MODULE__, code), to: Request @doc """ Close the transport, putting the Firmware State Machine back into the `:transport_boot` state. """ def close_transport(server \\ __MODULE__) do _ = command(server, {nil, {:command_emergency_lock, []}}), :close_transport) end @doc """ Opens the transport, """ def open_transport(server \\ __MODULE__, module, args) do, {:open_transport, module, args}) end @doc """ Sets the Firmware server to record input and output GCODES to a pair of text files. """ def enter_vcr_mode(server \\ __MODULE__, tape_path) do, {:enter_vcr_mode, tape_path}) end @doc """ Sets the Firmware server to stop recording input and output GCODES. """ def exit_vcr_mode(server \\ __MODULE__) do GenServer.cast(server, :exit_vcr_mode) end @doc """ Starting the Firmware server requires at least: * `:transport` - a module implementing the Transport GenServer behaviour. See the `Transports` section of moduledoc. Every other arg passed in will be passed directly to the `:transport` module's `init/1` function. """ def start_link(args, opts \\ [name: __MODULE__]) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, args, opts) end def init(args) do global = Application.get_env(:farmbot_firmware, __MODULE__, []) args = Keyword.merge(args, global) transport = Keyword.fetch!(args, :transport) side_effects = Keyword.get(args, :side_effects) vcr_fd = case Keyword.get(args, :vcr_path) do nil -> nil tape_path -> {:ok, vcr_fd} =, [:binary, :append, :exclusive, :write]) vcr_fd end # Add an anon function that transport implementations should call. fw = self() fun = fn {_, _} = code -> GenServer.cast(fw, code) end transport_args = Keyword.put(args, :handle_gcode, fun) state = %State{ transport_pid: nil, transport_ref: nil, transport: transport, transport_args: transport_args, side_effects: side_effects, status: :transport_boot, command_queue: [], configuration_queue: [], vcr_fd: vcr_fd } send(self(), :timeout) {:ok, state} end def terminate(reason, state) do for {pid, _code} <- state.command_queue, do: send(pid, reason) state.transport_pid && Process.alive?(state.transport_pid) && GenServer.stop(state.transport_pid) end # This will be the first message received right after `init/1` # It should try to open a transport every `transport_init_error_retry_ms` # until success. # TODO(Connor) maybe make this timer back off over time. def handle_info(:timeout, %{status: :transport_boot} = state) do case GenServer.start_link(state.transport, state.transport_args) do {:ok, pid} -> ref = Process.monitor(pid) Logger.debug( "Firmware Transport #{state.transport} started. #{inspect(state.transport_args)}" ) state = goto(%{state | transport_pid: pid, transport_ref: ref}, :boot) {:noreply, state} error -> Logger.error("Error starting Firmware: #{inspect(error)}") Process.send_after(self(), :timeout, @transport_init_error_retry_ms) {:noreply, state} end end # @spec handle_info(:timeout, state) :: {:noreply, state} def handle_info(:timeout, %{configuration_queue: [code | rest]} = state) do Logger.debug("Starting next configuration code: #{inspect(code)}") case, {state.tag, code}) do :ok -> new_state = %{state | current: code, configuration_queue: rest} _ = side_effects(new_state, :handle_output_gcode, [{state.tag, code}]) _ = vcr_write(state.vcr_fd, :out, {state.tag, code}) {:noreply, new_state} error -> {:stop, error, state} end end def handle_info(:timeout, %{command_queue: [{pid, {tag, code}} | rest]} = state) do case, {tag, code}) do :ok -> new_state = %{state | tag: tag, current: code, command_queue: rest, caller_pid: pid} _ = side_effects(new_state, :handle_output_gcode, [{state.tag, code}]) _ = vcr_write(state.vcr_fd, :out, {state.tag, code}) {:noreply, new_state} error -> {:stop, error, state} end end def handle_info(:timeout, %{configuration_queue: []} = state) do {:noreply, state} end # Closing the transport will purge the buffer of queued commands in both # the `configuration_queue` and in the `command_queue`. def handle_call(:close_transport, _from, %{status: s} = state) when s != :transport_boot do true = Process.demonitor(state.transport_ref) :ok = GenServer.stop(state.transport_pid, :normal) state = goto( %{ state | transport_pid: nil, transport_ref: nil, status: :transport_boot, command_queue: [], configuration_queue: [] }, :transport_boot ) {:reply, :ok, state} end def handle_call(:close_transport, _, %{status: s} = state) do {:reply, {:error, s}, state} end def handle_call({:open_transport, module, args}, _from, %{status: s} = state) when s == :transport_boot do # Add an anon function that transport implementations should call. fw = self() fun = fn {_, _} = code -> GenServer.cast(fw, code) end transport_args = Keyword.put(args, :handle_gcode, fun) next_state = %{state | transport: module, transport_args: transport_args} send(self(), :timeout) {:reply, :ok, next_state} end def handle_call({:open_transport, _module, _args}, _from, %{status: s} = state) do {:reply, {:error, s}, state} end def handle_call({:enter_vcr_mode, tape_path}, _from, state) do with {:ok, vcr_fd} <-, [:binary, :append, :exclusive, :write]) do {:reply, :ok, %{state | vcr_fd: vcr_fd}} else error -> {:reply, error, state} end end def handle_call({_tag, _code} = gcode, from, state) do handle_command(gcode, from, state) end @doc false @spec handle_command(GCODE.t(), GenServer.from(), state()) :: {:reply, term(), state()} # EmergencyLock should be ran immediately def handle_command({tag, {:command_emergency_lock, []}} = code, {pid, _ref}, state) do {:reply, {:ok, tag}, %{state | command_queue: [{pid, code}], configuration_queue: []}, 0} end # EmergencyUnLock should be ran immediately def handle_command({tag, {:command_emergency_unlock, []}} = code, {pid, _ref}, state) do {:reply, {:ok, tag}, %{state | command_queue: [{pid, code}], configuration_queue: []}, 0} end # If not in an acceptable state, return an error immediately. def handle_command(_, _, %{status: s} = state) when s in [:transport_boot, :boot, :no_config, :configuration] do {:reply, {:error, s}, state} end def handle_command({tag, {_, _}} = code, {pid, _ref}, state) do new_state = %{state | command_queue: state.command_queue ++ [{pid, code}]} case new_state.status do :idle -> {:reply, {:ok, tag}, new_state, 0} # Don't do any flow control if state is emergency_lock. # This allows a transport to decide # if a command should be blocked or not. :emergency_lock -> {:reply, {:ok, tag}, new_state, 0} _ -> {:reply, {:ok, tag}, new_state} end end def handle_cast(:exit_vcr_mode, state) do state.vcr_fd && File.close(state.vcr_fd) {:noreply, %{state | vcr_fd: nil}} end # Extracts tag def handle_cast({tag, {_, _} = code}, state) do _ = side_effects(state, :handle_input_gcode, [{tag, code}]) _ = vcr_write(state.vcr_fd, :in, {tag, code}) handle_report(code, %{state | tag: tag}) end @doc false @spec handle_report({GCODE.report_kind(), GCODE.args()}, state) :: {:noreply, state(), 0} | {:noreply, state()} def handle_report({:report_emergency_lock, []} = code, state) do"Emergency lock") if state.caller_pid, do: send(state.caller_pid, {state.tag, code}) {:noreply, goto(%{state | current: nil, caller_pid: nil}, :emergency_lock), 0} end # "ARDUINO STARTUP COMPLETE" => goto(:boot, :no_config) def handle_report( {:unknown, [_, "ARDUINO", "STARTUP", "COMPLETE"]}, %{status: :boot} = state ) do"ARDUINO STARTUP COMPLETE") handle_report({:report_no_config, []}, state) end def handle_report( {:report_idle, []}, %{status: :boot} = state ) do"ARDUINO STARTUP COMPLETE") handle_report({:report_no_config, []}, state) end def handle_report( {:report_debug_message, ["ARDUINO STARTUP COMPLETE"]}, %{status: :boot} = state ) do"ARDUINO STARTUP COMPLETE") handle_report({:report_no_config, []}, state) end # report_no_config => goto(_, :no_config) def handle_report({:report_no_config, []}, %{status: _} = state) do Logger.warn(":report_no_config received") tag = state.tag || "0" loaded_params = side_effects(state, :load_params, []) || [] param_commands = Enum.reduce(loaded_params, [], fn {param, val}, acc -> if val, do: acc ++ [{:parameter_write, [{param, val}]}], else: acc end) to_process = [{:software_version_read, []} | param_commands] ++ [ {:parameter_write, [{:param_use_eeprom, 0.0}]}, {:parameter_write, [{:param_config_ok, 1.0}]}, {:parameter_read_all, []} ] to_process = if loaded_params[:movement_home_at_boot_x] == 1, do: to_process ++ [{:command_movement_find_home, [:x]}], else: to_process to_process = if loaded_params[:movement_home_at_boot_y] == 1, do: to_process ++ [{:command_movement_find_home, [:y]}], else: to_process to_process = if loaded_params[:movement_home_at_boot_z] == 1, do: to_process ++ [{:command_movement_find_home, [:z]}], else: to_process {:noreply, goto(%{state | tag: tag, configuration_queue: to_process}, :configuration), 0} end def handle_report({:report_debug_message, msg}, state) do side_effects(state, :handle_debug_message, [msg]) {:noreply, state} end def handle_report(report, %{status: :boot} = state) do Logger.debug(["still in state: :boot ", inspect(report)]) {:noreply, state} end # report_idle => goto(_, :idle) def handle_report({:report_idle, []}, %{status: _} = state) do side_effects(state, :handle_busy, [false]) side_effects(state, :handle_idle, [true]) {:noreply, goto(%{state | caller_pid: nil, current: nil}, :idle), 0} end def handle_report({:report_begin, []} = code, state) do if state.caller_pid, do: send(state.caller_pid, {state.tag, code}) {:noreply, state} end def handle_report({:report_success, []} = code, state) do if state.caller_pid, do: send(state.caller_pid, {state.tag, code}) new_state = %{state | current: nil, caller_pid: nil} side_effects(state, :handle_busy, [false]) if new_state.status == :emergency_lock do {:noreply, goto(new_state, :idle), 0} else {:noreply, new_state, 0} end end def handle_report({:report_busy, []} = code, state) do if state.caller_pid, do: send(state.caller_pid, {state.tag, code}) side_effects(state, :handle_busy, [true]) {:noreply, state} end def handle_report({:report_error, []} = code, %{status: :configuration} = state) do if state.caller_pid, do: send(state.caller_pid, {state.tag, code}) side_effects(state, :handle_busy, [false]) {:stop, {:error, state.current}, state} end def handle_report({:report_error, []} = code, state) do if state.caller_pid, do: send(state.caller_pid, {state.tag, code}) side_effects(state, :handle_busy, [false]) {:noreply, %{state | caller_pid: nil, current: nil}, 0} end def handle_report({:report_invalid, []} = code, %{status: :configuration} = state) do if state.caller_pid, do: send(state.caller_pid, {state.tag, code}) {:stop, {:error, state.current}, state} end def handle_report({:report_invalid, []} = code, state) do if state.caller_pid, do: send(state.caller_pid, {state.tag, code}) {:noreply, %{state | caller_pid: nil, current: nil}, 0} end def handle_report({:report_retry, []} = code, %{status: :configuration} = state) do Logger.warn("Retrying configuration command: #{inspect(code)}") {:noreply, state} end def handle_report({:report_retry, []} = code, state) do if state.caller_pid, do: send(state.caller_pid, {state.tag, code}) {:noreply, state} end def handle_report({:report_parameter_value, param} = code, state) do if state.caller_pid, do: send(state.caller_pid, {state.tag, code}) side_effects(state, :handle_parameter_value, [param]) {:noreply, state} end def handle_report({:report_calibration_parameter_value, param} = _code, state) do to_process = [{:parameter_write, param}] side_effects(state, :handle_parameter_value, [param]) side_effects(state, :handle_parameter_calibration_value, [param]) {:noreply, goto(%{state | tag: state.tag, configuration_queue: to_process}, :configuration), 0} end # report_parameters_complete => goto(:configuration, :idle) def handle_report({:report_parameters_complete, []}, %{status: :configuration} = state) do {:noreply, goto(state, :idle)} end def handle_report(_, %{status: :no_config} = state) do {:noreply, state} end def handle_report({:report_position, position} = code, state) do if state.caller_pid, do: send(state.caller_pid, {state.tag, code}) side_effects(state, :handle_position, [position]) {:noreply, state} end def handle_report({:report_axis_state, axis_state} = code, state) do if state.caller_pid, do: send(state.caller_pid, {state.tag, code}) side_effects(state, :handle_axis_state, [axis_state]) {:noreply, state} end def handle_report({:report_calibration_state, calibration_state} = code, state) do if state.caller_pid, do: send(state.caller_pid, {state.tag, code}) side_effects(state, :handle_calibration_state, [calibration_state]) {:noreply, state} end def handle_report({:report_position_change, position} = code, state) do if state.caller_pid, do: send(state.caller_pid, {state.tag, code}) side_effects(state, :handle_position_change, [position]) {:noreply, state} end def handle_report({:report_encoders_scaled, encoders} = code, state) do if state.caller_pid, do: send(state.caller_pid, {state.tag, code}) side_effects(state, :handle_encoders_scaled, [encoders]) {:noreply, state} end def handle_report({:report_encoders_raw, encoders} = code, state) do if state.caller_pid, do: send(state.caller_pid, {state.tag, code}) side_effects(state, :handle_encoders_raw, [encoders]) {:noreply, state} end def handle_report({:report_end_stops, end_stops} = code, state) do if state.caller_pid, do: send(state.caller_pid, {state.tag, code}) side_effects(state, :handle_end_stops, [end_stops]) {:noreply, state} end def handle_report({:report_pin_value, value} = code, state) do if state.caller_pid, do: send(state.caller_pid, {state.tag, code}) side_effects(state, :handle_pin_value, [value]) {:noreply, state} end def handle_report({:report_software_version, version} = code, state) do if state.caller_pid, do: send(state.caller_pid, {state.tag, code}) side_effects(state, :handle_software_version, [version]) {:noreply, state} end # NOOP def handle_report({:report_echo, _}, state), do: {:noreply, state} def handle_report({_kind, _args} = code, state) do Logger.warn("unknown code for #{state.status}: #{inspect(code)}") {:noreply, state} end @spec goto(state(), status()) :: state() defp goto(%{status: old} = state, new) do new_state = %{state | status: new} cond do old != new && new == :emergency_lock -> side_effects(new_state, :handle_emergency_lock, []) old != new && old == :emergency_lock -> side_effects(new_state, :handle_emergency_unlock, []) # Boot up emergency unlock old == :boot && new != :emergency_lock -> side_effects(new_state, :handle_emergency_unlock, []) old == new -> :ok true -> Logger.debug("unhandled state change: #{old} => #{new}") end new_state end @spec side_effects(state, atom, GCODE.args()) :: any() defp side_effects(%{side_effects: nil}, _function, _args), do: nil defp side_effects(%{side_effects: m}, function, args), do: apply(m, function, args) @spec vcr_write(nil | File.io_device(), :in | :out, GCODE.t()) :: :ok defp vcr_write(nil, _direction, _code), do: :ok defp vcr_write(fd, :in, code), do: vcr_write(fd, "<", code) defp vcr_write(fd, :out, code), do: vcr_write(fd, ">", code) defp vcr_write(fd, direction, code) do data = GCODE.encode(code) time = :os.system_time() IO.write(fd, direction <> " #{time} " <> data <> "\n") end end