version: 2.0 defaults: &defaults working_directory: /nerves/build docker: - image: nervesproject/nerves_system_br:1.7.2 install_elixir: &install_elixir run: name: Install Elixir command: | wget unzip -d /usr/local/elixir echo 'export PATH=/usr/local/elixir/bin:$PATH' >> $BASH_ENV install_hex_archives: &install_hex_archives run: name: Install archives command: | cd /tmp mix local.hex --force mix local.rebar --force mix archive.install hex nerves_bootstrap "~> 1.2" --force install_arduino: &install_arduino run: name: Run setup script command: bash .circleci/ install_slack_helpers: &install_slack_helpers run: name: Install Slack Helpers command: | wget cp .circleci/ /usr/bin/ install_ghr: &install_ghr run: name: Install ghr (Github Releases) command: | wget tar xf ghr_v0.9.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz ln -sf ghr_v0.9.0_linux_amd64/ghr . install_jq: &install_jq run: name: Install jq command: | wget chmod +x ./jq-linux64 mv ./jq-linux64 /usr/bin/jq build_firmware_steps: &build_firmware_steps steps: - checkout - run: git submodule update --init --recursive - run: name: Setup ENV command: | echo "$MIX_TARGET" > MIX_TARGET echo "$MIX_ENV" > MIX_ENV - restore_cache: key: v13-fbos-{{ checksum "MIX_TARGET" }}-{{ checksum "MIX_ENV" }}-dependency-cache-{{ checksum "farmbot_os/mix.lock" }} - restore_cache: key: v13-fbos-host-test-dependency-cache-{{ checksum "farmbot_os/mix.lock" }} - <<: *install_elixir - <<: *install_hex_archives - run: name: Build Farmbot OS Firmware working_directory: /nerves/build/farmbot_os command: | mix deps.get mix compile --force mix firmware - run: name: Create artifact dir command: mkdir -p /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts - run: name: Create artifacts command: | cp /nerves/build/farmbot_os/_build/${MIX_TARGET}/${MIX_TARGET}_${MIX_ENV}/nerves/images/farmbot.fw /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/farmbot-${MIX_TARGET}-$(cat VERSION).fw - save_cache: key: v13-fbos-{{ checksum "MIX_TARGET" }}-{{ checksum "MIX_ENV" }}-dependency-cache-{{ checksum "farmbot_os/mix.lock" }} paths: - /nerves/build/farmbot_os/_build/ - /nerves/build/farmbot_os/deps/ - ~/.nerves/ - save_cache: key: nerves/deploy/system-{{ checksum "MIX_TARGET" }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Revision }}-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_TAG }} paths: - "/nerves/deploy/system" deploy_nerves_hub_firmware_steps: &deploy_nerves_hub_firmware_steps steps: - checkout - run: git submodule update --init --recursive - run: name: Setup ENV command: | echo "$MIX_TARGET" > MIX_TARGET echo "$MIX_ENV" > MIX_ENV - restore_cache: key: v13-fbos-{{ checksum "MIX_TARGET" }}-{{ checksum "MIX_ENV" }}-dependency-cache-{{ checksum "farmbot_os/mix.lock" }} - restore_cache: key: nerves/deploy/system-{{ checksum "MIX_TARGET" }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Revision }}-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_TAG }} - <<: *install_elixir - <<: *install_hex_archives - <<: *install_jq - <<: *install_slack_helpers - run: name: Sign Image working_directory: /nerves/build/farmbot_os command: mix nerves_hub.firmware sign --key notreal /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/farmbot-${MIX_TARGET}-$(cat ../VERSION).fw - run: name: Publish to NervesHub working_directory: /nerves/build/farmbot_os command: mix nerves_hub.firmware publish --deploy ${NERVES_HUB_DEPLOY} ${NERVES_HUB_TTL} /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/farmbot-${MIX_TARGET}-$(cat ../VERSION).fw - run: name: Send Slack Message command: ./.circleci/ -i /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/farmbot-${MIX_TARGET}-$(cat VERSION).fw jobs: ################################################################################ # TEST # ################################################################################ test_farmbot_celery_script: <<: *defaults environment: MIX_ENV: test MIX_TARGET: host NERVES_LOG_DISABLE_PROGRESS_BAR: "yes" ELIXIR_VERSION: 1.8.0 steps: - checkout - restore_cache: keys: - v13-fbcs-test-dependency-cache-{{ checksum "farmbot_celery_script/mix.lock" }} - <<: *install_elixir - <<: *install_hex_archives - run: name: Test Farmbot CeleryScript working_directory: /nerves/build/farmbot_celery_script command: | mix deps.get mix compile mix format --check-formatted mix coveralls.json - save_cache: key: v13-fbcs-test-dependency-cache-{{ checksum "farmbot_celery_script/mix.lock" }} paths: - farmbot_celery_script/_build/test - farmbot_celery_script/deps - save_cache: key: v13-fbcs-coverage-cache-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Revision }} paths: - farmbot_celery_script/cover - store_artifacts: path: farmbot_celery_script/cover test_farmbot_firmware: <<: *defaults environment: MIX_ENV: test MIX_TARGET: host NERVES_LOG_DISABLE_PROGRESS_BAR: "yes" ELIXIR_VERSION: 1.8.0 steps: - checkout - restore_cache: keys: - v13-fbfw-test-dependency-cache-{{ checksum "farmbot_firmware/mix.lock" }} - <<: *install_elixir - <<: *install_hex_archives - run: name: Test Farmbot Firmware working_directory: /nerves/build/farmbot_firmware command: | mix deps.get mix compile mix format --check-formatted mix coveralls.json - save_cache: key: v13-fbfw-test-dependency-cache-{{ checksum "farmbot_firmware/mix.lock" }} paths: - farmbot_firmware/_build/test - farmbot_firmware/deps - save_cache: key: v13-fbfw-coverage-cache-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Revision }} paths: - farmbot_firmware/cover - store_artifacts: path: farmbot_firmware/cover test_farmbot_core: <<: *defaults environment: MIX_ENV: test MIX_TARGET: host NERVES_LOG_DISABLE_PROGRESS_BAR: "yes" ELIXIR_VERSION: 1.8.0 TZ: "America/Los_Angeles" steps: - checkout - run: git submodule update --init --recursive - restore_cache: keys: - v13-fbcore-test-dependency-cache-{{ checksum "farmbot_core/mix.lock" }} - restore_cache: keys: - v13-fbcore-test-arduino-dependency-cache-{{ checksum ".circleci/" }} - <<: *install_elixir - <<: *install_hex_archives - <<: *install_arduino - run: name: Ensure format command: | mix format --check-formatted - run: name: Test Farmbot Core working_directory: /nerves/build/farmbot_core command: | mix deps.get mix compile mix format --check-formatted mix coveralls.json --trace - save_cache: key: v13-fbcore-test-dependency-cache-{{ checksum "farmbot_core/mix.lock" }} paths: - farmbot_core/_build/test - farmbot_core/deps - farmbot_core/arduino - save_cache: key: v13-fbcore-coverage-cache-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Revision }} paths: - farmbot_core/cover - store_artifacts: path: farmbot_core/cover - save_cache: key: v13-fbcore-test-arduino-dependency-cache-{{ checksum ".circleci/" }} paths: - ~/arduino-1.8.5 - farmbot_core/_build/core - farmbot_core/_build/libraries - farmbot_core/_build/farmduino_k14 - farmbot_core/_build/farmduino_v10 - farmbot_core/_build/ramps_v14 test_farmbot_ext: <<: *defaults environment: MIX_ENV: test MIX_TARGET: host NERVES_LOG_DISABLE_PROGRESS_BAR: "yes" ELIXIR_VERSION: 1.8.0 SKIP_ARDUINO_BUILD: 1 steps: - checkout - run: git submodule update --init --recursive - restore_cache: keys: - v13-fbext-test-dependency-cache-{{ checksum "farmbot_ext/mix.lock" }} - <<: *install_elixir - <<: *install_hex_archives - run: name: Test Farmbot Ext working_directory: /nerves/build/farmbot_ext command: | mix deps.get mix compile mix format --check-formatted mix ecto.create mix ecto.migrate mix coveralls.json - save_cache: key: v13-fbext-test-dependency-cache-{{ checksum "farmbot_ext/mix.lock" }} paths: - farmbot_ext/_build/test - farmbot_ext/deps - save_cache: key: v13-fbext-coverage-cache-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Revision }} paths: - farmbot_ext/cover - store_artifacts: path: farmbot_ext/cover test_farmbot_os: <<: *defaults environment: MIX_ENV: test MIX_TARGET: host NERVES_LOG_DISABLE_PROGRESS_BAR: "yes" ELIXIR_VERSION: 1.8.0 steps: - checkout - run: git submodule update --init --recursive - restore_cache: keys: - v13-fbos-host-test-dependency-cache-{{ checksum "farmbot_os/mix.lock" }} - <<: *install_elixir - <<: *install_hex_archives - run: name: Test Farmbot OS working_directory: /nerves/build/farmbot_os command: | mix deps.get mix compile mix format --check-formatted mix coveralls.json - save_cache: key: v13-fbos-host-test-dependency-cache-{{ checksum "farmbot_os/mix.lock" }} paths: - farmbot_os/_build/host - farmbot_os/deps/host - save_cache: key: v13-fbos-coverage-cache-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Revision }} paths: - farmbot_os/cover - store_artifacts: path: farmbot_os/cover report_coverage: <<: *defaults environment: MIX_ENV: test MIX_TARGET: host NERVES_LOG_DISABLE_PROGRESS_BAR: "yes" ELIXIR_VERSION: 1.8.0 steps: - checkout - run: git submodule update --init --recursive - <<: *install_elixir - <<: *install_hex_archives - restore_cache: keys: - v13-fbsupport-test-dependency-cache-{{ checksum "mix.lock" }} - restore_cache: keys: - v13-fbcs-coverage-cache-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Revision }} - restore_cache: keys: - v13-fbcs-coverage-cache-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Revision }} - restore_cache: keys: - v13-fbfw-coverage-cache-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Revision }} - restore_cache: keys: - v13-fbcore-coverage-cache-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Revision }} - restore_cache: keys: - v13-fbext-coverage-cache-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Revision }} - restore_cache: keys: - v13-fbos-coverage-cache-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Revision }} - run: name: Report Coverage working_directory: /nerves/build/ command: | mix deps.get mix compile mix format --check-formatted mix farmbot.coveralls circle - save_cache: key: v13-fbsupport-test-dependency-cache-{{ checksum "mix.lock" }} paths: - deps/ - _build ################################################################################ # target=rpi app_env=prod # ################################################################################ build_rpi_prod: <<: *defaults environment: MIX_TARGET: rpi MIX_ENV: prod <<: *build_firmware_steps ################################################################################ # target=rpi3 app_env=prod # ################################################################################ build_rpi3_prod: <<: *defaults environment: MIX_TARGET: rpi3 MIX_ENV: prod <<: *build_firmware_steps ################################################################################ # target=rpi app_env=prod channel=stable # ################################################################################ deploy_rpi_prod_stable: <<: *defaults environment: MIX_TARGET: rpi MIX_ENV: prod NERVES_HUB_DEPLOY: rpi-prod-stable <<: *deploy_nerves_hub_firmware_steps ################################################################################ # target=rpi3 app_env=prod channel=stable # ################################################################################ deploy_rpi3_prod_stable: <<: *defaults environment: MIX_TARGET: rpi3 MIX_ENV: prod NERVES_HUB_DEPLOY: rpi3-prod-stable <<: *deploy_nerves_hub_firmware_steps ################################################################################ # target=rpi app_env=prod channel=beta # ################################################################################ deploy_rpi_prod_beta: <<: *defaults environment: MIX_TARGET: rpi MIX_ENV: prod NERVES_HUB_DEPLOY: rpi-prod-beta NERVES_HUB_TTL: "--ttl 3600" <<: *deploy_nerves_hub_firmware_steps ################################################################################ # target=rpi3 app_env=prod channel=beta # ################################################################################ deploy_rpi3_prod_beta: <<: *defaults environment: MIX_TARGET: rpi3 MIX_ENV: prod NERVES_HUB_DEPLOY: rpi3-prod-beta NERVES_HUB_TTL: "--ttl 3600" <<: *deploy_nerves_hub_firmware_steps ################################################################################ # target=rpi app_env=prod channel=staging # ################################################################################ deploy_rpi_prod_staging: <<: *defaults environment: MIX_TARGET: rpi MIX_ENV: prod NERVES_HUB_DEPLOY: rpi-prod-staging NERVES_HUB_TTL: "--ttl 3600" <<: *deploy_nerves_hub_firmware_steps ################################################################################ # target=rpi3 app_env=prod channel=staging # ################################################################################ deploy_rpi3_prod_staging: <<: *defaults environment: MIX_TARGET: rpi3 MIX_ENV: prod NERVES_HUB_DEPLOY: rpi3-prod-staging NERVES_HUB_TTL: "--ttl 3600" <<: *deploy_nerves_hub_firmware_steps ################################################################################ # target=rpi app_env=prod channel=next # ################################################################################ deploy_rpi_prod_next: <<: *defaults environment: MIX_TARGET: rpi MIX_ENV: prod NERVES_HUB_DEPLOY: rpi-prod-next NERVES_HUB_TTL: "--ttl 3600" <<: *deploy_nerves_hub_firmware_steps ################################################################################ # target=rpi3 app_env=prod channel=next # ################################################################################ deploy_rpi3_prod_next: <<: *defaults environment: MIX_TARGET: rpi3 MIX_ENV: prod NERVES_HUB_DEPLOY: rpi3-prod-next NERVES_HUB_TTL: "--ttl 3600" <<: *deploy_nerves_hub_firmware_steps ################################################################################ # TARGET FIRMWARE NERVES GITHUB RELEASE BETA # ################################################################################ publish_prod_firmware_beta_release: <<: *defaults environment: MIX_ENV: prod ELIXIR_VERSION: 1.8.0 steps: - checkout - run: name: Setup ENV command: | echo rpi3 > MIX_TARGET_RPI3 cp /nerves/build/farmbot_os/mix.lock.rpi3 MIX_LOCK_RPI3 echo rpi > MIX_TARGET_RPI cp /nerves/build/farmbot_os/mix.lock.rpi MIX_LOCK_RPI echo $MIX_ENV > MIX_ENV - restore_cache: key: nerves/deploy/system-{{ checksum "MIX_TARGET_RPI3" }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Revision }}-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_TAG }} - restore_cache: key: nerves/deploy/system-{{ checksum "MIX_TARGET_RPI" }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Revision }}-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_TAG }} - <<: *install_elixir - <<: *install_hex_archives - <<: *install_ghr - <<: *install_slack_helpers - <<: *install_jq - add_ssh_keys: fingerprints: - "97:92:32:5d:d7:96:e1:fa:f3:6b:f3:bd:d6:aa:84:c6" - run: grep -Pazo "(?s)(?<=# $(cat VERSION))[^#]+" > RELEASE_NOTES - run: echo $FWUP_KEY_BASE64 | base64 --decode --ignore-garbage > $NERVES_FW_PRIV_KEY - run: name: Sign rpi3 Firmware command: | mv /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/farmbot-rpi3-$(cat VERSION).fw /tmp/farmbot-rpi3-$(cat VERSION).fw fwup -S -s $NERVES_FW_PRIV_KEY -i /tmp/farmbot-rpi3-$(cat VERSION).fw -o /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/farmbot-rpi3-$(cat VERSION)-beta.fw fwup -a -t complete -i /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/farmbot-rpi3-$(cat VERSION)-beta.fw -d /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/farmbot-rpi3-$(cat VERSION)-beta.img sha256sum /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/farmbot-rpi3-$(cat VERSION)-beta.img > /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/farmbot-rpi3-$(cat VERSION)-beta.sha256 - run: name: Sign rpi Firmware command: | mv /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/farmbot-rpi-$(cat VERSION).fw /tmp/farmbot-rpi-$(cat VERSION).fw fwup -S -s $NERVES_FW_PRIV_KEY -i /tmp/farmbot-rpi-$(cat VERSION).fw -o /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/farmbot-rpi-$(cat VERSION)-beta.fw fwup -a -t complete -i /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/farmbot-rpi-$(cat VERSION)-beta.fw -d /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/farmbot-rpi-$(cat VERSION)-beta.img sha256sum /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/farmbot-rpi-$(cat VERSION)-beta.img > /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/farmbot-rpi-$(cat VERSION)-beta.sha256 - run: name: Publish Github Release command: ./ghr -t $GITHUB_TOKEN -u farmbot -r farmbot_os -prerelease -recreate -prerelease -b "$(cat RELEASE_NOTES)" -c $(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) "v$(cat VERSION)-beta" /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/ - run: name: Slack message command: | export OTA_URL=$(wget -qO- | jq '.[0].url' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') export SLACK_MESSAGE="New Farmbot Beta: $OTA_URL" elixir slack_message.ex $SLACK_MESSAGE ################################################################################ # TARGET FIRMWARE NERVES GITHUB RELEASE MASTER # ################################################################################ publish_prod_firmware_master_release: <<: *defaults environment: MIX_ENV: prod ELIXIR_VERSION: 1.8.0 steps: - checkout - run: name: Setup ENV command: | echo rpi3 > MIX_TARGET_RPI3 cp /nerves/build/farmbot_os/mix.lock.rpi3 MIX_LOCK_RPI3 echo rpi > MIX_TARGET_RPI cp /nerves/build/farmbot_os/mix.lock.rpi MIX_LOCK_RPI echo $MIX_ENV > MIX_ENV - restore_cache: key: nerves/deploy/system-{{ checksum "MIX_TARGET_RPI3" }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Revision }}-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_TAG }} - restore_cache: key: nerves/deploy/system-{{ checksum "MIX_TARGET_RPI" }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Revision }}-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_TAG }} - <<: *install_elixir - <<: *install_hex_archives - <<: *install_ghr - <<: *install_slack_helpers - add_ssh_keys: fingerprints: - "97:92:32:5d:d7:96:e1:fa:f3:6b:f3:bd:d6:aa:84:c6" - run: grep -Pazo "(?s)(?<=# $(cat VERSION))[^#]+" > RELEASE_NOTES - run: echo $FWUP_KEY_BASE64 | base64 --decode --ignore-garbage > $NERVES_FW_PRIV_KEY - run: name: Sign rpi3 Firmware and create image command: | mv /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/farmbot-rpi3-$(cat VERSION).fw /tmp/farmbot-rpi3-$(cat VERSION).fw fwup -S -s $NERVES_FW_PRIV_KEY -i /tmp/farmbot-rpi3-$(cat VERSION).fw -o /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/farmbot-rpi3-$(cat VERSION).fw fwup -a -t complete -i /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/farmbot-rpi3-$(cat VERSION).fw -d /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/farmbot-rpi3-$(cat VERSION).img sha256sum /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/farmbot-rpi3-$(cat VERSION).img > /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/farmbot-rpi3-$(cat VERSION).sha256 - run: name: Sign rpi Firmware and create image command: | mv /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/farmbot-rpi-$(cat VERSION).fw /tmp/farmbot-rpi-$(cat VERSION).fw fwup -S -s $NERVES_FW_PRIV_KEY -i /tmp/farmbot-rpi-$(cat VERSION).fw -o /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/farmbot-rpi-$(cat VERSION).fw fwup -a -t complete -i /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/farmbot-rpi-$(cat VERSION).fw -d /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/farmbot-rpi-$(cat VERSION).img sha256sum /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/farmbot-rpi-$(cat VERSION).img > /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts/farmbot-rpi-$(cat VERSION).sha256 - run: name: Publish Github Release command: ./ghr -t $GITHUB_TOKEN -u farmbot -r farmbot_os -recreate -prerelease -draft -delete -b "$(cat RELEASE_NOTES)" -c $(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) "v$(cat VERSION)" /nerves/deploy/system/artifacts - run: name: Send Slack Message command: elixir slack_message.ex "New Farmbot Prod release $(cat VERSION)" workflows: version: 2 test: jobs: - test_farmbot_celery_script: context: org-global filters: branches: ignore: - master - staging - beta - next - test_farmbot_firmware: context: org-global filters: branches: ignore: - master - staging - beta - next - test_farmbot_core: context: org-global filters: branches: ignore: - master - staging - beta - next - test_farmbot_ext: context: org-global filters: branches: ignore: - master - staging - beta - next - test_farmbot_os: context: org-global filters: branches: ignore: - master - staging - beta - next - report_coverage: context: org-global requires: - test_farmbot_celery_script - test_farmbot_firmware - test_farmbot_core - test_farmbot_ext - test_farmbot_os filters: branches: ignore: - master - staging - beta - next # master branch to nerves_hub_prod_stable_staging: jobs: - build_rpi_prod: context: farmbot-staging filters: branches: only: - master - build_rpi3_prod: context: farmbot-staging filters: branches: only: - master - deploy_rpi_prod_stable: context: farmbot-staging requires: - build_rpi_prod - deploy_rpi3_prod_stable: context: farmbot-staging requires: - build_rpi3_prod # master branch to nerves_hub_prod_stable_production: jobs: - build_rpi_prod: context: farmbot-production filters: branches: only: - master - build_rpi3_prod: context: farmbot-production filters: branches: only: - master - deploy_rpi_prod_stable: context: farmbot-production requires: - build_rpi_prod - deploy_rpi3_prod_stable: context: farmbot-production requires: - build_rpi3_prod - publish_prod_firmware_master_release: context: org-global requires: - build_rpi_prod - build_rpi3_prod # beta branch to nerves_hub_prod_beta_staging: jobs: - build_rpi_prod: context: farmbot-staging filters: branches: only: - beta - build_rpi3_prod: context: farmbot-staging filters: branches: only: - beta - deploy_rpi_prod_beta: context: farmbot-staging requires: - build_rpi_prod - deploy_rpi3_prod_beta: context: farmbot-staging requires: - build_rpi3_prod # beta branch to nerves_hub_prod_beta_production: jobs: - build_rpi_prod: context: farmbot-production filters: branches: only: - beta - build_rpi3_prod: context: farmbot-production filters: branches: only: - beta - deploy_rpi_prod_beta: context: farmbot-production requires: - build_rpi_prod - deploy_rpi3_prod_beta: context: farmbot-production requires: - build_rpi3_prod - publish_prod_firmware_beta_release: context: org-global requires: # - build_rpi_prod - build_rpi3_prod # staging branch to nerves_hub_rpi_prod_staging_staging: jobs: - build_rpi_prod: context: farmbot-staging filters: branches: only: - staging - build_rpi3_prod: context: farmbot-staging filters: branches: only: - staging - deploy_rpi_prod_staging: context: farmbot-staging requires: - build_rpi_prod - deploy_rpi3_prod_staging: context: farmbot-staging requires: - build_rpi3_prod # next branch to deploy_staging_next: jobs: - test_farmbot_celery_script: context: org-global filters: branches: only: - next - test_farmbot_firmware: context: org-global filters: branches: only: - next - test_farmbot_core: context: org-global filters: branches: only: - next - test_farmbot_ext: context: org-global filters: branches: only: - next - test_farmbot_os: context: org-global filters: branches: only: - next - report_coverage: context: org-global requires: - test_farmbot_celery_script - test_farmbot_firmware - test_farmbot_core - test_farmbot_ext - test_farmbot_os - build_rpi3_prod: context: farmbot-staging filters: branches: only: - next requires: - test_farmbot_celery_script - test_farmbot_firmware - test_farmbot_core - test_farmbot_ext - test_farmbot_os - build_rpi_prod: context: farmbot-staging filters: branches: only: - next requires: - test_farmbot_celery_script - test_farmbot_firmware - test_farmbot_core - test_farmbot_ext - test_farmbot_os - deploy_rpi3_prod_next: context: farmbot-staging filters: branches: only: - next requires: - build_rpi3_prod - report_coverage - deploy_rpi_prod_next: context: farmbot-staging filters: branches: only: - next requires: - build_rpi_prod - report_coverage