defmodule FarmbotCeleryScript.CompilerTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: true alias FarmbotCeleryScript.{AST, Compiler} # Only required to compile alias FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls, warn: false alias FarmbotCeleryScript.Compiler.IdentifierSanitizer test "compiles a sequence with unbound variables" do sequence = %AST{ kind: :sequence, args: %{ locals: %AST{ kind: :scope_declaration, args: %{}, body: [ %AST{ kind: :parameter_declaration, args: %{ label: "provided_by_caller", default_value: 100 } } ] } }, body: [ %AST{kind: :identifier, args: %{label: "provided_by_caller"}} ] } [body_item] = Compiler.compile(sequence) assert body_item.() == 100 # The compiler expects the `env` argument to be already sanatized. # When supplying the env for this test, we need to make sure the # `provided_by_caller` variable name is sanatized sanatized_env = [ {IdentifierSanitizer.to_variable("provided_by_caller"), 900} ] [body_item] = Compiler.compile(sequence, sanatized_env) assert body_item.() == 900 celery_env = [ %AST{ kind: :parameter_application, args: %{ label: "provided_by_caller", data_value: 600 } } ] compiled_celery_env = Compiler.Utils.compile_params_to_function_args(celery_env, []) [body_item] = Compiler.compile(sequence, compiled_celery_env) assert body_item.() == 600 end test "compiles a sequence with no body" do sequence = %AST{ args: %{ locals: %AST{ args: %{}, body: [], comment: nil, kind: :scope_declaration }, version: 20_180_209 }, body: [], comment: "This is the root", kind: :sequence } body = Compiler.compile(sequence) assert body == [] end test "identifier sanitization" do label = "System.cmd(\"echo\", [\"lol\"])" value_ast ="coordinate", x: 1, y: 1, z: 1) identifier_ast ="identifier", label: label) parameter_application_ast ="parameter_application", label: label, data_value: value_ast ) celery_ast = %AST{ kind: :sequence, args: %{ locals: %{ kind: :scope_declaration, args: %{}, body: [ parameter_application_ast ] } }, body: [ identifier_ast ] } elixir_ast = Compiler.compile_ast(celery_ast, []) elixir_code = elixir_ast |> Macro.to_string() |> Code.format_string!() |> IO.iodata_to_binary() var_name = Compiler.IdentifierSanitizer.to_variable(label) assert elixir_code =~ strip_nl(""" [ fn params -> _ = inspect(params) unsafe_U3lzdGVtLmNtZCgiZWNobyIsIFsibG9sIl0p = FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls.coordinate(1, 1, 1) better_params = %{ "System.cmd(\\"echo\\", [\\"lol\\"])" => %FarmbotCeleryScript.AST{ args: %{x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}, body: [], comment: nil, kind: :coordinate, meta: nil } } [fn -> unsafe_U3lzdGVtLmNtZCgiZWNobyIsIFsibG9sIl0p end] end ] """) refute String.contains?(elixir_code, label) {[fun], _} = Code.eval_string(elixir_code, [], __ENV__) assert is_function(fun, 1) end test "compiles execute" do compiled = compile(%AST{ kind: :execute, args: %{sequence_id: 100}, body: [] }) assert compiled == strip_nl(""" case(FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls.get_sequence(100)) do %FarmbotCeleryScript.AST{} = ast -> env = [] FarmbotCeleryScript.Compiler.compile(ast, env) error -> error end """) end test "compiles execute_script" do compiled = compile(%AST{ kind: :execute_script, args: %{label: "take-photo"}, body: [ %AST{kind: :pair, args: %{label: "a", value: "123"}} ] }) assert compiled == strip_nl(""" package = "take-photo" env = %{"a" => "123"} FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls.log("Executing Farmware: \#{package}", true) FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls.execute_script(package, env) """) end test "compiles set_user_env" do compiled = compile(%AST{ kind: :set_user_env, args: %{}, body: [ %AST{kind: :pair, args: %{label: "a", value: "123"}}, %AST{kind: :pair, args: %{label: "b", value: "345"}} ] }) assert compiled == strip_nl(""" FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls.set_user_env("a", "123") FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls.set_user_env("b", "345") """) end test "install_first_party_farmware" do compiled = compile(%AST{ kind: :install_first_party_farmware, args: %{}, body: [] }) assert compiled == strip_nl(""" FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls.log("Installing first party Farmware") FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls.install_first_party_farmware() """) end test "compiles nothing" do compiled = compile(%AST{ kind: :nothing, args: %{}, body: [] }) assert compiled == strip_nl(""" FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls.nothing() """) end test "compiles move_absolute no variables" do compiled = compile(%AST{ kind: :move_absolute, args: %{ speed: 100, location: %AST{ kind: :coordinate, args: %{x: 100, y: 100, z: 100} }, offset: %AST{ kind: :coordinate, args: %{x: -20, y: -20, z: -20} } }, body: [] }) assert compiled == strip_nl(""" with( %{x: locx, y: locy, z: locz} = FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls.coordinate(100, 100, 100), %{x: offx, y: offy, z: offz} = FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls.coordinate(-20, -20, -20) ) do [x, y, z] = [locx + offx, locy + offy, locz + offz] x_str = FarmbotCeleryScript.FormatUtil.format_float(x) y_str = FarmbotCeleryScript.FormatUtil.format_float(y) z_str = FarmbotCeleryScript.FormatUtil.format_float(z) FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls.log("Moving to (\#{x_str}, \#{y_str}, \#{z_str})", true) FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls.move_absolute(x, y, z, 100) end """) end test "compiles move_relative" do compiled = compile(%AST{ kind: :move_relative, args: %{ x: 100.4, y: 90, z: 50, speed: 100 } }) assert compiled == strip_nl(""" with( locx when is_number(locx) <- 100.4, locy when is_number(locy) <- 90, locz when is_number(locz) <- 50, curx when is_number(curx) <- FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls.get_current_x(), cury when is_number(cury) <- FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls.get_current_y(), curz when is_number(curz) <- FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls.get_current_z() ) do x = locx + curx y = locy + cury z = locz + curz x_str = FarmbotCeleryScript.FormatUtil.format_float(x) y_str = FarmbotCeleryScript.FormatUtil.format_float(y) z_str = FarmbotCeleryScript.FormatUtil.format_float(z) FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls.log("Moving relative to (\#{x_str}, \#{y_str}, \#{z_str})", true) FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls.move_absolute(x, y, z, 100) end """) end test "compiles write_pin" do compiled = compile(%AST{ kind: :write_pin, args: %{pin_number: 17, pin_mode: 0, pin_value: 1} }) assert compiled == strip_nl(""" pin = 17 mode = 0 value = 1 with(:ok <- FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls.write_pin(pin, mode, value)) do FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls.read_pin(pin, mode) end """) end test "compiles read pin" do compiled = compile(%AST{ kind: :read_pin, args: %{pin_number: 23, pin_mode: 0} }) assert compiled == strip_nl(""" pin = 23 mode = 0 FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls.read_pin(pin, mode) """) end test "compiles set_servo_angle" do compiled = compile(%AST{ kind: :set_servo_angle, args: %{pin_number: 23, pin_value: 90} }) assert compiled == strip_nl(""" pin = 23 angle = 90 FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls.log("Writing servo: \#{pin}: \#{angle}") FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls.set_servo_angle(pin, angle) """) end test "compiles set_pin_io_mode" do compiled = compile(%AST{ kind: :set_pin_io_mode, args: %{pin_number: 23, pin_io_mode: "input"} }) assert compiled == strip_nl(""" pin = 23 mode = "input" FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls.log("Setting pin mode: \#{pin}: \#{mode}") FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls.set_pin_io_mode(pin, mode) """) end test "`update_resource`: " do compiled = "test/fixtures/mark_variable_removed.json" |>!() |> Jason.decode!() |> AST.decode() |> compile() assert compiled == strip_nl(""" [ fn params -> _ = inspect(params) unsafe_cGFyZW50 = Keyword.get(params, :unsafe_cGFyZW50, FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls.coordinate(1, 2, 3)) better_params = %{} [ fn -> me = FarmbotCeleryScript.Compiler.UpdateResource variable = %FarmbotCeleryScript.AST{ args: %{label: "parent"}, body: [], comment: nil, kind: :identifier, meta: nil } update = %{"plant_stage" => "removed"} case(variable) do %AST{kind: :identifier} -> args = Map.fetch!(variable, :args) label = Map.fetch!(args, :label) resource = Map.fetch!(better_params, label) me.do_update(resource, update) %AST{kind: :point} -> me.do_update(variable.args(), update) %AST{kind: :resource} -> me.do_update(variable.args(), update) res -> raise("Resource error. Please notfiy support: \#{inspect(res)}") end end ] end ] """) end test "`update_resource`: Multiple fields of `resource` type." do compiled = "test/fixtures/update_resource_multi.json" |>!() |> Jason.decode!() |> AST.decode() |> compile() assert compiled == strip_nl(""" [ fn params -> _ = inspect(params) better_params = %{} [ fn -> me = FarmbotCeleryScript.Compiler.UpdateResource variable = %FarmbotCeleryScript.AST{ args: %{resource_id: 23, resource_type: "Plant"}, body: [], comment: nil, kind: :resource, meta: nil } update = %{"plant_stage" => "planted", "r" => 23} case(variable) do %AST{kind: :identifier} -> args = Map.fetch!(variable, :args) label = Map.fetch!(args, :label) resource = Map.fetch!(better_params, label) me.do_update(resource, update) %AST{kind: :point} -> me.do_update(variable.args(), update) %AST{kind: :resource} -> me.do_update(variable.args(), update) res -> raise("Resource error. Please notfiy support: \#{inspect(res)}") end end ] end ] """) end defp compile(ast) do ast |> Compiler.compile_ast([]) |> Macro.to_string() |> Code.format_string!() |> IO.iodata_to_binary() end defp strip_nl(text) do String.trim_trailing(text, "\n") end end