defmodule Farmbot.CeleryScript.RunTime do @moduledoc """ Manages many FarmProcs """ alias Farmbot.CeleryScript.RunTime use GenServer use Bitwise, only: [bsl: 2] alias RunTime.{FarmProc, ProcStorage} import Farmbot.CeleryScript.Utils alias Farmbot.CeleryScript.AST alias AST.Heap require Logger # Frequency of vm ticks. @tick_timeout 20 @kinds_that_need_fw [ :config_update, :_if, :write_pin, :read_pin, :move_absolute, :set_servo_angle, :move_relative, :home, :find_home, :toggle_pin, :zero, :calibrate, ] @kinds_aloud_while_locked [ :rpc_request, :sequence, :check_updates, :config_update, :uninstall_farmware, :update_farmware, :rpc_request, :rpc_ok, :rpc_error, :install, :read_status, :sync, :power_off, :reboot, :factory_reset, :set_user_env, :install_first_party_farmware, :change_ownership, :dump_info, :_if, :send_message, :sequence, :wait, :execute, :execute_script, :emergency_lock, :emergency_unlock ] defstruct [ :proc_storage, :hyper_state, :fw_proc, :process_io_layer, :hyper_io_layer, :tick_timer, :monitors ] defmodule Monitor do defstruct [:pid, :ref, :index] def new(pid, index) do ref = Process.monitor(pid) %Monitor{ref: ref, pid: pid, index: index} end end @opaque job_id :: CircularList.index() @doc "Execute an rpc_request, this is sync." def rpc_request(pid \\ __MODULE__, %{} = map, fun) when is_function(fun) do %AST{} = ast = AST.decode(map) label = ast.args[:label] || raise(ArgumentError) job = queue(pid, map, -1) if job do proc = await(pid, job) case FarmProc.get_status(proc) do :done -> results = ast(:rpc_ok, %{label: label}, []) apply_callback(fun, [results]) :crashed -> message = FarmProc.get_crash_reason(proc) explanation = ast(:explanation, %{message: message}) results = ast(:rpc_error, %{label: label}, [explanation]) apply_callback(fun, [results]) end else # if no job is returned, this was a hyper function, which # can never fail. results = ast(:rpc_ok, %{label: label}, []) apply_callback(fun, [results]) end end @doc "Execute a sequence. This is async." def sequence(pid \\ __MODULE__, %{} = map, id, fun) when is_function(fun) do job = queue(pid, map, id) spawn(fn -> proc = await(pid, job) case FarmProc.get_status(proc) do :done -> apply_callback(fun, [:ok]) :crashed -> apply_callback(fun, [{:error, FarmProc.get_crash_reason(proc)}]) end end) end # Queues some data for execution. # If kind == :emergency_lock or :emergency_unlock # (or this is an rpc request with the first item being one of those.) # this ast will immediately execute the `hyper_io_layer` function. @spec queue(GenServer.server(), map, integer) :: job_id | nil defp queue(pid, %{} = map, page_id) when is_integer(page_id) do case AST.decode(map) do %AST{kind: :rpc_request, body: [%AST{kind: :emergency_lock}]} -> :emergency_lock =, :emergency_lock) nil %AST{kind: :rpc_request, body: [%AST{kind: :emergency_unlock}]} -> :emergency_unlock =, :emergency_unlock) nil # An rpc with an empty list doesn't need to be queued. %AST{kind: :rpc_request, body: []} -> nil %AST{} = ast -> %Heap{} = heap = AST.slice(ast) %Address{} = page = addr(page_id) case, {:queue, heap, page}) do {:error, :busy} -> queue(pid, map, page_id) job -> job end end end # Polls the GenServer until it returns a FarmProc with a stopped status @spec await(GenServer.server(), job_id) :: FarmProc.t() defp await(pid, job_id) do case, {:lookup, job_id}) do {:error, :busy} -> await(pid, job_id) %FarmProc{} = proc -> case FarmProc.get_status(proc) do status when status in [:ok, :waiting] -> Process.sleep(@tick_timeout * 2) await(pid, job_id) _ -> proc end _ -> raise(ArgumentError, "no job by that identifier") end end @doc """ Start a CSVM monitor. ## Required params: * `process_io_layer` -> function that takes an AST whenever a FarmProc needs IO operations. * `hyper_io_layer` function that takes one of the hyper calls """ @spec start_link(Keyword.t(), :: GenServer.server() def start_link(args, name \\ __MODULE__) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, Keyword.put(args, :name, name), name: name) end def init(args) do timer = start_tick(self()) storage =!(args, :name)) io_fun = Keyword.fetch!(args, :process_io_layer) hyper_fun = Keyword.fetch!(args, :hyper_io_layer) unless is_function(io_fun), do: raise(ArgumentError) unless is_function(hyper_fun), do: raise(ArgumentError) {:ok, %RunTime{ monitors: %{}, process_io_layer: io_fun, hyper_io_layer: hyper_fun, tick_timer: timer, proc_storage: storage }} end def handle_call(:emergency_lock, _from, %RunTime{} = state) do apply_callback(state.hyper_io_layer, [:emergency_lock]) {:reply, :emergency_lock, %{state | hyper_state: :emergency_lock}} end def handle_call(:emergency_unlock, _from, %RunTime{} = state) do apply_callback(state.hyper_io_layer, [:emergency_unlock]) {:reply, :emergency_unlock, %{state | hyper_state: nil}} end def handle_call(_, _from, {:busy, state}) do {:reply, {:error, :busy}, {:busy, state}} end def handle_call({:queue, %Heap{} = h, %Address{} = p}, {caller, _ref}, %RunTime{} = state) do %FarmProc{} = new_proc =, p, h) index = ProcStorage.insert(state.proc_storage, new_proc) mon =, index) {:reply, index, %{state | monitors: Map.put(state.monitors, caller, mon)}} end def handle_call({:lookup, id}, _from, %RunTime{} = state) do cleanup = fn proc, state -> ProcStorage.delete(state.proc_storage, id) state = case Enum.find(state.monitors, fn({_, %{index: index}}) -> index == id end) do {pid, mon} -> Process.demonitor(mon.ref) %{state | monitors: Map.delete(state.monitors, pid)} _ -> state end state = if proc.ref == state.fw_proc, do: %{state | fw_proc: nil}, else: state {:reply, proc, state} end # Looks up a FarmProc, causes a few different side affects. # if the status is :done or :crashed, delete it from ProcStorage. # if deleted, and this proc owns the firmware, # delete it from there also. case ProcStorage.lookup(state.proc_storage, id) do %FarmProc{status: :crashed} = proc -> cleanup.(proc, state) %FarmProc{status: :done} = proc -> cleanup.(proc, state) reply -> {:reply, reply, state} end end def handle_info({:DOWN, _ref, :process, pid, _}, %RunTime{} = state) do cleanup = fn proc, id, state -> ProcStorage.delete(state.proc_storage, id) if proc.ref == state.fw_proc, do: %{state | fw_proc: nil}, else: state end mon = state.monitors[pid] state = if mon do case ProcStorage.lookup(state.proc_storage, mon.index) do %FarmProc{status: :crashed} = proc -> cleanup.(proc, mon.index, state) %FarmProc{status: :done} = proc -> cleanup.(proc, mon.index, state) _ -> state end else state end {:noreply, %{state | monitors: Map.delete(state.monitors, pid)}} end def handle_info({:DOWN, _, :process, _, _} = down, {:busy, _} = busy) do Process.send_after(self(), down, @tick_timeout) {:noreply, busy} end def handle_info(:tick, %RunTime{} = state) do pid = self() # Calls `do_tick/3` with either # * a FarmProc that needs updating # * a :noop atom # state is set to {:busy, old_state} # until `do_step` calls # send(pid, %RunTime{}) ProcStorage.update(state.proc_storage, &do_step(&1, pid, state)) {:noreply, {:busy, state}} end # make sure to update the timer _AFTER_ we tick. # This message comes from the do_step/3 function that gets called # When updating a FarmProc. def handle_info(%RunTime{} = state, {:busy, _old}) do new_timer = start_tick(self()) {:noreply, %RunTime{state | tick_timer: new_timer}} end defp start_tick(pid, timeout \\ @tick_timeout), do: Process.send_after(pid, :tick, timeout) @doc false # If there are no procs def do_step(:noop, pid, state), do: send(pid, state) # If the proc is crashed or done, don't step. def do_step(%FarmProc{status: :crashed} = farm_proc, pid, state) do send(pid, state) farm_proc end def do_step(%FarmProc{status: :done} = farm_proc, pid, state) do send(pid, state) farm_proc end # If nothing currently owns the firmware, # Check kind needs fw, # Check kind is aloud while the bot is locked, # Check if bot is unlocked # If kind needs fw, update state. def do_step(%FarmProc{} = farm_proc, pid, %{fw_proc: nil} = state) do pc_ptr = FarmProc.get_pc_ptr(farm_proc) kind = FarmProc.get_kind(farm_proc, pc_ptr) b0 = (kind in @kinds_aloud_while_locked) |> bit() b1 = (kind in @kinds_that_need_fw) |> bit() b2 = true |> bit() b3 = (state.hyper_state == :emergency_lock) |> bit() bits = bsl(b0, 3) + bsl(b1, 2) + bsl(b2, 1) + b3 if should_step(bits) do # Update state if this kind needs fw. if bool(b1), do: send(pid, %{state | fw_proc: farm_proc.ref}), else: send(pid, state) actual_step(farm_proc) else send(pid, state) farm_proc end end def do_step(%FarmProc{} = farm_proc, pid, state) do pc_ptr = FarmProc.get_pc_ptr(farm_proc) kind = FarmProc.get_kind(farm_proc, pc_ptr) b0 = (kind in @kinds_aloud_while_locked) |> bit() b1 = (kind in @kinds_that_need_fw) |> bit() b2 = (farm_proc.ref == state.fw_proc) |> bit() b3 = (state.hyper_state == :emergency_lock) |> bit() bits = bsl(b0, 3) + bsl(b1, 2) + bsl(b2, 1) + b3 send(pid, state) if should_step(bits), do: actual_step(farm_proc), else: farm_proc end defp should_step(0b0000), do: true defp should_step(0b0001), do: false defp should_step(0b0010), do: true defp should_step(0b0011), do: false defp should_step(0b0100), do: false defp should_step(0b0101), do: false defp should_step(0b0110), do: true defp should_step(0b0111), do: false defp should_step(0b1000), do: true defp should_step(0b1001), do: true defp should_step(0b1010), do: true defp should_step(0b1011), do: true defp should_step(0b1100), do: false defp should_step(0b1101), do: false defp should_step(0b1110), do: true defp should_step(0b1111), do: true defp bit(true), do: 1 defp bit(false), do: 0 defp bool(1), do: true defp bool(0), do: false @spec actual_step(FarmProc.t()) :: FarmProc.t() defp actual_step(farm_proc) do try do FarmProc.step(farm_proc) rescue ex in FarmProc.Error -> ex.farm_proc ex -> farm_proc |> FarmProc.set_status(:crashed) |> FarmProc.set_crash_reason(Exception.message(ex)) end end defp apply_callback(fun, results) when is_function(fun) do try do _ = apply(fun, results) rescue ex -> Logger.error("Error executing farmbot_celery_script callback: #{Exception.message(ex)}") end end end