defmodule Farmbot.Firmware.Utils do @moduledoc """ Helpful utilities for working with Firmware data. """ @compile {:inline, [num_to_bool: 1]} @doc "changes a number to a boolean. 1 => true, 0 => false" def num_to_bool(num) when num == 1, do: true def num_to_bool(num) when num == 0, do: false @compile {:inline, [fmnt_float: 1]} @doc "Format a float to a binary with two leading decimals." def fmnt_float(num) when is_float(num), do: :erlang.float_to_binary(num, [:compact, {:decimals, 2}]) def fmnt_float(num) when is_integer(num), do: fmnt_float(num / 1) @compile {:inline, [extract_pin_mode: 1]} @doc "Changes `:digital` => 0, and `:analog` => 1" def extract_pin_mode(:digital), do: 0 def extract_pin_mode(:analog), do: 1 def extract_pin_mode(0), do: 0 def extract_pin_mode(1), do: 1 # @compile {:inline, [extract_set_pin_mode: 1]} @doc "Changes `set_pin_mode` arg to an integer for the Firmware." def extract_set_pin_mode(:input), do: 0x0 def extract_set_pin_mode(:input_pullup), do: 0x2 def extract_set_pin_mode(:output), do: 0x1 @doc "replace the firmware handler at runtime." def replace_firmware_handler(handler) do old = Application.get_all_env(:farmbot_core)[:behaviour] new = Keyword.put(old, :firmware_handler, handler) Application.put_env(:farmbot_core, :behaviour, new) end end