defmodule Farmbot.HTTP do @moduledoc "Wraps an HTTP Adapter." # credo:disable-for-this-file Credo.Check.Refactor.FunctionArity use GenServer alias Farmbot.HTTP.{Adapter, Error, Response} alias Farmbot.JSON @adapter Application.get_env(:farmbot_ext, :behaviour)[:http_adapter] @adapter || raise("No http adapter.") @typep method :: Adapter.method @typep url :: Adapter.url @typep body :: Adapter.body @typep headers :: Adapter.headers @typep opts :: Adapter.opts alias Farmbot.Asset.{ Device, FarmEvent, Peripheral, PinBinding, Point, Regimen, Sensor, Sequence, Tool, } def device, do: fetch_and_decode("/api/device.json", Device) def farm_events, do: fetch_and_decode("/api/farm_events.json", FarmEvent) def peripherals, do: fetch_and_decode("/api/peripherals.json", Peripheral) def pin_bindings, do: fetch_and_decode("/api/pin_bindings.json", PinBinding) def points, do: fetch_and_decode("/api/points.json", Point) def regimens, do: fetch_and_decode("/api/regimens.json", Regimen) def sensors, do: fetch_and_decode("/api/sensors.json", Sensor) def sequences, do: fetch_and_decode("/api/sequences.json", Sequence) def tools, do: fetch_and_decode("/api/tools.json", Tool) def fetch_and_decode(url, kind) do url |> get!() |> Map.fetch!(:body) |> JSON.decode!() |> Farmbot.Asset.to_asset(kind) end @doc """ Make an http request. Will not raise. * `method` - can be any http verb * `url` - fully formatted url or an api slug. * `body` - body can be any of: * binary * `{:multipart, [{binary_key, binary_value}]}` * headers - `[{binary_key, binary_value}]` * opts - Keyword opts to be passed to adapter (hackney/httpoison) * `file` - option to be passed if the output should be saved to a file. """ @spec request(method, url, body, headers, opts) :: {:ok, Response.t} | {:error, term} def request(method, url, body \\ "", headers \\ [], opts \\ []) def request(method, url, body, headers, opts) do call = {:request, method, url, body, headers, opts}, call, :infinity) end @doc "Same as `request/5` but raises." @spec request!(method, url, body, headers, opts) :: Response.t | no_return def request!(method, url, body \\ "", headers \\ [], opts \\ []) def request!(method, url, body, headers, opts) do case request(method, url, body, headers, opts) do {:ok, %Response{status_code: code} = resp} when code > 199 and code < 300 -> resp {:ok, %Response{} = resp} -> raise Error, resp {:error, reason} -> raise Error, reason end end @doc "HTTP GET request." @spec get(url, headers, opts) :: {:ok, Response.t} | {:error, term} def get(url, headers \\ [], opts \\ []) def get(url, headers, opts) do request(:get, url, "", headers, opts) end @doc "Same as `get/3` but raises." @spec get!(url, headers, opts) :: Response.t | no_return def get!(url, headers \\ [], opts \\ []) def get!(url, headers, opts) do request!(:get, url, "", headers, opts) end @doc "HTTP POST request." @spec post(url, headers, opts) :: {:ok, Response.t} | {:error, term} def post(url, body, headers \\ [], opts \\ []) def post(url, body, headers, opts) do request(:post, url, body, headers, opts) end @doc "Same as `post/4` but raises." @spec post!(url, body, headers, opts) :: Response.t | no_return def post!(url, body, headers \\ [], opts \\ []) def post!(url, body, headers, opts) do request!(:post, url, body, headers, opts) end @doc "HTTP PUT request." @spec put(url, body, headers, opts) :: {:ok, Response.t} | {:error, term} def put(url, body, headers \\ [], opts \\ []) def put(url, body, headers, opts) do request(:put, url, body, headers, opts) end @doc "Same as `put/4` but raises." @spec put!(url, body, headers, opts) :: Response.t | no_return def put!(url, body, headers \\ [], opts \\ []) def put!(url, body, headers, opts) do request!(:put, url, body, headers, opts) end @doc "HTTP DELETE request." @spec delete(url, headers, opts) :: {:ok, Response.t} | {:error, term} def delete(url, headers \\ [], opts \\ []) def delete(url, headers, opts) do request!(:delete, url, "", headers, opts) end @doc "Same as `delete/3` but raises." @spec delete!(url, headers, opts) :: Response.t | no_return def delete!(url, headers \\ [], opts \\ []) def delete!(url, headers, opts) do request!(:delete, url, "", headers, opts) end @doc "Download a file to the filesystem." def download_file(url, path, progress_callback \\ nil, payload \\ "", headers \\ [], stream_fun \\ nil) def download_file(url, path, progress_callback, payload, hddrs, stream_fun) do opts = {url, path, progress_callback, payload, hddrs, stream_fun} call = {:download_file, opts}, call, :infinity) end @doc "Upload a file to FB storage." def upload_file(path, meta \\ nil) do if File.exists?(path) do, {:upload_file, {path, meta}}, :infinity) else {:error, "#{path} not found"} end end @doc "Start HTTP Services." def start_link(args) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, args, name: __MODULE__) end def init([]) do {:ok, adapter} = @adapter.start_link() {:ok, %{adapter: adapter}} end def handle_call({:request, _, _, _, _, _} = req, _from, state) do {:request, method, url, body, headers, opts} = req args = [state.adapter, method, url, body, headers, opts] res = case apply(@adapter, :request, args) do {:ok, %Response{}} = res -> res {:error, _} = res -> res end {:reply, res, state} end def handle_call({:download_file, call}, _from, %{adapter: adapter} = state) do {url, path, progress_callback, payload, headers, stream_fun} = call args = [adapter, url, path, progress_callback, payload, headers, stream_fun] res = case apply(@adapter, :download_file, args) do {:ok, _} = res -> res {:error, _} = res -> res end {:reply, res, state} end def handle_call({:upload_file, {path, meta}}, _from, state) do meta_arg = meta || %{x: -1, y: -1, z: -1} args = [state.adapter, path, meta_arg] res = case apply(@adapter, :upload_file, args) do {:ok, _} = res -> res {:error, _} = res -> res end {:reply, res, state} end end