defmodule FarmbotCore.AssetSupervisor do @moduledoc """ Supervises all database-backed records. """ use Supervisor alias FarmbotCore.{Asset.Repo, AssetWorker} def get_state(%{} = asset) do case whereis_child(asset) do {_id, pid, _, _} -> :sys.get_state(pid) _ -> :error end end def get_pid(%{} = asset) do case whereis_child(asset) do {_id, pid, _, _} -> pid _ -> :error end end @doc "List all children for an asset" def list_children(kind) do name = Module.concat(__MODULE__, kind) Supervisor.which_children(name) end @doc "looks up a pid for an asset" def whereis_child(%kind{local_id: id}) do :ok = Protocol.assert_impl!(AssetWorker, kind) name = Module.concat(__MODULE__, kind) Supervisor.which_children(name) |> Enum.find(fn {sup_id, _pid, _type, _} -> sup_id == id end) end # TODO(Connor) does this really belong here? @doc "Does a GenServer call on a server" def cast_child(%{} = data, cast) do case whereis_child(data) do nil -> :error {_, pid, _, _} -> GenServer.cast(pid, cast) end end @doc "Start a process that manages an asset" def start_child(%kind{local_id: id} = asset) when is_binary(id) do :ok = Protocol.assert_impl!(AssetWorker, kind) name = Module.concat(__MODULE__, kind) spec = worker_spec(asset) Supervisor.start_child(name, spec) end @doc "Removes a child if it exists" def terminate_child(kind, id) when is_binary(id) do :ok = Protocol.assert_impl!(AssetWorker, kind) name = Module.concat(__MODULE__, kind) Supervisor.terminate_child(name, id) end @doc "Updates a child if it exists" def update_child(%kind{local_id: id} = asset) do :ok = Protocol.assert_impl!(AssetWorker, kind) # if the worker tracks changes, we don't want to # restart it. if AssetWorker.tracks_changes?(asset) do cast_child(asset, {:new_data, asset}) {_, pid, _, _} = whereis_child(asset) {:ok, pid} else name = Module.concat(__MODULE__, kind) _ = terminate_child(kind, id) _ = Supervisor.delete_child(name, id) start_child(asset) end end # Non public supervisor stuff @doc false def child_spec(args) do module = Keyword.fetch!(args, :module) id_and_name = Module.concat(__MODULE__, module) %{ id: id_and_name, start: {__MODULE__, :start_link, [args]} } end @doc false def worker_spec(%{local_id: id, monitor: true} = asset) do %{ id: id, start: {AssetWorker, :start_link, [asset]}, restart: :transient } end @doc false def start_link(args) when is_list(args) do module = Keyword.fetch!(args, :module) Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, args, name: Module.concat(__MODULE__, module)) end @doc false def init(args) do module = Keyword.fetch!(args, :module) module |> Repo.all() |> Enum.filter(fn %{monitor: mon} -> mon == false end) |>, AssetWorker.preload(&1))) |> |> Supervisor.init(strategy: :one_for_one) end end