defmodule Farmbot.System.NervesHub do @moduledoc """ Wrapper for NervesHub that can support both host and target environments. Some things can be configured via Mix.Config: config :farmfarmbot_osbot, Farmbot.System.NervesHub, [ farmbot_nerves_hub_handler: SomeModule, app_env: "application:some_other_tag", extra_tags: ["some", "more", "tags"] ] ## On Target Devices FarmBotOS requires some weird behaviour. `:nerves_hub` should not be started with the rest of the application. Connecting should input serial, cert and key into NervesRuntimeKV, restart NervesRuntimeKV, then _finally_ start `:nerves_hub`. ## On host. Just return :ok to everything. """ import Farmbot.Config, only: [ get_config_value: 3, update_config_value: 4 ] @handler Application.get_env(:farmbot, __MODULE__)[:farmbot_nerves_hub_handler] || Mix.raise("missing :farmbot_nerves_hub_handler module") @doc "Function to return a String serial number. " @callback serial_number() :: String.t() @doc "Connect to NervesHub." @callback connect() :: :ok | :error @doc "Burn the serial number into persistent storage." @callback provision(serial :: String.t) :: :ok | :error @doc "Burn the cert and key into persistent storage." @callback configure_certs(cert :: String.t(), key :: String.t()) :: :ok | :error @doc "Return the current confuration including serial, cert and key." @callback config() :: [String.t() | nil] @doc "Remove serial, cert, and key from persistent storage." @callback deconfigure() :: :ok | :error @doc "Should return a url to an update or nil." @callback check_update() :: String.t() | nil @doc "Should return the uuid of the running firmware" @callback uuid :: String.t() use GenServer require Farmbot.Logger def start_link(args \\ []) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, args, [name: __MODULE__]) end def init([]) do {:ok, :not_configured, 0} end def terminate(reason, state) do Farmbot.Logger.warn 1, "OTA Service crash: #{inspect reason} when in state: #{inspect state}" end def handle_info(:timeout, :not_configured) do channel = detect_channel() app_config = Application.get_env(:farmbot, __MODULE__, []) "application:" <> _ = app_env = app_config[:app_env] || "application:#{Farmbot.Project.env()}" extra_tags = app_config[:extra_tags] || [] if nil in get_config() do Farmbot.Logger.debug 1, "Doing initial NervesHub provision." :ok = deconfigure() :ok = provision() case configure([app_env, channel] ++ extra_tags) do {:ok, _provisioning} -> connect() {:noreply, :configured} {:error, reason} -> Farmbot.Logger.error 3, "OTA Service provision failed: #{inspect reason}" {:noreply, :not_configured, 10_000} end # nil is not in config. # This means NervesHub has already been provisioned. else connect() {:noreply, :configured} end end def detect_channel do channel_from_branch = case Farmbot.Project.branch() do "master" -> "stable" "beta" -> "beta" "staging" -> "staging" branch -> branch end channel_from_config = get_config_value(:string, "settings", "update_channel") "channel:#{channel_from_config || channel_from_branch}" end def get_config do @handler.config() |> -> if val == "", do: nil, else: val end) end def connect do Farmbot.Logger.debug 1, "Connecting to OTA Service" @handler.connect() end # Returns the current serial number. def serial do @handler.serial_number() end # Sets Serial number in environment. def provision do Farmbot.Logger.debug 1, "Provisioning OTA Service" :ok = @handler.provision(serial()) end # Creates a device in NervesHub # or updates it if one exists. def configure(tags) when is_list(tags) do alias Farmbot.Asset.{Repo, DeviceCert} Farmbot.Logger.debug 1, "Configuring OTA Service DeviceCert: #{inspect tags}" serial = serial() old = Repo.get_by(DeviceCert, serial_number: serial) || %DeviceCert{} params = %{ serial_number: serial(), tags: tags } change = DeviceCert.changeset(old, params) case Repo.insert_or_update(change) do {:ok, _} -> :ok {:error, reason} -> Logger.error 1, "Failed to configure nerveshub due to database error: #{inspect(reason)}" end end # Message comes over AMQP. def configure_certs("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" <> _ = cert, "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----" <> _ = key) do Farmbot.Logger.debug 1, "Configuring certs for OTA Service" :ok = @handler.configure_certs(cert, key) :ok end def deconfigure do Farmbot.Logger.debug 1, "Deconfiguring OTA Service" :ok = @handler.deconfigure() :ok end def check_update do Farmbot.Logger.debug 1, "Check update OTA Service" @handler.check_update() end def uuid do @handler.uuid() end end