defmodule FarmbotCeleryScript.SchedulerTest do use ExUnit.Case alias FarmbotCeleryScript.{Scheduler, AST} alias Farmbot.TestSupport.CeleryScript.TestSysCalls setup do {:ok, shim} = TestSysCalls.checkout() {:ok, sch} = Scheduler.start_link([registry_name: :"#{:random.uniform()}"], []) [shim: shim, sch: sch] end test "schedules a sequence to run in the future", %{sch: sch} do ast = |> AST.Factory.rpc_request("hello world") |> AST.Factory.read_pin(9, 0) pid = self() :ok = TestSysCalls.handle(TestSysCalls, fn :read_pin, args -> send(pid, {:read_pin, args}) 1 end) scheduled_time = DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.add(100, :millisecond) {:ok, _} = Scheduler.schedule(sch, ast, scheduled_time, %{}) # Hack to force the scheduler to checkup instead of waiting the normal 15 seconds send(sch, :checkup) assert_receive {:read_pin, [9, 0]}, 1000 end end