defmodule FarmbotOS.Platform.Target.NervesHubClient do @moduledoc """ NervesHub.Client implementation. This should be one of the very first processes to be started. Because it is started so early, it has to check for things that might not be available in the environment. Environment is checked in this order: * token * email * amqp access (relies on network + NTP) * `DeviceCert` * nerves_hub `cert` + `key` ## State flow The basic flow of state changes follows that path as well. 1) check for nerves_hub `cert` and `key` 1a) if `cert` and `key` are available goto 4. 1b) if not, goto 2. 2) check for Farmbot `DeviceCert`. 2a) if available update tags. goto 3. 2b) if not avialable, create. goto 3. 3) Wait for Farmbot API to dispatch nerves_hub `cert` and `key`. 4) When `cert` and `key` is available, try to connect to `nerves_hub`. ## After connection While connected to NervesHub this process implements the `NervesHub.Client` behaviour. When an update becomes available from a NervesHub deployment, `update_available` will be called. This should check if the Farmbot settings allow for auto updating. If so, apply the update, if not wait for a CeleryScript request to update via `check_update` """ use GenServer use AMQP alias AMQP.{ Channel, Queue } alias FarmbotCore.Project alias FarmbotCore.{BotState, BotState.JobProgress.Percent, Config} alias FarmbotCore.{Asset, Asset.Private, Config, JSON} alias FarmbotExt.JWT require FarmbotCore.Logger require Logger alias FarmbotExt.AMQP.ConnectionWorker @behaviour NervesHub.Client @exchange "amq.topic" # one hour @checkup_timeout_ms 600_000 defstruct [ :conn, :chan, :jwt, :key, :cert, :is_applying_update, :firmware_url, :probably_connected ] alias __MODULE__, as: State @doc false def start_link(args) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, args, name: __MODULE__) end @doc "Returns the serial number of this device" def serial_number(:rpi0), do: serial_number("rpi") def serial_number(:rpi3), do: serial_number("rpi") def serial_number(plat) do :os.cmd( '/usr/bin/boardid -b uboot_env -u nerves_serial_number -b uboot_env -u serial_number -b #{ plat }' ) |> to_string() |> String.trim() end @doc "Returns the serial number of this device" def serial_number, do: serial_number( @doc "Returns the uuid of the running firmware" def uuid, do: Nerves.Runtime.KV.get_active("nerves_fw_uuid") @doc "Loads the cert from storage" def load_cert, do: Nerves.Runtime.KV.get_active("nerves_hub_cert") |> filter_parens() @doc "Loads the key from storage" def load_key, do: Nerves.Runtime.KV.get_active("nerves_hub_key") |> filter_parens() @doc false def write_serial(serial_number) do Nerves.Runtime.KV.UBootEnv.put("nerves_serial_number", serial_number) Nerves.Runtime.KV.UBootEnv.put("nerves_fw_serial_number", serial_number) end @doc false def write_cert(cert) do Nerves.Runtime.KV.UBootEnv.put("nerves_hub_cert", cert) end @doc false def write_key(key) do Nerves.Runtime.KV.UBootEnv.put("nerves_hub_key", key) end @impl NervesHub.Client def handle_error(error) do GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, {:handle_nerves_hub_error, error}) :ok end @impl NervesHub.Client def handle_fwup_message(msg) do GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, {:handle_nerves_hub_fwup_message, msg}) :ok end @impl NervesHub.Client def update_available(data) do, {:handle_nerves_hub_update_available, data}) end @doc """ Checks if an update is available, and applies it. """ def check_update do, :check_update) end def do_restart_nerves_hub do try do # NervesHub replaces it's own env on startup. Reset it. # Stop Nerves Hub if it is running. _ = Supervisor.terminate_child( FarmbotOS.Init.Supervisor, NervesHub.Supervisor ) _ = Supervisor.delete_child(FarmbotOS.Init.Supervisor, NervesHub.Supervisor) cert = load_cert() key = load_key() if cert && key do # Cause NervesRuntime.KV to restart. # _ = GenServer.stop(Nerves.Runtime.KV, :restart) _ = Application.stop(:nerves_runtime) Process.sleep(1000) _ = Application.ensure_all_started(:nerves_runtime) _ = Application.ensure_all_started(:nerves_hub) # Wait for a few seconds for good luck. Process.sleep(1000) end catch kind, err -> IO.warn( "NervesHub error: #{inspect(kind)} #{inspect(err)}", __STACKTRACE__ ) FarmbotCore.Logger.error( 1, "OTA service error: #{kind} #{inspect(err)}" ) end # Start the connection again. Supervisor.start_child(FarmbotOS, NervesHub.Supervisor) end @impl GenServer def init(_args) do Application.ensure_all_started(:nerves_runtime) Application.ensure_all_started(:nerves_hub) write_serial(serial_number()) cert = load_cert() key = load_key() _ = set_controller_uuid() if cert && key do send(self(), :connect_nerves_hub) else send(self(), :connect_amqp) end {:ok, %State{ conn: nil, chan: nil, jwt: nil, cert: cert, key: key, is_applying_update: false, probably_connected: false }} end @impl GenServer def terminate(reason, state) do FarmbotCore.Logger.error( 1, "Disconnected from NervesHub AMQP channel: #{inspect(reason)}" ) # If a channel was still open, close it. if state.chan, do: AMQP.Channel.close(state.chan) end @impl GenServer def handle_info(:connect_amqp, %{conn: nil, chan: nil} = state) do FarmbotCore.Logger.debug(1, "Attempting to get OTA certs from AMQP.") with {token, %{} = jwt} when is_binary(token) <- get_jwt(), email when is_binary(email) <- get_email(), {:ok, %{} = conn} <- open_connection(email, token, jwt), {:ok, chan} <-, :ok <- Basic.qos(chan, global: true), {:ok, _} <- Queue.declare(chan, "#{}_nerves_hub", auto_delete: false, durable: true ), :ok <- Queue.bind(chan, "#{}_nerves_hub", @exchange, routing_key: "bot.#{}.nerves_hub" ), {:ok, _tag} <- Basic.consume(chan, "#{}_nerves_hub", self(), []) do send(self(), :after_connect_amqp) {:noreply, %{state | conn: conn, chan: chan, jwt: jwt}} else # happens when no token is configured. {nil, nil} -> FarmbotCore.Logger.debug( 3, "No credentials yet. Can't connect to OTA Server." ) Process.send_after(self(), :connect_amqp, 15_000) {:noreply, %{state | conn: nil, chan: nil, jwt: nil}} err -> FarmbotCore.Logger.error( 3, "Failed to connect to NervesHub AMQP channel: #{inspect(err)}" ) Process.send_after(self(), :connect_amqp, 5000) {:noreply, %{state | conn: nil, chan: nil, jwt: nil}} end end def handle_info(:after_connect_amqp, %{key: nil, cert: nil} = state) do FarmbotCore.Logger.debug( 3, "Connected to NervesHub AMQP channel. Fetching certs." ) old_device_cert = Asset.get_device_cert(serial_number: serial_number()) tags = detect_deployment_tags() params = %{ serial_number: serial_number(), tags: tags } new_device_cert = case old_device_cert do nil -> Asset.new_device_cert(params) %{} -> Asset.update_device_cert(old_device_cert, params) end case new_device_cert do {:ok, _data} -> # DO NOT DO THIS. The api will do it behind the scenes # Asset.update_device!(%{update_channel: detect_update_channel()}) FarmbotCore.Logger.debug(3, "DeviceCert created") FarmbotCore.Logger.debug( 3, "Waiting for cert and key data from AMQP from farmbot api..." ) {:noreply, state} {:error, reason} -> FarmbotCore.Logger.error( 1, "Failed to create device cert: #{inspect(reason)}" ) Process.send_after(self(), :after_connect_amqp, 5000) {:noreply, state} end end def handle_info(:after_connect_amqp, %{key: _key, cert: _cert} = state) do FarmbotCore.Logger.debug( 3, "Connected to NervesHub AMQP channel. Certs already loaded" ) send(self(), :connect_nerves_hub) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info(:connect_nerves_hub, %{key: nil, cert: nil} = state) do FarmbotCore.Logger.debug( 3, "Can't connect to OTA Service. Certs not loaded" ) send(self(), :connect_amqp) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info( :connect_nerves_hub, %{key: _key, cert: _cert, probably_connected: false} = state ) do FarmbotCore.Logger.debug(3, "Starting OTA Service") do_restart_nerves_hub() FarmbotCore.Logger.debug(3, "OTA Service started") {:noreply, %{state | probably_connected: true}} end def handle_info( :connect_nerves_hub, %{key: _key, cert: _cert, probably_connected: true} = state ) do {:noreply, state} end # Confirmation sent by the broker after registering this process as a consumer def handle_info({:basic_consume_ok, _}, state) do {:noreply, state} end # Sent by the broker when the consumer is # unexpectedly cancelled (such as after a queue deletion) def handle_info({:basic_cancel, _}, state) do {:stop, :normal, state} end # Confirmation sent by the broker to the consumer process after a Basic.cancel def handle_info({:basic_cancel_ok, _}, state) do {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:basic_deliver, payload, %{routing_key: key}}, state) do device = ["bot", ^device, "nerves_hub"] = String.split(key, ".") with {:ok, %{"cert" => base64_cert, "key" => base64_key}} <- JSON.decode(payload), {:ok, cert} <- Base.decode64(base64_cert), {:ok, key} <- Base.decode64(base64_key), :ok <- write_cert(cert), :ok <- write_key(key) do send(self(), :connect_nerves_hub) {:noreply, %{state | cert: cert, key: key}} else {:error, reason} -> FarmbotCore.Logger.error( 1, "OTA Service failed to configure. #{inspect(reason)}" ) {:stop, reason, state} :error -> FarmbotCore.Logger.error(1, "OTA Service payload invalid. (base64)") {:stop, :invalid_payload, state} end end def handle_info( :checkup, %{is_applying_update: false, probably_connected: true} = state ) do if should_auto_apply_update?() && update_available?() do FarmbotCore.Logger.busy(1, "Applying OTA update (1)") run_update_but_only_once() {:noreply, %{state | is_applying_update: true}} else Process.send_after(self(), :checkup, @checkup_timeout_ms) {:noreply, state} end end def handle_info(:checkup, state) do FarmbotCore.Logger.debug(3, """ unknown state for checkup currently applying update?: #{state.is_applying_update} currently connected?: #{state.probably_connected} update available?: #{is_binary(state.firmware_url)} """) Process.send_after(self(), :checkup, @checkup_timeout_ms) {:noreply, state} end @impl GenServer def handle_cast( {:handle_nerves_hub_error, error}, %{is_applying_update: true} = state ) do FarmbotCore.Logger.error(1, "Error applying OTA (1): #{inspect(error)}") {:noreply, state} end def handle_cast({:handle_nerves_hub_error, error}, state) do FarmbotCore.Logger.debug(3, "Unexpected NervesHub error: #{inspect(error)}") {:noreply, state} end def handle_cast( {:handle_nerves_hub_fwup_message, {:progress, percent}}, state ) do _ = set_ota_progress(percent) {:noreply, state} end def handle_cast({:handle_nerves_hub_fwup_message, {:ok, _, _info}}, state) do _ = set_firmware_needs_flash() _ = set_ota_progress(100) _ = update_device() {:noreply, state} end def handle_cast({:handle_nerves_hub_fwup_message, {:error, _, reason}}, state) do _ = set_ota_progress(100) FarmbotCore.Logger.error(1, "Error applying OTA (2): #{inspect(reason)}") {:noreply, state} end def handle_cast({:handle_nerves_hub_fwup_message, _}, state) do {:noreply, state} end @impl GenServer def handle_call( {:handle_nerves_hub_update_available, %{"firmware_url" => url}}, _from, state ) do case should_auto_apply_update?() do true -> FarmbotCore.Logger.busy(1, "Applying OTA update (2)") _ = set_update_available_in_bot_state() _ = update_device_last_ota_checkup() _ = set_firmware_needs_flash() {:reply, :apply, %{state | is_applying_update: true, firmware_url: url}} _ -> _ = set_update_available_in_bot_state() _ = update_device_last_ota_checkup() Process.send_after(self(), :checkup, @checkup_timeout_ms) {:reply, :ignore, %{state | firmware_url: url}} end end def handle_call({:handle_nerves_hub_update_available, _data}, _from, state) do _ = set_update_available_in_bot_state() _ = update_device_last_ota_checkup() _ = set_firmware_needs_flash() FarmbotCore.Logger.busy(1, "Applying OTA update (3)") {:reply, :apply, %{state | is_applying_update: true}} end def handle_call(:check_update, _from, state) do case NervesHub.HTTPClient.update() do {:ok, %{"data" => %{"update_available" => false}}} -> _ = update_device_last_ota_checkup() {:reply, nil, state} data -> _ = set_update_available_in_bot_state() _ = update_device_last_ota_checkup() _ = set_firmware_needs_flash() FarmbotCore.Logger.busy(1, "Attempting OTA update...") # This is where the NervesHub update gets called. # Maybe we can check if the BotState has job progress for "FBOS_OTA" run_update_but_only_once() {:reply, data, %{state | is_applying_update: true}} end end def should_auto_apply_update?(now \\ nil) do now = now || DateTime.utc_now() auto_update = Asset.fbos_config(:os_auto_update) ota_hour = Asset.device(:ota_hour) timezone = Asset.device(:timezone) # if ota_hour is nil, auto apply the update result = if ota_hour && timezone do # check that now.hour == device.ota_hour case Timex.Timezone.convert(now, timezone) do %{hour: ^ota_hour} -> FarmbotCore.Logger.debug( 3, "current hour: #{ota_hour} (utc=#{now.hour}) == ota_hour #{ ota_hour }. auto_update=#{auto_update}" ) auto_update %{hour: now_hour} -> FarmbotCore.Logger.debug( 3, "current hour: #{now_hour} (utc=#{now.hour}) != ota_hour: #{ ota_hour }. auto_update=#{auto_update}" ) false end else # ota_hour or timezone are nil FarmbotCore.Logger.debug( 3, "ota_hour = #{ota_hour || "null"} timezone = #{timezone || "null"}" ) !!auto_update end result && !currently_downloading?() end def update_available?() do _ = update_device_last_ota_checkup() case NervesHub.HTTPClient.update() do {:ok, %{"data" => %{"update_available" => false}}} -> false _data -> true end end defp update_device do now = DateTime.utc_now() _ = %{last_ota: now, last_ota_checkup: now} |> Asset.update_device!() |> Private.mark_dirty!(%{}) end defp update_device_last_ota_checkup do now = DateTime.utc_now() _ = %{last_ota_checkup: now} |> Asset.update_device!() |> Private.mark_dirty!(%{}) end defp set_update_available_in_bot_state() do if Process.whereis(BotState) do BotState.set_update_available(true) end end defp set_controller_uuid() do if Process.whereis(BotState) do BotState.set_controller_uuid(uuid()) end end defp get_jwt do token = Config.get_config_value(:string, "authorization", "token") if token do {:ok, jwt} = JWT.decode(token) {token, jwt} else {nil, nil} end end defp get_email do Config.get_config_value(:string, "authorization", "email") end defp open_connection(email, token, jwt) do case ConnectionWorker.open_connection( token, email,, jwt.mqtt, jwt.vhost ) do {:ok, conn} -> Process.monitor( {:ok, conn} # Squash this log since it will be displayed for the # main AMQP connection {:error, :unknown_host} = err -> err err -> FarmbotCore.Logger.error( 1, "Error opening AMQP connection for OTA certs #{inspect(err)}" ) err end end defp filter_parens(""), do: nil defp filter_parens(data), do: data defp set_ota_progress(100) do FarmbotCore.Logger.success(1, "OTA Complete Going down for reboot") prog = %Percent{percent: 100, status: "complete"} if Process.whereis(BotState) do BotState.set_job_progress("FBOS_OTA", prog) end :ok end defp set_ota_progress(percent) do prog = %Percent{percent: percent} if Process.whereis(BotState) do BotState.set_job_progress("FBOS_OTA", prog) end :ok end def set_firmware_needs_flash() do # Config.update_config_value(:bool, "settings", "firmware_needs_flash", true) # Config.update_config_value(:bool, "settings", "firmware_needs_open", false) :ok end def detect_deployment_tags() do update_channel = detect_update_channel() ["application:#{Project.env()}", "channel:#{update_channel}"] end def detect_update_channel() do if Regex.match?( ~r/(0|[1-9]\d*)\.(0|[1-9]\d*)\.(0|[1-9]\d*)-rc(0|[1-9]\d*)+?/, Project.version() ) do "beta" else case Project.branch() do "master" -> "stable" branch -> branch end end end def currently_downloading?, do: BotState.job_in_progress?("FBOS_OTA") def run_update_but_only_once do if currently_downloading?() do FarmbotCore.Logger.error( 1, "Can't perform OTA. OTA alread in progress. Restart device if problem persists." ) else FarmbotCore.Logger.success(1, "OTA started.") spawn_link(fn -> NervesHub.update() end) end end end