defmodule FarmbotCore.Asset.Private do @moduledoc """ Private Assets are those that are internal to Farmbot that _are not_ stored in the API, but _are_ stored in Farmbot's database. """ require Logger require FarmbotCore.Logger alias FarmbotCore.{Asset.Repo, Asset.Private.LocalMeta, } import Ecto.Query, warn: false import Ecto.Changeset, warn: false @doc "Lists `module` objects that still need to be POSTed to the API." def list_local(module) do list = Repo.all(from(data in module, where: is_nil(, fn item -> if module == FarmbotCore.Asset.Point do msg = "list_local: Point#{}.y = #{item.y || "nil"}", msg) end item end) end @doc "Lists `module` objects that have a `local_meta` object" def list_dirty(module) do table = table(module) q = from(lm in LocalMeta, where: lm.table == ^table, select: lm.asset_local_id) list = Repo.all(from(data in module, join: lm in subquery(q))), fn item -> if module == FarmbotCore.Asset.Point do msg = "list_dirty: Point#{}.y = #{item.y || "nil"}", msg) end item end) end def maybe_get_local_meta(asset, table) do in LocalMeta, where: lm.asset_local_id == ^asset.local_id and lm.table == ^table)) end @doc "Mark a document as `dirty` by creating a `local_meta` object" def mark_dirty!(asset, params \\ %{}) do table = table(asset) local_meta = maybe_get_local_meta(asset, table) || Ecto.build_assoc(asset, :local_meta) ## NOTE(Connor): 19/11/13 # the try/catch here seems unneeded here, but because of how sqlite/ecto works, it is 100% needed. # Because sqlite can't test unique constraints before a transaction, if this function gets called for # the same asset more than once asyncronously, the asset can be marked dirty twice at the same time # causing the `unique constraint` error to happen in either `ecto` OR `sqlite`. I've # caught both errors here as they are both essentially the same thing, and can be safely # discarded. Doing an `insert_or_update/1` (without the bang) can still result in the sqlite # error being thrown. changeset = LocalMeta.changeset(local_meta, Map.merge(params, %{table: table, status: "dirty"})) try do Repo.insert_or_update!(changeset) catch :error, %Sqlite.DbConnection.Error{ message: "UNIQUE constraint failed: local_metas.table, local_metas.asset_local_id", sqlite: %{code: :constraint} } -> Logger.warn """ Caught race condition marking data as dirty (sqlite) table: #{inspect(table)} id: #{inspect(asset.local_id)} """ Ecto.Changeset.apply_changes(changeset) :error, %Ecto.InvalidChangesetError{ changeset: %{ action: :insert, errors: [ table: {"LocalMeta already exists.", [ validation: :unsafe_unique, fields: [:table, :asset_local_id] ]} ]} } -> Logger.warn """ Caught race condition marking data as dirty (ecto) table: #{inspect(table)} id: #{inspect(asset.local_id)} """ Ecto.Changeset.apply_changes(changeset) type, reason -> FarmbotCore.Logger.error 1, """ Caught unexpected error marking data as dirty table: #{inspect(table)} id: #{inspect(asset.local_id)} error type: #{inspect(type)} reason: #{inspect(reason)} """ Ecto.Changeset.apply_changes(changeset) end end @doc "Remove the `local_meta` record from an object." @spec mark_clean!(map) :: nil | map() def mark_clean!(data) do Repo.preload(data, :local_meta) |> Map.fetch!(:local_meta) |> case do nil -> nil local_meta -> Repo.delete!(local_meta) end end defp table(%module{}), do: table(module) defp table(module), do: module.__schema__(:source) end