defmodule FarmbotCore.FirmwareEstopTimer do @moduledoc """ Process that wraps a `Process.send_after/3` call. When `:timeout` is received, a `fatal_email` log message will be dispatched. """ use GenServer require FarmbotCore.Logger @msg "Farmbot has been E-Stopped for more than 10 minutes." @ten_minutes_ms 60_0000 def start_timer(timer_server \\ __MODULE__) do, :start_timer) end def cancel_timer(timer_server \\ __MODULE__) do, :cancel_timer) end @doc """ optional args: * `timeout_ms` - amount of milliseconds to run timer for * `timeout_function` - function to call instead of logging opts - GenServer.options() """ @spec start_link(Keyword.t(), GenServer.options()) :: GenServer.on_start() def start_link(args, opts \\ [name: __MODULE__]) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, args, opts) end def init(args) do timeout_ms = Keyword.get(args, :timeout_ms, @ten_minutes_ms) timeout_fun = Keyword.get(args, :timeout_function, &do_log/0) state = %{timer: nil, timeout_ms: timeout_ms, timeout_function: timeout_fun} {:ok, state, :hibernate} end def handle_call(:start_timer, _from, state) do timer = Process.send_after(self(), :timeout, state.timeout_ms) {:reply, timer, %{state | timer: timer}} end def handle_call(:cancel_timer, _from, state) do state.timer && Process.cancel_timer(state.timer) {:reply, state.timer, %{state | timer: nil}, :hibernate} end def handle_info(:timeout, state) do _ = apply(state.timeout_function, []) {:noreply, %{state | timer: nil}, :hibernate} end @doc false def do_log, do: FarmbotCore.Logger.warn(1, @msg, channels: [:fatal_email]) end