defmodule FarmbotCore.FirmwareOpenTask do @moduledoc """ Will open the UART interface after it's been successfully flashed . Must configure in application env: `attempt_threshold`. It can be an integer or `:infinity` in which case it will try opening it indefinately. """ use GenServer require FarmbotCore.Logger alias FarmbotFirmware.{UARTTransport, StubTransport} alias FarmbotCore.{Asset, Config} @attempt_threshold Application.get_env(:farmbot_core, __MODULE__)[:attempt_threshold] @attempt_threshold || Mix.raise """ Firmware open attempt threshold not configured: config :farmbot_core, FarmbotCore.FirmwareOpenTask, [ attempt_threshold: 10 ] """ @doc false def start_link(args, opts \\ [name: __MODULE__]) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, args, opts) end @doc false def swap_transport(tty) do Application.put_env(:farmbot_firmware, FarmbotFirmware, transport: UARTTransport, device: tty) # Swap transport on FW module. # Close tranpsort if it is open currently. _ = FarmbotFirmware.close_transport() FarmbotFirmware.open_transport(UARTTransport, device: tty) end def unswap_transport() do Application.put_env(:farmbot_firmware, FarmbotFirmware, transport: StubTransport) # Swap transport on FW module. # Close tranpsort if it is open currently. _ = FarmbotFirmware.close_transport() FarmbotFirmware.open_transport(StubTransport, []) end @impl GenServer def init(_args) do send(self(), :open) firmware_path = Asset.fbos_config(:firmware_path) firmware_hardware = Asset.fbos_config(:firmware_hardware) if firmware_path && firmware_hardware do Config.update_config_value(:bool, "settings", "firmware_needs_open", true) end {:ok, %{timer: nil, attempts: 0, threshold: @attempt_threshold}} end @impl GenServer def handle_info(:open, %{attempts: at, threshold: attempt_threshold} = state) when at >= attempt_threshold do if state.timer, do: Process.cancel_timer(state.timer) FarmbotCore.Logger.debug 3, "Firmware didn't open after #{@attempt_threshold} tries. Not trying to open anymore" {:noreply, %{state | timer: nil}} end def handle_info(:open, state) do if state.timer, do: Process.cancel_timer(state.timer) needs_flash? = Config.get_config_value(:bool, "settings", "firmware_needs_flash") needs_open? = Config.get_config_value(:bool, "settings", "firmware_needs_open") firmware_path = Asset.fbos_config(:firmware_path) firmware_hardware = Asset.fbos_config(:firmware_hardware) cond do needs_flash? -> FarmbotCore.Logger.debug 3, "Firmware needs flash still. Not opening" timer = Process.send_after(self(), :open, 5000) {:noreply, increment_attempts(%{state | timer: timer})} is_nil(firmware_path) -> FarmbotCore.Logger.debug 3, "Firmware path not detected. Not opening" timer = Process.send_after(self(), :open, 5000) {:noreply, increment_attempts(%{state | timer: timer})} firmware_hardware == "none" && needs_open? -> FarmbotCore.Logger.debug 3, "Closing firmware..." unswap_transport() Config.update_config_value(:bool, "settings", "firmware_needs_open", false) timer = Process.send_after(self(), :open, 5000) {:noreply, %{state | timer: timer, attempts: 0}} needs_open? -> FarmbotCore.Logger.debug 3, "Opening firmware..." case swap_transport(firmware_path) do :ok -> Config.update_config_value(:bool, "settings", "firmware_needs_open", false) timer = Process.send_after(self(), :open, 5000) {:noreply, %{state | timer: timer, attempts: 0}} other -> FarmbotCore.Logger.debug 3, "Not ready to open yet, will retry in 5s (#{inspect(other)})" timer = Process.send_after(self(), :open, 5000) {:noreply, %{state | timer: timer, attempts: 0}} end needs_open? == false -> # Firmware should probably already be opened here. # Can just ignore timer = Process.send_after(self(), :open, 5000) {:noreply, %{state | timer: timer}} true -> FarmbotCore.Logger.debug 3, """ Unknown firmware open state: firmware needs flash?: #{needs_flash?} firwmare needs open?: #{needs_open?} firmware path: #{firmware_path} """ timer = Process.send_after(self(), :open, 5000) {:noreply, %{state | timer: timer, attempts: 0}} end end defp increment_attempts(%{attempts: at, attempt_threshold: :infinity} = state) do %{state | attempts: at + 1} end defp increment_attempts(%{attempts: at} = state) do %{state | attempts: at + 1} end end