defmodule FarmbotOS.Platform.Target.Network do @moduledoc "Manages Network Connections" use GenServer, shutdown: 10_000 require Logger require FarmbotCore.Logger require FarmbotTelemetry import FarmbotOS.Platform.Target.Network.Utils, only: [ maybe_hack_tzdata: 0, init_net_kernel: 0, build_hostap_ssid: 0 ] alias FarmbotOS.Platform.Target.Network.PreSetup alias FarmbotOS.Platform.Target.Configurator.{Validator, CaptivePortal} alias FarmbotCore.{Asset, Config, Leds} @default_network_not_found_timer_minutes 20 def host do %{ type: CaptivePortal, wifi: %{ networks: [ %{ ssid: build_hostap_ssid(), mode: :ap, key_mgmt: :none } ] }, ipv4: %{ method: :static, address: "", netmask: "" }, dnsmasq: %{ domain: "farmbot", server: "", address: "", start: "", end: "" } } end def null do %{type: VintageNet.Technology.Null} end def presetup do %{type: PreSetup} end def is_first_connect?() do # email = Config.get_config_value(:string, "authorization", "email") # password = Config.get_config_value(:string, "authorization", "password") # server = Config.get_config_value(:string, "authorization", "server") token = Config.get_config_value(:string, "authorization", "token") is_nil(token) end def start_link(args) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, args, name: __MODULE__) end @impl GenServer def init(_args) do _ = maybe_hack_tzdata() _ = init_net_kernel() send(self(), :setup) # If a secret exists, assume that # farmbot at one point has been connected to the internet first_connect? = is_first_connect?() if first_connect? do _ = :ok = VintageNet.configure("wlan0", null()) Process.sleep(1500) :ok = VintageNet.configure("wlan0", host()) end {:ok, %{network_not_found_timer: nil, first_connect?: first_connect?}} end @impl GenServer def terminate(_, _) do :ok = VintageNet.configure("wlan0", null()) :ok = VintageNet.configure("eth0", null()) end @impl GenServer def handle_info(:setup, state) do configs = Config.get_all_network_configs() case configs do [] -> Process.send_after(self(), :setup, 5_000) {:noreply, state} _ -> _ = VintageNet.subscribe(["interface", "wlan0"]) _ = VintageNet.subscribe(["interface", "eth0"]) :ok = VintageNet.configure("wlan0", presetup()) :ok = VintageNet.configure("eth0", presetup()) Process.sleep(1500) {:noreply, state} end end def handle_info({VintageNet, ["interface", ifname, "type"], _old, type, _meta}, state) when type in [PreSetup, VintageNet.Technology.Null] do FarmbotCore.Logger.debug(1, "Network interface needs configuration: #{ifname}") case Config.get_network_config(ifname) do %Config.NetworkInterface{} = config -> FarmbotCore.Logger.busy(3, "Setting up network interface: #{ifname}") case reset_ntp() do :ok -> :ok error -> FarmbotCore.Logger.error(1, """ Failed to configure NTP: #{inspect(error)} """) end vintage_net_config = to_vintage_net(config) FarmbotTelemetry.event(:network, :interface_configure, nil, interface: ifname) configure_result = VintageNet.configure(, vintage_net_config) FarmbotCore.Logger.success(3, "#{} setup: #{inspect(configure_result)}") state = start_network_not_found_timer(state) {:noreply, state} nil -> {:noreply, state} end end def handle_info({VintageNet, ["interface", ifname, "lower_up"], _old, false, _meta}, state) do FarmbotCore.Logger.error(1, "Interface #{ifname} disconnected from access point") FarmbotTelemetry.event(:network, :interface_disconnect, nil, interface: ifname) state = start_network_not_found_timer(state) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({VintageNet, ["interface", ifname, "lower_up"], _old, true, _meta}, state) do FarmbotCore.Logger.success(1, "Interface #{ifname} connected access point") FarmbotTelemetry.event(:network, :interface_connect, nil, interface: ifname) state = cancel_network_not_found_timer(state) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info( {VintageNet, ["interface", ifname, "connection"], :disconnected, :lan, _meta}, state ) do FarmbotCore.Logger.warn(1, "Interface #{ifname} connected to local area network") FarmbotTelemetry.event(:network, :lan_connect, nil, interface: ifname) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info( {VintageNet, ["interface", ifname, "connection"], :lan, :internet, _meta}, state ) do FarmbotCore.Logger.warn(1, "Interface #{ifname} connected to internet") state = cancel_network_not_found_timer(state) FarmbotTelemetry.event(:network, :wan_connect, nil, interface: ifname) {:noreply, %{state | first_connect?: false}} end def handle_info( {VintageNet, ["interface", ifname, "connection"], :internet, ifstate, _meta}, state ) do FarmbotCore.Logger.warn(1, "Interface #{ifname} disconnected from the internet: #{ifstate}") FarmbotExt.AMQP.ConnectionWorker.close() FarmbotTelemetry.event(:network, :wan_disconnect, nil, interface: ifname) if state.network_not_found_timer do {:noreply, state} else state = start_network_not_found_timer(state) {:noreply, state} end end def handle_info( {VintageNet, ["interface", _, "wifi", "access_points"], _old, _new, _meta}, state ) do {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({VintageNet, property, old, new, _meta}, state) do Logger.debug(""" Unknown property change: #{inspect(property)} old: #{inspect(old, limit: :infinity)} new: #{inspect(new, limit: :infinity)} """) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:network_not_found_timer, minutes}, state) do FarmbotCore.Logger.warn(1, """ Farmbot has been disconnected from the network for #{minutes} minutes. Going down for factory reset. """) FarmbotOS.System.factory_reset(""" Farmbot has been disconnected from the network for #{minutes} minutes. """) {:noreply, state} end def to_vintage_net(%Config.NetworkInterface{} = config) do %{ type: Validator, network_type: config.type, ssid: config.ssid, security:, psk: config.psk, identity: config.identity, password: config.password, domain: config.domain, name_servers: config.name_servers, ipv4_method: config.ipv4_method, ipv4_address: config.ipv4_address, ipv4_gateway: config.ipv4_gateway, ipv4_subnet_mask: config.ipv4_subnet_mask, regulatory_domain: config.regulatory_domain } end defp cancel_network_not_found_timer(state) do FarmbotCore.Logger.success( 1, "Farmbot has been reconnected. Canceling scheduled factory reset" ) old_timer = state.network_not_found_timer old_timer && Process.cancel_timer(old_timer) %{state | network_not_found_timer: nil} end defp start_network_not_found_timer(state) do state = cancel_network_not_found_timer(state) # Stored in minutes minutes = network_not_found_timer_minutes(state) millis = minutes * 60000 new_timer = Process.send_after(self(), {:network_not_found_timer, minutes}, millis) FarmbotCore.Logger.warn( 1, "FarmBot will factory reset in #{minutes} minutes if the network does not reassociate. If you see this message directly after configuration, this message can be safely ignored." ) %{state | network_not_found_timer: new_timer} end # if the network has never connected before, make a low # thresh so that user won't have to wait 20 minutes to reconfigurate # due to bad wifi credentials. defp network_not_found_timer_minutes(%{first_connect?: true}), do: 1 defp network_not_found_timer_minutes(_state) do Asset.fbos_config(:network_not_found_timer) || @default_network_not_found_timer_minutes end def reset_ntp do FarmbotTelemetry.event(:ntp, :reset) ntp_server_1 = Config.get_config_value(:string, "settings", "default_ntp_server_1") ntp_server_2 = Config.get_config_value(:string, "settings", "default_ntp_server_2") if ntp_server_1 || ntp_server_2 do"Setting NTP servers: [#{ntp_server_1}, #{ntp_server_2}]") [ntp_server_1, ntp_server_2] |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1) |> Nerves.Time.set_ntp_servers() else"Using default NTP servers") :ok end end end