defmodule FarmbotCore.Asset.Private do alias FarmbotCore.{Asset.Repo, Asset.Private.LocalMeta} import Ecto.Query, warn: false import Ecto.Changeset, warn: false @doc "Lists `module` objects that still need to be POSTed to the API." def list_local(module) do Repo.all(from(data in module, where: is_nil( end @doc "Lists `module` objects that have a `local_meta` object" def list_dirty(module) do table = table(module) q = from(lm in LocalMeta, where: lm.table == ^table, select: lm.asset_local_id) Repo.all(from(data in module, join: lm in subquery(q))) end @doc "Mark a document as `dirty` by creating a `local_meta` object" def mark_dirty!(asset, params) do table = table(asset) local_meta = from(lm in LocalMeta, where: lm.asset_local_id == ^asset.local_id and lm.table == ^table) ) || Ecto.build_assoc(asset, :local_meta) local_meta |> LocalMeta.changeset(Map.merge(params, %{table: table, status: "dirty"})) |> Repo.insert_or_update!() end @doc "Remove the `local_meta` record from an object." @spec mark_clean!(map) :: nil | map() def mark_clean!(data) do Repo.preload(data, :local_meta) |> Map.fetch!(:local_meta) |> case do nil -> nil local_meta -> Repo.delete!(local_meta) end end defp table(%module{}), do: table(module) defp table(module), do: module.__schema__(:source) end