defmodule FarmbotCeleryScript.AST.Factory do @moduledoc """ Helpers for creating ASTs. """ alias FarmbotCeleryScript.AST @doc """ Create an empty AST WITH ARG SET TO `nil`. iex> new() %FarmbotCeleryScript.AST{ args: nil, body: [], comment: nil, kind: nil, meta: nil } """ def new do %AST{body: []} end @doc """ Create a new AST to work with. Strings `kind`s are converted to symbols. iex> new("foo") %FarmbotCeleryScript.AST{ args: %{}, body: [], comment: nil, kind: :foo, meta: nil } """ def new(kind, args \\ %{}, body \\ []) do,, body) end def rpc_request(%AST{} = ast, label) when is_binary(label) do %AST{ast | kind: :rpc_request, args: %{label: label}, body: []} end def read_pin(%AST{} = ast, pin_number, pin_mode) do ast |> add_body_node( new(:read_pin, %{pin_number: pin_number, pin_mode: pin_mode}) ) end @doc """ iex> (new() |> rpc_request("x") |> set_pin_io_mode(13, 1)).body [%FarmbotCeleryScript.AST{ kind: :set_pin_io_mode, args: %{ pin_io_mode: 1, pin_number: 13 }, body: [], comment: nil, meta: nil }] """ def set_pin_io_mode(%AST{} = ast, pin_number, pin_io_mode) do args = %{pin_number: pin_number, pin_io_mode: pin_io_mode} ast |> add_body_node(new(:set_pin_io_mode, args)) end @doc """ iex> (new() |> rpc_request("x") |> emergency_lock()).body [%FarmbotCeleryScript.AST{ body: [], comment: nil, meta: nil, args: %{}, kind: :emergency_lock }] """ def emergency_lock(%AST{} = ast) do ast |> add_body_node(new(:emergency_lock)) end @doc """ iex> (new() |> rpc_request("x") |> emergency_unlock()).body [%FarmbotCeleryScript.AST{ body: [], comment: nil, meta: nil, args: %{}, kind: :emergency_unlock }] """ def emergency_unlock(%AST{} = ast) do ast |> add_body_node(new(:emergency_unlock)) end @doc """ iex> (new() |> rpc_request("x") |> read_status()).body [%FarmbotCeleryScript.AST{ body: [], comment: nil, meta: nil, args: %{}, kind: :read_status }] """ def read_status(%AST{} = ast) do ast |> add_body_node(new(:read_status)) end @doc """ iex> (new() |> rpc_request("x") |> power_off()).body [%FarmbotCeleryScript.AST{ body: [], comment: nil, meta: nil, args: %{}, kind: :power_off }] """ def power_off(%AST{} = ast) do ast |> add_body_node(new(:power_off)) end @doc """ iex> (new() |> rpc_request("x") |> reboot()).body [%FarmbotCeleryScript.AST{ body: [], comment: nil, meta: nil, args: %{}, kind: :reboot }] """ def reboot(%AST{} = ast) do ast |> add_body_node(new(:reboot)) end @doc """ iex> (new() |> rpc_request("x") |> sync()).body [%FarmbotCeleryScript.AST{ body: [], comment: nil, meta: nil, args: %{}, kind: :sync }] """ def sync(%AST{} = ast) do ast |> add_body_node(new(:sync)) end @doc """ iex> (new() |> rpc_request("x") |> take_photo()).body [%FarmbotCeleryScript.AST{ body: [], comment: nil, meta: nil, args: %{}, kind: :take_photo }] """ def take_photo(%AST{} = ast) do ast |> add_body_node(new(:take_photo)) end @doc """ iex> (new() |> rpc_request("x") |> flash_firmware("arduino")).body [%FarmbotCeleryScript.AST{ kind: :flash_firmware, comment: nil, meta: nil, args: %{package: "arduino"}, body: [], }] """ def flash_firmware(%AST{} = ast, package) when is_binary(package) do ast |> add_body_node(new(:flash_firmware, %{package: package})) end @doc """ iex> (new() |> rpc_request("x") |> factory_reset("arduino")).body [%FarmbotCeleryScript.AST{ kind: :factory_reset, comment: nil, meta: nil, args: %{package: "arduino"}, body: [], }] """ def factory_reset(%AST{} = ast, package) do ast |> add_body_node(new(:factory_reset, %{package: package})) end def add_body_node(%AST{body: body} = ast, %AST{} = body_node) do %{ast | body: body ++ [body_node]} end end