defmodule Farmbot.BotState do @moduledoc "Central State accumulator." alias Farmbot.BotState alias BotState.{ McuParams, LocationData, Configuration, InformationalSettings, Pin } defstruct [ mcu_params: struct(McuParams), location_data: struct(LocationData), configuration: struct(Configuration), informational_settings: struct(InformationalSettings), pins: %{}, process_info: %{farmwares: %{}}, gpio_registry: %{}, user_env: %{}, jobs: %{} ] use GenStage def download_progress_fun(name) do alias Farmbot.BotState.JobProgress require Farmbot.Logger fn(bytes, total) -> {do_send, prog} = cond do # if the total is complete spit out the bytes, # and put a status of complete. total == :complete -> Farmbot.Logger.success 3, "#{name} complete." {true, %JobProgress.Bytes{bytes: bytes, status: :complete}} # if we don't know the total just spit out the bytes. total == nil -> # debug_log "#{name} - #{bytes} bytes." {rem(bytes, 10) == 0, %JobProgress.Bytes{bytes: bytes}} # if the number of bytes == the total bytes, # percentage side is complete. (div(bytes, total)) == 1 -> Farmbot.Logger.success 3, "#{name} complete." {true, %JobProgress.Percent{percent: 100, status: :complete}} # anything else is a percent. true -> percent = ((bytes / total) * 100) |> round() # Logger.busy 3, "#{name} - #{bytes}/#{total} = #{percent}%" {rem(percent, 10) == 0, %JobProgress.Percent{percent: percent}} end if do_send do Farmbot.BotState.set_job_progress(name, prog) else :ok end end end @doc "Set job progress." def set_job_progress(name, progress) do, {:set_job_progress, name, progress}) end def clear_progress_fun(name) do, {:clear_progress_fun, name}) end @doc "Fetch the current state." def fetch do, :fetch) end def report_disk_usage(percent) when is_number(percent) do, {:report_disk_usage, percent}) end def report_memory_usage(megabytes) when is_number(megabytes) do, {:report_memory_usage, megabytes}) end def report_soc_temp(temp_celcius) when is_number(temp_celcius) do, {:report_soc_temp, temp_celcius}) end def report_uptime(seconds) when is_number(seconds) do, {:report_uptime, seconds}) end def report_wifi_level(level) when is_number(level) do, {:report_wifi_level, level}) end @doc "Put FBOS into maintenance mode." def enter_maintenance_mode do, :enter_maintenance_mode) end @doc false def start_link(args) do GenStage.start_link(__MODULE__, args, [name: __MODULE__]) end @doc false def init([]) do Farmbot.Registry.subscribe() send(self(), :get_initial_configuration) send(self(), :get_initial_mcu_params) {:consumer, struct(BotState), [subscribe_to: [Farmbot.Firmware]]} end @doc false def handle_call(:fetch, _from, state) do Farmbot.Registry.dispatch(__MODULE__, state) {:reply, state, [], state} end # TODO(Connor) - Fix this to use event system. def handle_call({:set_job_progress, name, progress}, _from, state) do jobs = Map.put(, name, progress) new_state = %{state | jobs: jobs} Farmbot.Registry.dispatch(__MODULE__, new_state) {:reply, :ok, [], new_state} end # TODO(Connor) - Fix this to use event system. def handle_call({:clear_progress_fun, name}, _from, state) do jobs = Map.delete(, name) new_state = %{state | jobs: jobs} Farmbot.Registry.dispatch(__MODULE__, new_state) {:reply, :ok, [], new_state} end def handle_call({:report_disk_usage, percent}, _form, state) do event = {:informational_settings, %{disk_usage: percent}} new_state = handle_event(event, state) Farmbot.Registry.dispatch(__MODULE__, new_state) {:reply, :ok, [], new_state} end def handle_call({:memory_usage, megabytes}, _form, state) do event = {:informational_settings, %{memory_usage: megabytes}} new_state = handle_event(event, state) Farmbot.Registry.dispatch(__MODULE__, new_state) {:reply, :ok, [], new_state} end def handle_call({:report_soc_temp, temp}, _form, state) do event = {:informational_settings, %{soc_temp: temp}} new_state = handle_event(event, state) Farmbot.Registry.dispatch(__MODULE__, new_state) {:reply, :ok, [], new_state} end def handle_call({:uptime, seconds}, _form, state) do event = {:informational_settings, %{uptime: seconds}} new_state = handle_event(event, state) Farmbot.Registry.dispatch(__MODULE__, new_state) {:reply, :ok, [], new_state} end def handle_call({:report_wifi_level, level}, _form, state) do event = {:informational_settings, %{wifi_level: level}} new_state = handle_event(event, state) Farmbot.Registry.dispatch(__MODULE__, new_state) {:reply, :ok, [], new_state} end def handle_call(:enter_maintenance_mode, _form, state) do event = {:informational_settings, %{sync_status: :maintenance}} new_state = handle_event(event, state) Farmbot.Registry.dispatch(__MODULE__, new_state) {:reply, :ok, [], new_state} end @doc false def handle_info({Farmbot.Registry, {Farmbot.Config, {"settings", key, val}}}, state) do event = {:settings, %{String.to_atom(key) => val}} new_state = handle_event(event, state) Farmbot.Registry.dispatch(__MODULE__, new_state) {:noreply, [], new_state} end def handle_info({Farmbot.Registry, {Farmbot.Asset.Repo, {:sync_status, status}}}, state) do event = {:informational_settings, %{sync_status: status}} new_state = handle_event(event, state) Farmbot.Registry.dispatch(__MODULE__, new_state) {:noreply, [], new_state} end def handle_info({Farmbot.Registry, _}, state), do: {:noreply, [], state} def handle_info(:get_initial_configuration, state) do full_config = Farmbot.Config.get_config_as_map() settings = full_config["settings"] new_state = Enum.reduce(settings, state, fn({key, val}, state) -> event = {:settings, %{String.to_atom(key) => val}} handle_event(event, state) end) Farmbot.Registry.dispatch(__MODULE__, new_state) {:noreply, [], new_state} end def handle_info(:get_initial_mcu_params, state) do full_config = Farmbot.Config.get_config_as_map() settings = full_config["hardware_params"] new_state = Enum.reduce(settings, state, fn({key, val}, state) -> event = {:mcu_params, %{String.to_atom(key) => val}} handle_event(event, state) end) Farmbot.Registry.dispatch(__MODULE__, new_state) {:noreply, [], new_state} end @doc false def handle_events(events, _from, state) do state = Enum.reduce(events, state, &handle_event(&1, &2)) Farmbot.Registry.dispatch(__MODULE__, state) {:noreply, [], state} end @doc false def handle_event({:informational_settings, data}, state) do new_data = Map.merge(state.informational_settings, data) |> Map.from_struct() new_informational_settings = struct(InformationalSettings, new_data) %{state | informational_settings: new_informational_settings} end def handle_event({:mcu_params, data}, state) do new_data = Map.merge(state.mcu_params, data) |> Map.from_struct() new_mcu_params = struct(McuParams, new_data) %{state | mcu_params: new_mcu_params} end def handle_event({:location_data, data}, state) do new_data = Map.merge(state.location_data, data) |> Map.from_struct() new_location_data = struct(LocationData, new_data) %{state | location_data: new_location_data} end def handle_event({:pins, data}, state) do new_data = Enum.reduce(data, state.pins, fn({number, pin_state}, pins) -> Map.put(pins, number, struct(Pin, pin_state)) end) %{state | pins: new_data} end def handle_event({:settings, data}, state) do new_data = Map.merge(state.configuration, data) |> Map.from_struct() new_configuration = struct(Configuration, new_data) %{state | configuration: new_configuration} end def handle_event(event, state) do IO.inspect event, label: "unhandled event" state end end