defmodule Farmbot.BotState do @moduledoc "Central State accumulator." alias Farmbot.BotStateNG use GenServer @doc "Subscribe to BotState changes" def subscribe(bot_state_server \\ __MODULE__) do, :subscribe) end @doc "Set job progress." def set_job_progress(bot_state_server \\ __MODULE__, name, progress) do, {:set_job_progress, name, progress}) end @doc "Set a configuration value" def set_config_value(bot_state_server \\ __MODULE__, key, value) do, {:set_config_value, key, value}) end @doc "Sets user_env value" def set_user_env(bot_state_server \\ __MODULE__, key, value) do, {:set_user_env, key, value}) end @doc "Sets the location_data.position" def set_position(bot_state_server \\ __MODULE__, x, y, z) do, {:set_position, x, y, z}) end @doc "Sets the location_data.encoders_scaled" def set_encoders_scaled(bot_state_server \\ __MODULE__, x, y, z) do, {:set_encoders_scaled, x, y, z}) end @doc "Sets" def set_pin_value(bot_state_server \\ __MODULE__, pin, value) do, {:set_pin_value, pin, value}) end @doc "Sets the location_data.encoders_raw" def set_encoders_raw(bot_state_server \\ __MODULE__, x, y, z) do, {:set_encoders_raw, x, y, z}) end @doc "Sets mcu_params[param] = value" def set_firmware_config(bot_state_server \\ __MODULE__, param, value) do, {:set_firmware_config, param, value}) end @doc "Sets informational_settings.locked = true" def set_firmware_locked(bot_state_server \\ __MODULE__) do, {:set_firmware_locked, true}) end @doc "Sets informational_settings.locked = false" def set_firmware_unlocked(bot_state_server \\ __MODULE__) do, {:set_firmware_locked, false}) end @doc "Sets informational_settings.firmware_version" def set_firmware_version(bot_state_server \\ __MODULE__, version) do, {:set_firmware_version, version}) end @doc "Sets informational_settings.busy" def set_firmware_busy(bot_state_server \\ __MODULE__, busy) do, {:set_firmware_busy, busy}) end @doc "Sets informational_settings.status" def set_sync_status(bot_state_server \\ __MODULE__, s) when s in ["syncing", "synced", "error"] do, {:set_sync_status, s}) end @doc "sets informational_settings.update_available" def set_update_available(bot_state_server \\ __MODULE__, bool) when is_boolean(bool) do, {:set_update_available, bool}) end @doc "sets informational_settings.node_name" def set_node_name(bot_state_server \\ __MODULE__, node_name) when is_binary(node_name) do, {:set_node_name, node_name}) end @doc "Fetch the current state." def fetch(bot_state_server \\ __MODULE__) do, :fetch) end def report_disk_usage(bot_state_server \\ __MODULE__, percent) do, {:report_disk_usage, percent}) end def report_memory_usage(bot_state_server \\ __MODULE__, megabytes) do, {:report_memory_usage, megabytes}) end def report_soc_temp(bot_state_server \\ __MODULE__, temp_celcius) do, {:report_soc_temp, temp_celcius}) end def report_uptime(bot_state_server \\ __MODULE__, seconds) do, {:report_uptime, seconds}) end def report_wifi_level(bot_state_server \\ __MODULE__, level) do, {:report_wifi_level, level}) end @doc "Put FBOS into maintenance mode." def enter_maintenance_mode(bot_state_server \\ __MODULE__) do, :enter_maintenance_mode) end @doc false def start_link(args, opts \\ [name: __MODULE__]) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, args, opts) end @doc false def init([]) do {:ok, %{tree:, subscribers: []}} end @doc false def handle_call(:subscribe, {pid, _} = _from, state) do {:reply, state.tree, %{state | subscribers: Enum.uniq([pid | state.subscribers])}} end def handle_call(:fetch, _from, state) do {:reply, state.tree, state} end def handle_call({:set_job_progress, name, progress}, _from, state) do {reply, state} = BotStateNG.set_job_progress(state.tree, name, Map.from_struct(progress)) |> dispatch_and_apply(state) {:reply, reply, state} end def handle_call({:set_config_value, key, value}, _from, state) do change = %{configuration: %{key => value}} {reply, state} = BotStateNG.changeset(state.tree, change) |> dispatch_and_apply(state) {:reply, reply, state} end def handle_call({:set_user_env, key, value}, _from, state) do {reply, state} = BotStateNG.set_user_env(state.tree, key, value) |> dispatch_and_apply(state) {:reply, reply, state} end def handle_call({:set_position, x, y, z}, _from, state) do change = %{location_data: %{position: %{x: x, y: y, z: z}}} {reply, state} = BotStateNG.changeset(state.tree, change) |> dispatch_and_apply(state) {:reply, reply, state} end def handle_call({:set_encoders_scaled, x, y, z}, _from, state) do change = %{location_data: %{scaled_encoders: %{x: x, y: y, z: z}}} {reply, state} = BotStateNG.changeset(state.tree, change) |> dispatch_and_apply(state) {:reply, reply, state} end def handle_call({:set_encoders_raw, x, y, z}, _from, state) do change = %{location_data: %{raw_encoders: %{x: x, y: y, z: z}}} {reply, state} = BotStateNG.changeset(state.tree, change) |> dispatch_and_apply(state) {:reply, reply, state} end def handle_call({:set_pin_value, pin, value}, _from, state) do change = %{pins: %{pin => %{mode: -1, value: value}}} {reply, state} = BotStateNG.changeset(state.tree, change) |> dispatch_and_apply(state) {:reply, reply, state} end def handle_call({:set_firmware_config, param, value}, _from, state) do change = %{mcu_params: %{param => value}} {reply, state} = BotStateNG.changeset(state.tree, change) |> dispatch_and_apply(state) {:reply, reply, state} end def handle_call({:set_firmware_locked, bool}, _from, state) do change = %{informational_settings: %{locked: bool}} {reply, state} = BotStateNG.changeset(state.tree, change) |> dispatch_and_apply(state) {:reply, reply, state} end def handle_call({:set_firmware_version, version}, _from, state) do change = %{informational_settings: %{firmware_version: version}} {reply, state} = BotStateNG.changeset(state.tree, change) |> dispatch_and_apply(state) {:reply, reply, state} end def handle_call({:set_firmware_busy, busy}, _from, state) do change = %{informational_settings: %{busy: busy}} {reply, state} = BotStateNG.changeset(state.tree, change) |> dispatch_and_apply(state) {:reply, reply, state} end def handle_call({:set_sync_status, status}, _from, state) do change = %{informational_settings: %{sync_status: status}} {reply, state} = BotStateNG.changeset(state.tree, change) |> dispatch_and_apply(state) {:reply, reply, state} end def handle_call({:set_update_available, bool}, _from, state) do change = %{informational_settings: %{update_available: bool}} {reply, state} = BotStateNG.changeset(state.tree, change) |> dispatch_and_apply(state) {:reply, reply, state} end def handle_call({:set_node_name, node_name}, _from, state) do change = %{informational_settings: %{node_name: node_name}} {reply, state} = BotStateNG.changeset(state.tree, change) |> dispatch_and_apply(state) {:reply, reply, state} end def handle_call({:report_disk_usage, percent}, _form, state) do change = %{informational_settings: %{disk_usage: percent}} {reply, state} = BotStateNG.changeset(state.tree, change) |> dispatch_and_apply(state) {:reply, reply, state} end def handle_call({:report_memory_usage, megabytes}, _form, state) do change = %{informational_settings: %{memory_usage: megabytes}} {reply, state} = BotStateNG.changeset(state.tree, change) |> dispatch_and_apply(state) {:reply, reply, state} end def handle_call({:report_soc_temp, temp}, _form, state) do change = %{informational_settings: %{soc_temp: temp}} {reply, state} = BotStateNG.changeset(state.tree, change) |> dispatch_and_apply(state) {:reply, reply, state} end def handle_call({:report_uptime, seconds}, _form, state) do change = %{informational_settings: %{uptime: seconds}} {reply, state} = BotStateNG.changeset(state.tree, change) |> dispatch_and_apply(state) {:reply, reply, state} end def handle_call({:report_wifi_level, level}, _form, state) do change = %{informational_settings: %{wifi_level: level}} {reply, state} = BotStateNG.changeset(state.tree, change) |> dispatch_and_apply(state) {:reply, reply, state} end def handle_call(:enter_maintenance_mode, _form, state) do change = %{informational_settings: %{sync_status: "maintenance"}} {reply, state} = BotStateNG.changeset(state.tree, change) |> dispatch_and_apply(state) {:reply, reply, state} end defp dispatch_and_apply(%Ecto.Changeset{changes: changes}, state) when map_size(changes) == 0 do {:ok, state} end defp dispatch_and_apply(%Ecto.Changeset{valid?: true} = change, state) do state = %{state | tree: Ecto.Changeset.apply_changes(change)} state = Enum.reduce(state.subscribers, state, fn pid, state -> if Process.alive?(pid) do send(pid, {__MODULE__, change}) state else Process.unlink(pid) %{state | subscribers: List.delete(state.subscribers, pid)} end end) {:ok, state} end defp dispatch_and_apply(%Ecto.Changeset{valid?: false} = change, state) do {{:error, change}, state} end end