defmodule Farmbot.AMQP.AutoSyncTransport do use GenServer use AMQP alias AMQP.{ Channel, Queue } alias Farmbot.AMQP.ConnectionWorker require Logger require Farmbot.Logger alias Farmbot.{ API.EagerLoader, Asset.Repo, Asset.Device, Asset.FbosConfig, Asset.FirmwareConfig, JSON } @exchange "amq.topic" defstruct [:conn, :chan, :jwt] alias __MODULE__, as: State @doc false def start_link(args) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, args, name: __MODULE__) end def init(args) do Process.flag(:sensitive, true) jwt = Keyword.fetch!(args, :jwt) {:ok, %State{conn: nil, chan: nil, jwt: jwt}, 1000} end def terminate(reason, state) do Farmbot.Logger.error(1, "Disconnected from AutoSync channel: #{inspect(reason)}") # If a channel was still open, close it. if state.chan, do: AMQP.Channel.close(state.chan) end def handle_info(:timeout, state) do jwt = state.jwt bot = auto_sync = bot <> "_auto_sync" route = "bot.#{bot}.sync.#" with %{} = conn <- ConnectionWorker.connection(), {:ok, chan} <-, :ok <- Basic.qos(chan, global: true), {:ok, _} <- Queue.declare(chan, auto_sync, auto_delete: false), :ok <- Queue.bind(chan, auto_sync, @exchange, routing_key: route), {:ok, _} <- Basic.consume(chan, auto_sync, self(), no_ack: true) do {:noreply, %{state | conn: conn, chan: chan}} else nil -> {:noreply, %{state | conn: nil, chan: nil}, 5000} error -> Farmbot.Logger.error(1, "Failed to connect to AutoSync channel: #{inspect(error)}") {:noreply, %{state | conn: nil, chan: nil}, 1000} end end # Confirmation sent by the broker after registering this process as a consumer def handle_info({:basic_consume_ok, _}, state) do {:noreply, state} end # Sent by the broker when the consumer is # unexpectedly cancelled (such as after a queue deletion) def handle_info({:basic_cancel, _}, state) do {:stop, :normal, state} end # Confirmation sent by the broker to the consumer process after a Basic.cancel def handle_info({:basic_cancel_ok, _}, state) do {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:basic_deliver, payload, %{routing_key: key}}, state) do device = case String.split(key, ".") do ["bot", ^device, "sync", asset_kind, id_str] -> asset_kind = Module.concat([Farmbot, Asset, asset_kind]) data = JSON.decode!(payload) id = data["id"] || String.to_integer(id_str) params = data["body"] label = data["args"]["label"] handle_asset(asset_kind, label, id, params, state) end end def handle_asset(asset_kind, label, id, params, state) do auto_sync? = Farmbot.Asset.fbos_config().auto_sync cond do # TODO(Connor) no way to cache a deletion yet is_nil(params) && !auto_sync? -> :ok asset_kind == Device -> Repo.get_by!(Device, id: id) |> Device.changeset(params) |> Repo.update!() :ok asset_kind == FbosConfig -> Repo.get_by!(FbosConfig, id: id) |> FbosConfig.changeset(params) |> Repo.update!() :ok asset_kind == FirmwareConfig -> raise("FIXME") is_nil(params) && auto_sync? -> old = Repo.get_by(asset_kind, id: id) old && Repo.delete!(old) :ok auto_sync? -> if Code.ensure_loaded?(asset_kind) do case Repo.get_by(asset_kind, id: id) do nil -> struct(asset_kind) |> asset_kind.changeset(params) |> Repo.insert!() asset -> asset_kind.changeset(asset, params) |> Repo.update!() end end true -> if Code.ensure_loaded?(asset_kind) do asset = Repo.get_by(asset_kind, id: id) || struct(asset_kind) changeset = asset_kind.changeset(asset, params) :ok = EagerLoader.cache(changeset) else :ok end end device = json = JSON.encode!(%{args: %{label: label}, kind: "rpc_ok"}) :ok = Basic.publish(state.chan, @exchange, "bot.#{device}.from_device", json) {:noreply, state} end end