defmodule Farmbot.Firmware.UARTTransport do @moduledoc """ Handles sending/receiving GCODEs over UART. This is the mechanism that official Farmbot's communicate with official Farmbot-Arduino-Firmware's over. """ alias Farmbot.Firmware.GCODE alias Circuits.UART use GenServer def init(args) do device = Keyword.fetch!(args, :device) handle_gcode = Keyword.fetch!(args, :handle_gcode) {:ok, uart} = UART.start_link() {:ok, %{uart: uart, device: device, open: false, handle_gcode: handle_gcode}, 0} end def terminate(_, state) do UART.stop(state.uart) end def handle_info(:timeout, %{open: false} = state) do opts = [active: true, speed: 115_200, framing: {UART.Framing.Line, separator: "\r\n"}] case, state.device, opts) do :ok -> {:noreply, %{state | open: true}} {:error, reason} -> {:stop, {:uart_error, reason}, state} end end def handle_info({:circuits_uart, _, {:error, reason}}, state) do {:stop, {:uart_error, reason}, state} end def handle_info({:circuits_uart, _, data}, state) when is_binary(data) do code = GCODE.decode(String.trim(data)) state.handle_gcode.(code) {:noreply, state} end def handle_call(code, _from, state) do str = GCODE.encode(code) r = UART.write(state.uart, str) {:reply, r, state} end end