defmodule Farmbot.System do @moduledoc """ Common functionality that should be implemented by a system """ require Farmbot.Logger error_msg = """ Please configure `:system_tasks`! """ @system_tasks Application.get_env(:farmbot, __MODULE__)[:system_tasks] @system_tasks || Mix.raise(error_msg) @data_path Farmbot.OS.FileSystem.data_path() @doc "Restarts the machine." @callback reboot() :: any @doc "Shuts down the machine." @callback shutdown() :: any @doc "Reads the last shutdown is there was one." def last_shutdown_reason do file = Path.join(@data_path, "last_shutdown_reason") case do {:ok, data} -> data _ -> nil end end defp try_lock_fw do if Process.whereis(Farmbot.Firmware) do Farmbot.Logger.warn 1, "Trying to emergency lock firmware before powerdown" Farmbot.Firmware.command({:command_emergency_lock, []}) else Farmbot.Logger.error 1, "Firmware unavailable. Can't emergency_lock" end end @doc "Remove all configuration data, and reboot." @spec factory_reset(any) :: no_return def factory_reset(reason) do if Farmbot.Project.env == :dev do # credo:disable-for-next-line require IEx; IEx.pry() end if Process.whereis Farmbot.Core do if Farmbot.Asset.fbos_config().disable_factory_reset do reboot(reason) else do_reset(reason) end else do_reset(reason) end end defp do_reset(reason) do Application.stop(:farmbot_ext) Application.stop(:farmbot_core) for p <- Path.wildcard(Path.join(@data_path, "*")) do File.rm_rf!(p) end Farmbot.BootState.write(:NEEDS_CONFIGURATION) reboot(reason) end @doc "Reboot." @spec reboot(any) :: no_return def reboot(reason) do write_file(reason) try_lock_fw() @system_tasks.reboot() end @doc "Shutdown." @spec shutdown(any) :: no_return def shutdown(reason) do write_file(reason) try_lock_fw() @system_tasks.shutdown() end defp write_file(nil) do file = Path.join(@data_path, "last_shutdown_reason") File.rm_rf(file) end defp write_file(reason) do IO.puts "Farmbot powering down: #{reason}" file = Path.join(@data_path, "last_shutdown_reason") File.write!(file, inspect(reason)) end end