defmodule Farmbot.Host.Configurator do @moduledoc false use Supervisor import Farmbot.Config, only: [update_config_value: 4] @doc false def start_link(args) do Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, args, name: __MODULE__) end defp start_node() do case Node.start(:"farmbot-host@") do {:ok, _} -> :ok _ -> :ok end end def init(_) do start_node() # Get out authorization data out of the environment. # for host environment this will be configured at compile time. # for target environment it will be configured by `configurator`. email = System.get_env("FARMBOT_EMAIL") || raise error("email") pass = System.get_env("FARMBOT_PASSWORD") || raise error("password") server = System.get_env("FARMBOT_SERVER") || raise error("server") update_config_value(:string, "authorization", "email", email) update_config_value(:string, "authorization", "password", pass) update_config_value(:string, "authorization", "server", server) update_config_value(:string, "authorization", "token", nil) :ignore end defp error(_field) do """ Your environment is not properly configured! Please export FARMBOT_EMAIL, FARMBOT_PASSWORD and FARMBOT_SERVER in your environment. """ end end