# Changelog # 10.0.0 * Deprecate `resource_update` RPC * Introduce `update_resource` RPC, which allows users to modify variables from the sequence editor. * Genesis v1.5 and Express v1.0 firmware updates. # 9.2.2 * Fix firmware locking error ("Can't perform X in Y state") * Removal of dead code / legacy plus numerous unit test additions. * Added coveralls test coverage reporter * Unit test additions (+2.7% coverage :tada:) * Updates to build instructions for third party developers * Bug fix for criteria-based groups that have only one filter criteria. * Bug fix for express bots involving timeout during remote firmware flash * Remove VCR again (for now) * Increase farmware timeout to 20 minutes (use at own risk) # 9.2.1 * Improve firmware debug messages. * Remove confusing firmware debug messages, such as "Error OK". * Improved camera support on FarmBot express. * Bug fix to prevents OTA updates occuring when one is already in progress. # 9.2.0 * Support for criteria-based groups. * Genesis v1.5 and Express v1.0 firmware homing updates. * Fix bug where unknown positions would report as -1. # 9.1.2 * Genesis v1.5 and Express v1.0 firmware updates. * Bug fix for movement error reporting * Improved firmware error message reporting * Improved support for gantry mounted tools. # 9.1.1 * Genesis v1.5 and Express v1.0 firmware updates. # 9.1.0 * Improved support for new FarmBot Express models * Various firmware bug fixes for Express models. * Bug fix for slow Farmware execution (Thanks, @jsimmonds2) * Dependency upgrades * Upgrade VintageNet (networking library) * Removal of `dump_info` RPCs * Numerous internal improvements, such as increasing test coverage and changing dependency injection scheme. * Fix issue where firmware commands would be tried too many times. # 9.0.4 * Bug fix for slow Farmware execution (Thanks, @jsimmonds2) * Dependency upgrades * Upgrade VintageNet (networking library) * Removal of `dump_info` RPCs * Numerous internal improvements, such as increasing test coverage and changing dependency injection scheme. # 9.0.3 * Dependency updates # 9.0.2 * See notes for 9.0.1. # 9.0.1 * Routine token updates on Circle CI. * Fix bugs that were causing devices to erroneously factory reset under some circumstances. # 9.0.0 * Run updates on Nerves systems. * Updates to the way `set_servo_angle` is handled. * Fixes rip0 firmware flash issues. # 8.2.4 * Bug fixes * fix Farmware causing sequences to exit * fix `arduino_debug_messages` fbos_config field being ignored * fix `espeak` not working * add `name` paramater back to image uploads * Enhancements * `resource_update` command can now update: * device.mounted_tool_id * GenericPointer.* # 8.2.3 * Features * Farmbot will now check for an hour in which to apply over the air updates * Bug fixes * `take-photo` will now send a log * having multiple instances of the app open won't cause sync errors # 8.2.2 * Bug fixes * Fix race condition in executing farmwares # 8.2.1 * Features * Add timer to reset `firmware_input_log` and `firmware_output_log` after 5 minutes * Add a back off timer for flashing firmware * Bug fixes * Fix issue where opencv would error. Most notibly in take-photo # 8.2.0 * Features * Add telemetry to app. Telemetry data is now streamed to AMQP * Add log messages containing iteration context for looped sequences and events * Add support for EAP networks back # 8.1.1 * Bug fixes * Fix bug where farmbot could not execute the following commands * home * calibrate # 8.1.0 * Features * PointGroups are now supported by farmbot os * Sequence, FarmEvent, and Regimens can now enumerate over PointGroups * Bug fixes * Fixed a arduino-firmware bug when sending commands that are bigger than the buffer # 8.0.4 * Bug fixes * Fix the `move_absolute` step to honor speed parameter correctly # 8.0.3 * Features * Add new firmware params to support trinamic motor drivers * Bug fixes * Fix farmware sometimes hanging sequences * Fix the `mark_as` step # 8.0.2 * Updated dependencies * `nerves_hub` * `nerves_runtime` * Updated log messages * Configuration changes now log human readable names * Firmware changes now log human readable names * Bug fixes * Fix farmbot ignoring `movement_invert_2_endpoints` params # 8.0.1 * Updated log messages * AMQP connection log should be less noisy on first boot * Farmware installation logs will be more condensed * Enhancements * Syncing LED blink speed increased # 8.0.0 * Reorganize project structure * Split original single application into multiple OTP applications: * `farmbot_celery_script` - CeleryScript compiler and friends * `farmbot_firmware` - Interaction with the motor controler * `farmbot_core` - Main database access and other workers * `farmbot_ext` - Extra, mostly networked functionality * `farmbot_os` - `Nerves` Framework * Refactor global process initialization * Refactor networking for increased reliability * Refactor CeleryScript to support run-time variables * Preliminary support for raspberry pi 0 # 7.0.3 * Update to AMQP to disable `heartbeat` timeouts # 7.0.2 * AMQP now reconnects immediately after an unexpected disconnect * Misc Configurator UI updates # 7.0.1 * Fix typo causing custom dns servers to be ignored. * Update Configurator UI * Update Farmbot-Arduino-Firmware to 6.4.2 * Fix bug in decoding of CeleryScript * Fix bug causing the stubbed Firmware implemenation to crash # 7.0.0 * Initial support for WPA-EAP networks. * Increase NervesHub reconnect timer to not waste CPU time. * Update Farmware packages * Python 3 * OpenCv 3 # 6.4.13 * Add SensorReadings when `read_pin` is executed. # 6.4.12 * Fix race condition after getting time which broke self hosting users. * Add retry mechanism for fetching a token. * Farmbot will now try 5 times to fetch a token. * Fix bug causing static ip settings not to work. * Enable `multi_time_warp` which should hopefully compensate for time skew. * Migrate OTA system to NervesHub # 6.4.11 * Add SSH back. * Fix bug during configuration causing bots to maybe not connect. * FarmBot will now try to emergency lock the firmware on powerdown and reset. * Fix bug causing FarmBot not to reconnect to WiFi. * Add fields to `informational_settings`: * `uptime` seconds * `memory_usage` megabytes * `disk_usage` percent # 6.4.10 * Skipped due to release failure. # 6.4.9 * Add feature to save logs to sdcard for debugging. * Fix bug causing long running Farmwares to fail. * Make sure to clear eeprom before flashing Arduino firmware. * Update Linux system layer. # 6.4.8 * Make sure not to crash if a wifi network is malformed. # 6.4.7 * Fix DNS server config for self hosters. * Add new field to `informational_settings`: `currently_on_beta`. * Reindex farmware on bot_state crash. # 6.4.6 * Add new RPC to reinitialize Firmware * Tweak PinBinding debounce timeout. * Update Linux system layer to fix sound. # 6.4.5 * Fix Firmware syncing applying _every_ setting. # 6.4.4 * Optimize AMQP connection. * Sync PinBindings with the API. * Add new field on `informational_settings`: `soc_temp`. * Add new field on `informational_settings`: `wifi_level`. * Add new RPC `dump_info` that collects some info helpful for bug reports. * Add `BoxLed3` and `BoxLed4` to `write_pin`. * Implement new LED subsystem. * Declare language and charset in Configurator to avoid localization issues. * Add new Configurator fields for dns and ntp. * Another attempt at catching broken sqlite3 lib. * Update Linux system layer. # 6.4.3 * Fix Ramps firmware build. # 6.4.2 * Remove `hostapd` * Remove a lot of custom Logger code. * Try to write the last 100 logs to a flash drive if one exists. * Fix bugs in `send_message` block templating. * Add new farmware_tools package for plugins. # 6.4.1 * Beta updates should _always_ try to flash firmware. * Bump Nerves and friends to 1.0.0. * Add new firmware params: `movement_invert_2_endpoints_`. * Add new rpc: `set_pin_io_mode`. * Clean up positions in logs. * Update Configurator to support more control over network setup. * Add mdns to development setups. * Remove use of `iw`. * Add checks for uart auto detector. * Syncing a sequence reindexes running regimens that require it. # 6.4.0 * Update logs to no longer use the `meta` field. * Update Timed Estop messages to use the `fatal_email` channel. * Regimens will now persist reboots. # 6.3.2 * Add support for Raspberry Pi 3 B+. * Add new package `pyserial`. # 6.3.1 * Fix bug causing FarmEvents not to work. # 6.3.0 * Update system update system. * Rename and refactor external resources internally so they are more readable in the codebase. * Write tests for new system. * Implement the new "Flat" CeleryScript representation. * Add ability to log into a new account without rebooting into Configurator. * Firmware settings are now synced with Farmbot API. * Add third Firmware board. * Fix bug causing false positives on sync failure. * Fix bug causing a captive portal staying up if the user chooses a wired network connection. * Fix bug that prevented a user from configuring network credentials. * Fix bug that would halt bootup if a PinBinding is high during boot. * Add new syncable `Sensor`. * Add new celeryscript node `NamedPin`. * Add new args: * `pin_id` * `pin_type` * allow `pin_number` to be new `NamedPin` node. * allow to use `NamedPin` in: * `ReadPin` * `WritePin` * `If` # 6.2.1 * Fix Bug breaking diy builders with Arduinos showing up other than `/dev/ttyACM0`. # 6.2.0 * Farmbot Settings are now synced with Farmbot API. * Refactor Syncing to not make unnecessary HTTP requests. * Estop status is now much faster. * Add dns checkup for users with factory resetting disabled to make tokens refresh faster. * Opting into beta updates will refresh farmbot's token. # 6.1.2 * Fix fw hardware being reset on os upgrade. * Bump arduino-firmware version to 6.0.1 # 6.1.1 * Fix bug that caused the "update" button on the frontend to give an error log. * Fix flashing `beta` channel updates. * Add feature to send user an email if the bot has been e-stopped for 10 minutes. * Add feature to `espeak` logs. * Set `busy` a little earlier making the bot seem snappier. * Fix `tzdata` bug for real this time. * Update Arduino Firmware. # 6.1.0 * Remove all the migration code to safely get from 5.0.x to 6.0.1. * Clean up and upgrade dependencies. * Fix bug that could cause Image uploads to silently fail. * Fix bug in `tzdata` that could cause the sdcard to fill up. # 6.0.1 * Add feature auto sync. * Add feature RPI GPIO. * Refactor Configurator to not need Javascript/Webpack * Add timer before network not found factory resets bot. * Remove steps/mm conversion. * Bundle new arduino-firmware. * Replace MQTT with AMQP. * Get rid of Log batching. * Add verbosity level to _every_ log message. * Show position for log messages. * Add many helpful log messages. * Add feature to disable many log message. * Add feature to log all arduino-firmware I/O. * Migrated CI to CircleCI from TravisCI. * Refactored FarmEvent Calendar generator. * Fix a ton of little bugs. # 5.0.9 * Add missing redis-py package for Farmware. # 5.0.8 * Update underlying Linux System deps. * Preperation for 6.x releases. # 5.0.6 * Fix images double uploading. * Allow reinstallation of first party farmware. # 5.0.5 * Fix token refreshing. # 5.0.4 * Fix lag when communicating over MQTT * Don't retain last will log message. * Update node packages. # 5.0.3 * Add selector for firmware hardware to Configurator. * Fix an OS update bug. * Fix an image upload bug. * Fix a farmware download bug. # 5.0.2 * Fix a bug causing `busy` to be set erroneously. * add note to configurator for osx users. # 5.0.1 * Fix not being able to move to a point in some cases. * Fix a sub sequence never returning. * add `busy` flag to the bot's state. # 5.0.0 * add a progress bar to http client for downloads. * Bundle new Arduino Firmware. * Rewrite Farmware Handler again, to use HTTP/REST this time instead of STDIN/STDOUT. * Add location_data to bot state. This includes encoder position. * Add `jobs` field to bot state. # 4.0.1 * fix bug in E-Stop # 4.0.0 * bundle new Arduino Firmware * overhaul HTTP adapter * start fixing cross cutting concerns within the application # 3.1.6 * Bundle new FW (01.13) * Increase WiFi Stability * Refresh auth token more frequently * Clean up noisy log messages # 3.1.5 * Clean up a ton of log messages causing RollBar problems. * Finally rewrite the firmware uploader. * Bump Firmware Version. * Misc bug fixes. # 3.1.4 * Bundle new FW * Add Rollbar client # 3.1.3 * Fix peripheral bug. # 3.1.2 * Fix bug caused by Github changing their release api. # 3.1.1 * Bundle a new FW fixing z axis and gravity. # 3.1.0 * Fix a bug with unwanted Logs going to the frontend/backend. # 3.0.8 * Rewrite Serial handler and bundle FW into the OS. # 3.0.6 * Syncing is now a multiple request action and is now much faster and safer. * change folder structure * begin adding redis support. # 3.0.5 * Configurator got a facelift + a few extra features. # 3.0.4 * Logger bug fixes # 3.0.3 * Farmware fixes # 3.0.2 * Farmware initial concepts. # 3.0.1 * implement bot state migrations * logger fixes. # 3.0.0 * Makefile # 2.1.10 * a few minor bug fixes to the previous release. # 2.1.9 * changed folder structure around * moved farmbot_auth and farmbot_configurator back into an umbrella application * begin migration to CeleryScript for all the things * Multi Platform support * `Configurator` looks great. thanks @MrChristofferson && @RickCarlino * Code base was converted to CeleryScript, so it is much more stable * bot configuration is now based on a single (json) that is shared across platforms/targets