defmodule FarmbotExt.API.DirtyWorker do @moduledoc "Handles uploading/downloading of data from the API." alias FarmbotCore.Asset.{Private, Repo} alias FarmbotExt.{API, API.DirtyWorker} import API.View, only: [render: 2] require Logger use GenServer @timeout 4700 # these resources can't be accessed by `id`. @singular [ FarmbotCore.Asset.Device, FarmbotCore.Asset.FirmwareConfig, FarmbotCore.Asset.FbosConfig ] @doc false def child_spec(module) when is_atom(module) do %{ id: {DirtyWorker, module}, start: {__MODULE__, :start_link, [[module: module, timeout: @timeout]]}, type: :worker, restart: :permanent, shutdown: 500 } end @doc "Start an instance of a DirtyWorker" def start_link(args) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, args) end @impl GenServer def init(args) do module = Keyword.fetch!(args, :module) timeout = Keyword.get(args, :timeout, @timeout) timer = Process.send_after(self(), :timeout, timeout) {:ok, %{module: module, timeout: timeout, timer: timer}} end @impl GenServer def handle_info(:timeout, %{module: module} = state) do dirty = Private.list_dirty(module) local = Private.list_local(module) {:noreply, state, {:continue, Enum.uniq(dirty ++ local)}} end @impl GenServer def handle_continue([], state) do timer = Process.send_after(self(), :timeout, state.timeout) {:noreply, %{state | timer: timer}} end def handle_continue([dirty | rest], %{module: module} = state) do case http_request(dirty, state) do # Valid data {:ok, %{status: s, body: body}} when s > 199 and s < 300 -> dirty |> module.changeset(body) |> handle_changeset(rest, state) # Invalid data {:ok, %{status: s, body: %{} = body}} when s > 399 and s < 500 -> changeset = module.changeset(dirty) Enum.reduce(body, changeset, fn {key, val}, changeset -> Ecto.Changeset.add_error(changeset, key, val) end) |> handle_changeset(rest, state) # Invalid data, but the API didn't say why {:ok, %{status: s, body: _body}} when s > 399 and s < 500 -> module.changeset(dirty) |> Map.put(:valid?, false) |> handle_changeset(rest, state) # HTTP Error. (500, network error, timeout etc.) error -> Logger.error( "[#{module} #{dirty.local_id} #{inspect(self())}] HTTP Error: #{state.module} #{ inspect(error) }" ) {:noreply, state, @timeout} end end # If the changeset was valid, update the record. def handle_changeset(%{valid?: true} = changeset, rest, state) do Repo.update!(changeset) |> Private.mark_clean!() {:noreply, state, {:continue, rest}} end def handle_changeset(%{valid?: false, data: data} = changeset, rest, state) do message =, fn {key, {msg, _meta}} when is_binary(key) -> "\t#{key}: #{msg}" {key, msg} when is_binary(key) -> "\t#{key}: #{msg}" end) |> Enum.join("\n") Logger.error("Failed to sync: #{state.module} \n #{message}") _ = Repo.delete!(data) {:noreply, state, {:continue, rest}} end defp http_request(%{id: nil} = dirty, state) do path = state.module.path() data = render(state.module, dirty), path, data) end defp http_request(dirty, %{module: module} = state) when module in @singular do path = path = state.module.path() data = render(state.module, dirty) API.patch(API.client(), path, data) end defp http_request(dirty, state) do path = Path.join(state.module.path(), to_string( data = render(state.module, dirty) API.patch(API.client(), path, data) end end