defmodule Farmbot.Firmware do @moduledoc "Allows communication with the firmware." use GenStage use Farmbot.Logger alias Farmbot.Firmware.{Vec3, EstopTimer} import Farmbot.System.ConfigStorage, only: [get_config_value: 3, update_config_value: 4, get_config_as_map: 0] # If any command takes longer than this, exit. @call_timeout 500_000 @doc "Move the bot to a position." def move_absolute(%Vec3{} = vec3, x_spd, y_spd, z_spd) do call = {:move_absolute, [vec3, x_spd, y_spd, z_spd]}, call, @call_timeout) end @doc "Calibrate an axis." def calibrate(axis) do, {:calibrate, [axis]}, @call_timeout) end @doc "Find home on an axis." def find_home(axis) do, {:find_home, [axis]}, @call_timeout) end @doc "Home every axis." def home_all() do, {:home_all, []}, @call_timeout) end @doc "Home an axis." def home(axis) do, {:home, [axis]}, @call_timeout) end @doc "Manually set an axis's current position to zero." def zero(axis) do, {:zero, [axis]}, @call_timeout) end @doc """ Update a paramater. For a list of paramaters see `Farmbot.Firmware.Gcode.Param` """ def update_param(param, val) do, {:update_param, [param, val]}, @call_timeout) end @doc false def read_all_params do, {:read_all_params, []}, @call_timeout) end @doc """ Read a paramater. For a list of paramaters see `Farmbot.Firmware.Gcode.Param` """ def read_param(param) do, {:read_param, [param]}, @call_timeout) end @doc "Emergency lock Farmbot." def emergency_lock() do, {:emergency_lock, []}, @call_timeout) end @doc "Unlock Farmbot from Emergency state." def emergency_unlock() do, {:emergency_unlock, []}, @call_timeout) end @doc "Set a pin mode (:input | :output)" def set_pin_mode(pin, mode) do, {:set_pin_mode, [pin, mode]}, @call_timeout) end @doc "Read a pin." def read_pin(pin, mode) do, {:read_pin, [pin, mode]}, @call_timeout) end @doc "Write a pin." def write_pin(pin, mode, value) do, {:write_pin, [pin, mode, value]}, @call_timeout) end @doc "Request version." def request_software_version do, {:request_software_version, []}, @call_timeout) end @doc "Set angle of a servo pin." def set_servo_angle(pin, value) do, {:set_servo_angle, [pin, value]}, @call_timeout) end @doc "Flag for all params reported." def params_reported do, :params_reported) end @doc "Start the firmware services." def start_link do GenStage.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__) end ## GenStage defmodule Command do @moduledoc false defstruct [ fun: nil, args: nil, from: nil ] defimpl Inspect, for: __MODULE__ do def inspect(obj, _) do "#{}(#{Enum.join(obj.args, ", ")})" end end end defmodule State do @moduledoc false defstruct [ handler: nil, handler_mod: nil, idle: false, timer: nil, pins: %{}, params: %{}, params_reported: false, initialized: false, initializing: false, current: nil, timeout_ms: 150_000, queue: ] end def init([]) do handler_mod = Application.get_env(:farmbot, :behaviour)[:firmware_handler] || raise("No fw handler.") case handler_mod.start_link() do {:ok, handler} -> Process.flag(:trap_exit, true) { :producer_consumer, %State{handler: handler, handler_mod: handler_mod}, subscribe_to: [handler], dispatcher: GenStage.BroadcastDispatcher } {:error, reason} -> old = Application.get_all_env(:farmbot)[:behaviour] new = Keyword.put(old, :firmware_handler, Farmbot.Firmware.StubHandler) Application.put_env(:farmbot, :behaviour, new) {:stop, {:handler_init, reason}} end end def terminate(reason, state) do unless reason in [:normal, :shutdown] do old = Application.get_all_env(:farmbot)[:behaviour] new = Keyword.put(old, :firmware_handler, Farmbot.Firmware.StubHandler) Application.put_env(:farmbot, :behaviour, new) end unless :queue.is_empty(state.queue) do list = :queue.to_list(state.queue) for cmd <- list do :ok = do_reply(%{state | current: cmd}, {:error, reason}) end end end def handle_info({:EXIT, _pid, :normal}, state) do {:stop, :normal, state} end def handle_info({:EXIT, _, reason}, state) do Logger.error 1, "Firmware handler: #{state.handler_mod} died: #{inspect reason}" case state.handler_mod.start_link() do {:ok, handler} -> new_state = %{state | handler: handler} {:noreply, [{:informational_settings, %{busy: false}}], %{new_state | initialized: false, idle: false}} err -> {:stop, err, %{state | handler: false}} end end # TODO(Connor): Put some sort of exit strategy here. # If a firmware command keeps timingout/failing, Farmbot OS just keeps trying # it. This can lead to infinate failures. def handle_info({:command_timeout, timeout_command}, state) do case state.current do # Check if this timeout is actually talking about the current command. ^timeout_command = current -> Logger.warn 1, "Timed out waiting for Firmware response. Retrying #{inspect current}) " case apply(state.handler_mod,, [state.handler | current.args]) do :ok -> timer = Process.send_after(self(), {:command_timeout, current}, state.timeout_ms) {:noreply, [], %{state | current: current, timer: timer}} {:error, _} = res -> do_reply(state, res) {:noreply, [], %{state | current: nil, queue:}} end # If this timeout was not talking about the current command %Command{} = current -> Logger.debug 3, "Got stray timeout for command: #{inspect current}" {:noreply, [], %{state | timer: nil}} # If there is no current command, we got a different kind of stray. # This is ok i guess. nil -> {:noreply, [], %{state | timer: nil}} end end def handle_call(:params_reported, _, state) do {:reply, state.params_reported, [], state} end def handle_call({fun, _}, _from, state = %{initialized: false}) when fun not in [:read_all_params, :update_param, :emergency_unlock, :emergency_lock] do {:reply, {:error, :uninitialized}, [], state} end def handle_call({fun, args}, from, state) do next_current = struct(Command, from: from, fun: fun, args: args) current_current = state.current cond do fun == :emergency_lock -> if current_current do do_reply(state, {:error, :emergency_lock}) end do_begin_cmd(next_current, state, []) match?(%Command{}, current_current) -> do_queue_cmd(next_current, state) is_nil(current_current) -> do_begin_cmd(next_current, state, []) end end defp do_begin_cmd(%Command{fun: fun, args: args, from: _from} = current, state, dispatch) do # Logger.busy 3, "FW Starting: #{fun}: #{inspect from}" case apply(state.handler_mod, fun, [state.handler | args]) do :ok -> timer = Process.send_after(self(), {:command_timeout, current}, state.timeout_ms) if fun == :emergency_unlock do Farmbot.System.GPIO.Leds.led_status_ok() new_dispatch = [{:informational_settings, %{busy: false, locked: false}} | dispatch] {:noreply, new_dispatch, %{state | current: current, timer: timer}} else {:noreply, dispatch, %{state | current: current, timer: timer}} end {:error, _} = res -> do_reply(%{state | current: current}, res) {:noreply, dispatch, %{state | current: nil}} end end defp do_queue_cmd(%Command{fun: _fun, args: _args, from: _from} = current, state) do # Logger.busy 3, "FW Queuing: #{fun}: #{inspect from}" new_q =, state.queue) {:noreply, [], %{state | queue: new_q}} end def handle_events(gcodes, _from, state) do {diffs, state} = handle_gcodes(gcodes, state) # if after handling the current buffer of gcodes, # Try to start the next command in the queue if it exists. if List.last(gcodes) == :idle && state.current == nil do case :queue.out(state.queue) do {{:value, next_current}, new_queue} -> do_begin_cmd(next_current, %{state | queue: new_queue, current: next_current}, diffs) {:empty, queue} -> # nothing to do if the queue is empty. {:noreply, diffs, %{state | queue: queue}} end else {:noreply, diffs, state} end end defp handle_gcodes(codes, state, acc \\ []) defp handle_gcodes([], state, acc), do: {Enum.reverse(acc), state} defp handle_gcodes([code | rest], state, acc) do case handle_gcode(code, state) do {nil, new_state} -> handle_gcodes(rest, new_state, acc) {key, diff, new_state} -> handle_gcodes(rest, new_state, [{key, diff} | acc]) end end defp handle_gcode({:debug_message, message}, state) do if get_config_value(:bool, "settings", "arduino_debug_messages") do Logger.debug 3, "Arduino debug message: #{message}" end {nil, state} end defp handle_gcode(code, state) when code in [:error, :invalid_command] do Logger.warn 1, "Got error gcode (#{code})!" maybe_cancel_timer(state.timer, state.current) if state.current do formatted_args =, fn(arg) -> cond do is_atom(arg) -> to_string(arg) is_binary(arg) -> to_string(arg) true -> inspect(arg) end end) Logger.error 1, "Failed to execute #{} #{inspect formatted_args}" do_reply(state, {:error, :firmware_error}) {nil, %{state | current: nil}} else {nil, state} end end defp handle_gcode({:report_current_position, x, y, z}, state) do {:location_data, %{position: %{x: round(x), y: round(y), z: round(z)}}, state} end defp handle_gcode({:report_encoder_position_scaled, x, y, z}, state) do {:location_data, %{scaled_encoders: %{x: x, y: y, z: z}}, state} end defp handle_gcode({:report_encoder_position_raw, x, y, z}, state) do {:location_data, %{raw_encoders: %{x: x, y: y, z: z}}, state} end defp handle_gcode({:report_end_stops, xa, xb, ya, yb, za, zb}, state) do diff = %{end_stops: %{xa: xa, xb: xb, ya: ya, yb: yb, za: za, zb: zb}} {:location_data, diff, state} {nil, state} end defp handle_gcode({:report_pin_mode, pin, mode_atom}, state) do # Logger.debug 3, "Got pin mode report: #{pin}: #{mode_atom}" mode = if(mode_atom == :digital, do: 0, else: 1) case state.pins[pin] do %{mode: _, value: _} = pin_map -> {:pins, %{pin => %{pin_map | mode: mode}}, %{state | pins: %{state.pins | pin => %{pin_map | mode: mode}}}} nil -> {:pins, %{pin => %{mode: mode, value: -1}}, %{state | pins: Map.put(state.pins, pin, %{mode: mode, value: -1})}} end end defp handle_gcode({:report_pin_value, pin, value}, state) do # Logger.debug 3, "Got pin value report: #{pin}: #{value} old: #{inspect state.pins[pin]}" case state.pins[pin] do %{mode: _, value: _} = pin_map -> {:pins, %{pin => %{pin_map | value: value}}, %{state | pins: %{state.pins | pin => %{pin_map | value: value}}}} nil -> {:pins, %{pin => %{mode: nil, value: value}}, %{state | pins: Map.put(state.pins, pin, %{mode: nil, value: value})}} end end defp handle_gcode({:report_parameter_value, param, value}, state) when (value == -1) do maybe_update_param_from_report(to_string(param), nil) {:mcu_params, %{param => nil}, %{state | params: Map.put(state.params, param, value)}} end defp handle_gcode({:report_parameter_value, param, value}, state) when is_number(value) do maybe_update_param_from_report(to_string(param), value) {:mcu_params, %{param => value}, %{state | params: Map.put(state.params, param, value)}} end defp handle_gcode(:idle, %{initialized: false, initializing: false} = state) do Logger.busy 1, "Initializing Firmware." old = get_config_as_map()["hardware_params"] case old["param_version"] do nil -> Logger.debug 3, "Setting up fresh params." spawn __MODULE__, :do_read_params_and_report_position, [%{}] _ -> Logger.debug 3, "Setting up old params." spawn __MODULE__, :do_read_params_and_report_position, [Map.delete(old, "param_version")] end {nil, %{state | initializing: true}} end defp handle_gcode(:idle, %{initialized: false, initializing: true} = state) do {nil, state} end defp handle_gcode(:idle, state) do maybe_cancel_timer(state.timer, state.current) Farmbot.BotState.set_busy(false) if state.current do # This might be a bug in the FW if in [:home, :home_all] do Logger.warn 1, "Got idle during home. Ignoring. This might be bad." timer = Process.send_after(self(), {:command_timeout, state.current}, state.timeout_ms) {nil, %{state | timer: timer}} else Logger.warn 1, "Got idle while executing a command." do_reply(state, {:error, :timeout}) {:informational_settings, %{busy: false, locked: false}, %{state | current: nil, idle: true}} end else {:informational_settings, %{busy: false, locked: false}, %{state | idle: true}} end end defp handle_gcode(:report_params_complete, state) do Logger.success 1, "Firmware initialized." {nil, %{state | initializing: false, initialized: true, params_reported: true}} end defp handle_gcode({:report_software_version, version}, state) do case String.last(version) do "F" -> update_config_value(:string, "settings", "firmware_hardware", "farmduino") "R" -> update_config_value(:string, "settings", "firmware_hardware", "arduino") "G" -> update_config_value(:string, "settings", "firmware_hardware", "farmduino_v14") _ -> :ok end {:informational_settings, %{firmware_version: version}, state} end defp handle_gcode(:report_axis_home_complete_x, state) do Logger.success 2, "X Axis homing complete." {nil, state} end defp handle_gcode(:report_axis_home_complete_y, state) do Logger.success 2, "Y Axis homing complete." {nil, state} end defp handle_gcode(:report_axis_home_complete_z, state) do Logger.success 2, "Z Axis homing complete." {nil, state} end defp handle_gcode(:busy, state) do Farmbot.BotState.set_busy(true) maybe_cancel_timer(state.timer, state.current) timer = Process.send_after(self(), {:command_timeout, state.current}, state.timeout_ms) {:informational_settings, %{busy: true}, %{state | idle: false, timer: timer}} end defp handle_gcode(:done, state) do maybe_cancel_timer(state.timer, state.current) Farmbot.BotState.set_busy(false) if state.current do do_reply(state, :ok) {nil, %{state | current: nil}} else {nil, state} end end defp handle_gcode(:report_emergency_lock, state) do Farmbot.System.GPIO.Leds.led_status_err maybe_send_email() if state.current do do_reply(state, {:error, :emergency_lock}) {:informational_settings, %{locked: true}, %{state | current: nil}} else {:informational_settings, %{locked: true}, state} end end defp handle_gcode({:report_calibration, axis, status}, state) do maybe_cancel_timer(state.timer, state.current) Logger.busy 1, "Axis #{axis} calibration: #{status}" {nil, state} end defp handle_gcode({:report_axis_calibration, param, val}, state) do spawn __MODULE__, :report_calibration_callback, [5, param, val] {nil, state} end defp handle_gcode(:noop, state) do {nil, state} end defp handle_gcode(:received, state) do {nil, state} end defp handle_gcode({:echo, _code}, state) do {nil, state} end defp handle_gcode(code, state) do Logger.warn(3, "unhandled code: #{inspect(code)}") {nil, state} end defp maybe_cancel_timer(nil, current_command) do if current_command do Logger.debug 3, "[WEIRD] - No timer to cancel for command: #{inspect current_command}" :ok else Logger.debug 3, "[PROBABLY OK] - No timer to cancel, and no command here." :ok end end defp maybe_cancel_timer(timer, current_command) do if Process.read_timer(timer) do Logger.debug 3, "[NORMAL] - Canceled timer: #{inspect timer} for command: #{inspect current_command}" Process.cancel_timer(timer) :ok else :ok end end defp maybe_update_param_from_report(param, val) when is_binary(param) do real_val = if val, do: (val / 1), else: nil Logger.debug 3, "Firmware reported #{param} => #{val || -1}" update_config_value(:float, "hardware_params", to_string(param), real_val) end @doc false def do_read_params_and_report_position(old) when is_map(old) do for {key, float_val} <- old do cond do (float_val == -1) -> :ok is_nil(float_val) -> :ok is_number(float_val) -> val = round(float_val) update_param(:"#{key}", val) end end update_param(:param_config_ok, 1) update_param(:param_use_eeprom, 0) read_all_params() request_software_version() end @doc false def report_calibration_callback(tries, param, value) def report_calibration_callback(0, _param, _value) do :ok end def report_calibration_callback(tries, param, val) do case Farmbot.Firmware.update_param(param, val) do :ok -> case get_config_value(:float, "hardware_params", to_string(param)) do ^val -> Logger.success 1, "Calibrated #{param}: #{val}" :ok _ -> report_calibration_callback(tries - 1, param, val) end {:error, reason} -> Logger.error 1, "Failed to set #{param}: #{val} (#{inspect reason})" report_calibration_callback(tries - 1, param, val) end end defp do_reply(state, reply) do maybe_cancel_timer(state.timer, state.current) case state.current do %Command{fun: :emergency_unlock, from: from} -> # i really don't want this to be here.. EstopTimer.cancel_timer() :ok = GenServer.reply from, reply %Command{fun: :emergency_lock, from: from} -> :ok = GenServer.reply from, {:error, :emergency_lock} %Command{fun: _fun, from: from} -> # Logger.success 3, "FW Replying: #{fun}: #{inspect from}" :ok = GenServer.reply from, reply nil -> Logger.error 1, "FW Nothing to send reply: #{inspect reply} to!." :error end end defp maybe_send_email do import Farmbot.System.ConfigStorage, only: [get_config_value: 3] if get_config_value(:bool, "settings", "email_on_estop") do if !EstopTimer.timer_active? do EstopTimer.start_timer() end end end end