# This file of environment variables is sourced via /etc/profile.d/debuild.sh # # It sets the email and name of the maintainer first. # Next we disable parallel builds for ram conservation, normally enabled. # Finally we add hardening to the build. DEBEMAIL="debian@ptudor.net" DEBFULLNAME="Patrick Tudor" # "nocheck" here because testrunner runs out of ram on most current arm hardware -pht # manual: dh_auto_test: If the DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS environment variable contains nocheck, no tests will be performed. DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS='parallel=1 nocheck' # https://wiki.debian.org/Hardening DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS='hardening=+all' export DEBEMAIL DEBFULLNAME DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS