# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #Copyright (C) 2014 Chris Hinsley All Rights Reserved import sys, time from array import array from itertools import islice, izip, groupby from random import shuffle from mymath import * from layer import * def shift(l, n): n = n % len(l) head = l[:n] del l[:n] l.extend(head) return l class Pcb(): def __init__(self, dimensions, routing_flood_vectors, routing_path_vectors, dfunc, resolution, verbosity, minz): self.dfunc = dfunc self.verbosity = verbosity self.routing_flood_vectors = routing_flood_vectors self.routing_path_vectors = routing_path_vectors self.layers = Layers(dimensions, 1.0 / resolution) self.width, self.height, self.depth = dimensions self.resolution = resolution self.minz = minz self.width *= resolution self.height *= resolution self.stride = self.width * self.height self.nodes = array('i', [0 for x in xrange(self.stride * self.depth)]) self.netlist = [] self.deform = {} def grid_to_space_point(self, node): if node in self.deform: return self.deform[node] return (float(node[0]), float(node[1]), float(node[2])) def set_node(self, node, value): self.nodes[(self.stride * node[2]) + (node[1] * self.width) + node[0]] = value def get_node(self, node): return self.nodes[(self.stride * node[2]) + (node[1] * self.width) + node[0]] def all_marked(self, vectors, node): x, y, z = node for dx, dy, dz in vectors[z % 2]: nx = x + dx; ny = y + dy; nz = z + dz if (0 <= nx < self.width) and (0 <= ny < self.height) and (0 <= nz < self.depth): mark = self.get_node((nx, ny, nz)) if mark != 0: yield (mark, (nx, ny, nz)) def all_not_marked(self, vectors, node): x, y, z = node for dx, dy, dz in vectors[z % 2]: nx = x + dx; ny = y + dy; nz = z + dz if (0 <= nx < self.width) and (0 <= ny < self.height) and (0 <= nz < self.depth): if self.get_node((nx, ny, nz)) == 0: yield (nx, ny, nz) def all_nearer_sorted(self, vectors, node, goal, func): distance = self.get_node(node) sgoal = self.grid_to_space_point(goal) nodes = [(func(self.grid_to_space_point(marked[1]), sgoal), marked[1]) \ for marked in self.all_marked(vectors, node) \ if (distance - marked[0]) > 0] nodes.sort() for node in nodes: yield node[1] def all_not_shorting(self, gather, params, node, radius, via, gap): np = self.grid_to_space_point(node) for new_node in gather(*params): nnp = self.grid_to_space_point(new_node) if node[2] != new_node[2]: if not self.layers.hit_line(np, nnp, via, gap): yield new_node else: if not self.layers.hit_line(np, nnp, radius, gap): yield new_node def mark_distances(self, vectors, radius, via, gap, starts, ends = []): distance = 1 nodes = list(starts) for node in nodes: self.set_node(node, distance) while nodes: distance += 1 new_nodes = [] for node in nodes: for new_node in self.all_not_shorting(self.all_not_marked, (vectors, node), node, radius, via, gap): self.set_node(new_node, distance) new_nodes.append(new_node) nodes = new_nodes if 0 not in [self.get_node(node) for node in ends]: break def unmark_distances(self): self.nodes = array('i', [0 for x in xrange(self.stride * self.depth)]) def add_track(self, track): radius, via, gap, net = track self.netlist.append(Net(net, radius, via, gap, self)) def route(self, timeout): self.remove_netlist() self.unmark_distances() now = time.time() self.netlist.sort(key = lambda i: i.radius, reverse = True) index = 0 while index < len(self.netlist): if self.netlist[index].route(self.minz): index += 1 else: if index == 0: self.shuffle_netlist() else: self.netlist.insert(0, self.netlist.pop(index)) while index != 0: self.netlist[index].remove() self.netlist[index].shuffle_topology() index -= 1 if time.time() - now > timeout: return False if self.verbosity >= 1: self.print_netlist() return True def cost(self): return sum(len(path) for net in self.netlist for path in net.paths) def shuffle_netlist(self): for net in self.netlist: net.remove() net.shuffle_topology() shuffle(self.netlist) def remove_netlist(self): for net in self.netlist: net.remove() def print_netlist(self): for net in self.netlist: net.print_net() print [] sys.stdout.flush() def print_pcb(self): scale = 1.0 / self.resolution print [self.width * scale, self.height * scale, self.depth] sys.stdout.flush() def print_stats(self): num_vias = 0 num_terminals = 0 num_nets = len(self.netlist) for net in self.netlist: num_terminals += len(net.terminals) for path in net.paths: for a, b in izip(path, islice(path, 1, None)): if a[2] != b[2]: num_vias += 1 print >> sys.stderr, "Number of Terminals:", num_terminals print >> sys.stderr, "Number of Nets:", num_nets print >> sys.stderr, "Number of Vias:", num_vias class Net(): def __init__(self, terminals, radius, via, gap, pcb): self.pcb = pcb self.terminals = [(r * pcb.resolution, g * pcb.resolution, \ (x * pcb.resolution, y * pcb.resolution, z), \ [(cx * pcb.resolution, cy * pcb.resolution) for cx, cy in s]) \ for r, g, (x, y, z), s in terminals] self.radius = radius * pcb.resolution self.via = via * pcb.resolution self.gap = gap * pcb.resolution self.paths = [] self.remove() for term in self.terminals: for z in xrange(pcb.depth): pcb.deform[(int(term[2][0] + 0.5), int(term[2][1] + 0.5), z)] = (term[2][0], term[2][1], float(z)) def optimise_paths(self, paths): opt_paths = [] for path in paths: opt_path = [] d = (0, 0, 0) for a, b in izip(path, islice(path, 1, None)): p0 = self.pcb.grid_to_space_point(a) p1 = self.pcb.grid_to_space_point(b) d1 = norm_3d(sub_3d(p1, p0)) if d1 != d: opt_path.append(a) d = d1 opt_path.append(path[-1]) opt_paths.append(opt_path) return opt_paths def shuffle_topology(self): shuffle(self.terminals) def add_paths_collision_lines(self): for path in self.paths: for a, b in izip(path, islice(path, 1, None)): p0 = self.pcb.grid_to_space_point(a) p1 = self.pcb.grid_to_space_point(b) if a[2] != b[2]: self.pcb.layers.add_line(p0, p1, self.via, self.gap) else: self.pcb.layers.add_line(p0, p1, self.radius, self.gap) def sub_paths_collision_lines(self): for path in self.paths: for a, b in izip(path, islice(path, 1, None)): p0 = self.pcb.grid_to_space_point(a) p1 = self.pcb.grid_to_space_point(b) if a[2] != b[2]: self.pcb.layers.sub_line(p0, p1, self.via, self.gap) else: self.pcb.layers.sub_line(p0, p1, self.radius, self.gap) def add_terminal_collision_lines(self): for node in self.terminals: r, g, (x, y, _), s = node if not s: self.pcb.layers.add_line((x, y, 0), (x, y, self.pcb.depth - 1), r, g) else: for z in xrange(self.pcb.depth): for a, b in izip(s, islice(s, 1, None)): self.pcb.layers.add_line((x + a[0], y + a[1], z), (x + b[0], y + b[1], z), r, g) def sub_terminal_collision_lines(self): for node in self.terminals: r, g, (x, y, _), s = node if not s: self.pcb.layers.sub_line((x, y, 0), (x, y, self.pcb.depth - 1), r, g) else: for z in xrange(self.pcb.depth): for a, b in izip(s, islice(s, 1, None)): self.pcb.layers.sub_line((x + a[0], y + a[1], z), (x + b[0], y + b[1], z), r, g) def remove(self): self.sub_paths_collision_lines() self.sub_terminal_collision_lines() self.paths = [] self.add_terminal_collision_lines() def route(self, minz): try: self.paths = [] self.sub_terminal_collision_lines() visited = set() for index in xrange(1, len(self.terminals)): visited |= set([(int(self.terminals[index - 1][2][0]+0.5), int(self.terminals[index - 1][2][1]+0.5), z) for z in xrange(self.pcb.depth)]) ends = [(int(self.terminals[index][2][0]+0.5), int(self.terminals[index][2][1]+0.5), z) for z in xrange(self.pcb.depth)] self.pcb.mark_distances(self.pcb.routing_flood_vectors, self.radius, self.via, self.gap, visited, ends) ends = [(self.pcb.get_node(node), node) for node in ends] ends.sort() _, end = ends[0] path = [end] while path[-1] not in visited: nearer_nodes = self.pcb.all_not_shorting(self.pcb.all_nearer_sorted, \ (self.pcb.routing_path_vectors, path[-1], end, self.pcb.dfunc), path[-1], self.radius, self.via, self.gap) next_node = next(nearer_nodes) if minz: for node in nearer_nodes: if node[2] == path[-1][2]: next_node = node break path.append(next_node) visited |= set(path) self.paths.append(path) self.pcb.unmark_distances() self.paths = self.optimise_paths(self.paths) self.add_paths_collision_lines() self.add_terminal_collision_lines() return True except StopIteration: self.pcb.unmark_distances() self.remove() return False def print_net(self): scale = 1.0 / self.pcb.resolution spaths = [] for path in self.paths: spath = [] for node in path: spath += [self.pcb.grid_to_space_point(node)] spaths += [spath] print [self.radius * scale, self.via * scale, self.gap * scale, \ [(r * scale, g * scale, (x * scale, y * scale, z), \ [(cx * scale, cy * scale) for cx, cy in s]) for r, g, (x, y, z), s in self.terminals], \ [[(x * scale, y * scale, z) for x, y, z in spath] for spath in spaths]]