#include "selfdrive/proclogd/proclog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "selfdrive/common/swaglog.h" #include "selfdrive/common/util.h" namespace Parser { // parse /proc/stat std::vector cpuTimes(std::istream &stream) { std::vector cpu_times; std::string line; // skip the first line for cpu total std::getline(stream, line); while (std::getline(stream, line)) { if (line.compare(0, 3, "cpu") != 0) break; CPUTime t = {}; std::istringstream iss(line); if (iss.ignore(3) >> t.id >> t.utime >> t.ntime >> t.stime >> t.itime >> t.iowtime >> t.irqtime >> t.sirqtime) cpu_times.push_back(t); } return cpu_times; } // parse /proc/meminfo std::unordered_map memInfo(std::istream &stream) { std::unordered_map mem_info; std::string line, key; while (std::getline(stream, line)) { uint64_t val = 0; std::istringstream iss(line); if (iss >> key >> val) { mem_info[key] = val * 1024; } } return mem_info; } // field position (https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/proc.5.html) enum StatPos { pid = 1, state = 3, ppid = 4, utime = 14, stime = 15, cutime = 16, cstime = 17, priority = 18, nice = 19, num_threads = 20, starttime = 22, vsize = 23, rss = 24, processor = 39, MAX_FIELD = 52, }; // parse /proc/pid/stat std::optional procStat(std::string stat) { // To avoid being fooled by names containing a closing paren, scan backwards. auto open_paren = stat.find('('); auto close_paren = stat.rfind(')'); if (open_paren == std::string::npos || close_paren == std::string::npos || open_paren > close_paren) { return std::nullopt; } std::string name = stat.substr(open_paren + 1, close_paren - open_paren - 1); // repace space in name with _ std::replace(&stat[open_paren], &stat[close_paren], ' ', '_'); std::istringstream iss(stat); std::vector v{std::istream_iterator(iss), std::istream_iterator()}; try { if (v.size() != StatPos::MAX_FIELD) { throw std::invalid_argument("stat"); } ProcStat p = { .name = name, .pid = stoi(v[StatPos::pid - 1]), .state = v[StatPos::state - 1][0], .ppid = stoi(v[StatPos::ppid - 1]), .utime = stoul(v[StatPos::utime - 1]), .stime = stoul(v[StatPos::stime - 1]), .cutime = stol(v[StatPos::cutime - 1]), .cstime = stol(v[StatPos::cstime - 1]), .priority = stol(v[StatPos::priority - 1]), .nice = stol(v[StatPos::nice - 1]), .num_threads = stol(v[StatPos::num_threads - 1]), .starttime = stoull(v[StatPos::starttime - 1]), .vms = stoul(v[StatPos::vsize - 1]), .rss = stoul(v[StatPos::rss - 1]), .processor = stoi(v[StatPos::processor - 1]), }; return p; } catch (const std::invalid_argument &e) { LOGE("failed to parse procStat (%s) :%s", e.what(), stat.c_str()); } catch (const std::out_of_range &e) { LOGE("failed to parse procStat (%s) :%s", e.what(), stat.c_str()); } return std::nullopt; } // return list of PIDs from /proc std::vector pids() { std::vector ids; DIR *d = opendir("/proc"); assert(d); char *p_end; struct dirent *de = NULL; while ((de = readdir(d))) { if (de->d_type == DT_DIR) { int pid = strtol(de->d_name, &p_end, 10); if (p_end == (de->d_name + strlen(de->d_name))) { ids.push_back(pid); } } } closedir(d); return ids; } // null-delimited cmdline arguments to vector std::vector cmdline(std::istream &stream) { std::vector ret; std::string line; while (std::getline(stream, line, '\0')) { if (!line.empty()) { ret.push_back(line); } } return ret; } const ProcCache &getProcExtraInfo(int pid, const std::string &name) { static std::unordered_map proc_cache; ProcCache &cache = proc_cache[pid]; if (cache.pid != pid || cache.name != name) { cache.pid = pid; cache.name = name; std::string proc_path = "/proc/" + std::to_string(pid); cache.exe = util::readlink(proc_path + "/exe"); std::ifstream stream(proc_path + "/cmdline"); cache.cmdline = cmdline(stream); } return cache; } } // namespace Parser const double jiffy = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); const size_t page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE); void buildCPUTimes(cereal::ProcLog::Builder &builder) { std::ifstream stream("/proc/stat"); std::vector stats = Parser::cpuTimes(stream); auto log_cpu_times = builder.initCpuTimes(stats.size()); for (int i = 0; i < stats.size(); ++i) { auto l = log_cpu_times[i]; const CPUTime &r = stats[i]; l.setCpuNum(r.id); l.setUser(r.utime / jiffy); l.setNice(r.ntime / jiffy); l.setSystem(r.stime / jiffy); l.setIdle(r.itime / jiffy); l.setIowait(r.iowtime / jiffy); l.setIrq(r.irqtime / jiffy); l.setSoftirq(r.sirqtime / jiffy); } } void buildMemInfo(cereal::ProcLog::Builder &builder) { std::ifstream stream("/proc/meminfo"); auto mem_info = Parser::memInfo(stream); auto mem = builder.initMem(); mem.setTotal(mem_info["MemTotal:"]); mem.setFree(mem_info["MemFree:"]); mem.setAvailable(mem_info["MemAvailable:"]); mem.setBuffers(mem_info["Buffers:"]); mem.setCached(mem_info["Cached:"]); mem.setActive(mem_info["Active:"]); mem.setInactive(mem_info["Inactive:"]); mem.setShared(mem_info["Shmem:"]); } void buildProcs(cereal::ProcLog::Builder &builder) { auto pids = Parser::pids(); std::vector proc_stats; proc_stats.reserve(pids.size()); for (int pid : pids) { std::string path = "/proc/" + std::to_string(pid) + "/stat"; if (auto stat = Parser::procStat(util::read_file(path))) { proc_stats.push_back(*stat); } } auto procs = builder.initProcs(proc_stats.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < proc_stats.size(); i++) { auto l = procs[i]; const ProcStat &r = proc_stats[i]; l.setPid(r.pid); l.setState(r.state); l.setPpid(r.ppid); l.setCpuUser(r.utime / jiffy); l.setCpuSystem(r.stime / jiffy); l.setCpuChildrenUser(r.cutime / jiffy); l.setCpuChildrenSystem(r.cstime / jiffy); l.setPriority(r.priority); l.setNice(r.nice); l.setNumThreads(r.num_threads); l.setStartTime(r.starttime / jiffy); l.setMemVms(r.vms); l.setMemRss((uint64_t)r.rss * page_size); l.setProcessor(r.processor); l.setName(r.name); const ProcCache &extra_info = Parser::getProcExtraInfo(r.pid, r.name); l.setExe(extra_info.exe); auto lcmdline = l.initCmdline(extra_info.cmdline.size()); for (size_t j = 0; j < lcmdline.size(); j++) { lcmdline.set(j, extra_info.cmdline[j]); } } } void buildProcLogMessage(MessageBuilder &msg) { auto procLog = msg.initEvent().initProcLog(); buildProcs(procLog); buildCPUTimes(procLog); buildMemInfo(procLog); }