#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import os import sys import zmq import time import signal from uuid import uuid4 from collections import namedtuple from collections import deque from multiprocessing import Process, TimeoutError from datetime import datetime # strat 1: script to copy files # strat 2: build pip packages around these # could be its own pip package, which we'd need to build and release from cereal import log as capnp_log from cereal.services import service_list from cereal.messaging import pub_sock, MultiplePublishersError from common import realtime from tools.lib.kbhit import KBHit from tools.lib.logreader import MultiLogIterator from tools.lib.route import Route from tools.lib.route_framereader import RouteFrameReader # Commands. SetRoute = namedtuple("SetRoute", ("name", "start_time", "data_dir")) SeekAbsoluteTime = namedtuple("SeekAbsoluteTime", ("secs",)) SeekRelativeTime = namedtuple("SeekRelativeTime", ("secs",)) TogglePause = namedtuple("TogglePause", ()) StopAndQuit = namedtuple("StopAndQuit", ()) class UnloggerWorker(object): def __init__(self): self._frame_reader = None self._cookie = None self._readahead = deque() def run(self, commands_address, data_address, pub_types): zmq.Context._instance = None commands_socket = zmq.Context.instance().socket(zmq.PULL) commands_socket.connect(commands_address) data_socket = zmq.Context.instance().socket(zmq.PUSH) data_socket.connect(data_address) poller = zmq.Poller() poller.register(commands_socket, zmq.POLLIN) # We can't publish frames without encodeIdx, so add when it's missing. if "frame" in pub_types: pub_types["encodeIdx"] = None # gc.set_debug(gc.DEBUG_LEAK | gc.DEBUG_OBJECTS | gc.DEBUG_STATS | gc.DEBUG_SAVEALL | # gc.DEBUG_UNCOLLECTABLE) # TODO: WARNING pycapnp leaks memory all over the place after unlogger runs for a while, gc # pauses become huge because there are so many tracked objects solution will be to switch to new # cython capnp try: route = None while True: while poller.poll(0.) or route is None: cookie, cmd = commands_socket.recv_pyobj() route = self._process_commands(cmd, route, pub_types) # **** get message **** self._read_logs(cookie, pub_types) self._send_logs(data_socket) finally: if self._frame_reader is not None: self._frame_reader.close() data_socket.close() commands_socket.close() def _read_logs(self, cookie, pub_types): fullHEVC = capnp_log.EncodeIndex.Type.fullHEVC lr = self._lr while len(self._readahead) < 1000: route_time = lr.tell() msg = next(lr) typ = msg.which() if typ not in pub_types: continue # **** special case certain message types **** if typ == "encodeIdx" and msg.encodeIdx.type == fullHEVC: # this assumes the encodeIdx always comes before the frame self._frame_id_lookup[ msg.encodeIdx.frameId] = msg.encodeIdx.segmentNum, msg.encodeIdx.segmentId #print "encode", msg.encodeIdx.frameId, len(self._readahead), route_time self._readahead.appendleft((typ, msg, route_time, cookie)) def _send_logs(self, data_socket): while len(self._readahead) > 500: typ, msg, route_time, cookie = self._readahead.pop() smsg = msg.as_builder() if typ == "frame": frame_id = msg.frame.frameId # Frame exists, make sure we have a framereader. # load the frame readers as needed s1 = time.time() img = self._frame_reader.get(frame_id, pix_fmt="rgb24") fr_time = time.time() - s1 if fr_time > 0.05: print("FRAME(%d) LAG -- %.2f ms" % (frame_id, fr_time*1000.0)) if img is not None: img = img[:, :, ::-1] # Convert RGB to BGR, which is what the camera outputs img = img.flatten() smsg.frame.image = img.tobytes() data_socket.send_pyobj((cookie, typ, msg.logMonoTime, route_time), flags=zmq.SNDMORE) data_socket.send(smsg.to_bytes(), copy=False) def _process_commands(self, cmd, route, pub_types): seek_to = None if route is None or (isinstance(cmd, SetRoute) and route.name != cmd.name): seek_to = cmd.start_time route = Route(cmd.name, cmd.data_dir) self._lr = MultiLogIterator(route.log_paths(), wraparound=True) if self._frame_reader is not None: self._frame_reader.close() if "frame" in pub_types or "encodeIdx" in pub_types: # reset frames for a route self._frame_id_lookup = {} self._frame_reader = RouteFrameReader( route.camera_paths(), None, self._frame_id_lookup, readahead=True) # always reset this on a seek if isinstance(cmd, SeekRelativeTime): seek_to = self._lr.tell() + cmd.secs elif isinstance(cmd, SeekAbsoluteTime): seek_to = cmd.secs elif isinstance(cmd, StopAndQuit): exit() if seek_to is not None: print("seeking", seek_to) if not self._lr.seek(seek_to): print("Can't seek: time out of bounds") else: next(self._lr) # ignore one return route def _get_address_send_func(address): sock = pub_sock(address) return sock.send def unlogger_thread(command_address, forward_commands_address, data_address, run_realtime, address_mapping, publish_time_length, bind_early, no_loop): # Clear context to avoid problems with multiprocessing. zmq.Context._instance = None context = zmq.Context.instance() command_sock = context.socket(zmq.PULL) command_sock.bind(command_address) forward_commands_socket = context.socket(zmq.PUSH) forward_commands_socket.bind(forward_commands_address) data_socket = context.socket(zmq.PULL) data_socket.bind(data_address) # Set readahead to a reasonable number. data_socket.setsockopt(zmq.RCVHWM, 10000) poller = zmq.Poller() poller.register(command_sock, zmq.POLLIN) poller.register(data_socket, zmq.POLLIN) if bind_early: send_funcs = { typ: _get_address_send_func(address) for typ, address in address_mapping.items() } # Give subscribers a chance to connect. time.sleep(0.1) else: send_funcs = {} start_time = float("inf") printed_at = 0 generation = 0 paused = False reset_time = True prev_msg_time = None while True: evts = dict(poller.poll()) if command_sock in evts: cmd = command_sock.recv_pyobj() if isinstance(cmd, TogglePause): paused = not paused if paused: poller.modify(data_socket, 0) else: poller.modify(data_socket, zmq.POLLIN) else: # Forward the command the the log data thread. # TODO: Remove everything on data_socket. generation += 1 forward_commands_socket.send_pyobj((generation, cmd)) if isinstance(cmd, StopAndQuit): return reset_time = True elif data_socket in evts: msg_generation, typ, msg_time, route_time = data_socket.recv_pyobj(flags=zmq.RCVMORE) msg_bytes = data_socket.recv() if msg_generation < generation: # Skip packets. continue if no_loop and prev_msg_time is not None and prev_msg_time > msg_time + 1e9: generation += 1 forward_commands_socket.send_pyobj((generation, StopAndQuit())) return prev_msg_time = msg_time msg_time_seconds = msg_time * 1e-9 if reset_time: msg_start_time = msg_time_seconds real_start_time = realtime.sec_since_boot() start_time = min(start_time, msg_start_time) reset_time = False if publish_time_length and msg_time_seconds - start_time > publish_time_length: generation += 1 forward_commands_socket.send_pyobj((generation, StopAndQuit())) return # Print time. if abs(printed_at - route_time) > 5.: print("at", route_time) printed_at = route_time if typ not in send_funcs: if typ in address_mapping: # Remove so we don't keep printing warnings. address = address_mapping.pop(typ) try: print("binding", typ) send_funcs[typ] = _get_address_send_func(address) except Exception as e: print("couldn't replay {}: {}".format(typ, e)) continue else: # Skip messages that we are not registered to publish. continue # Sleep as needed for real time playback. if run_realtime: msg_time_offset = msg_time_seconds - msg_start_time real_time_offset = realtime.sec_since_boot() - real_start_time lag = msg_time_offset - real_time_offset if lag > 0 and lag < 30: # a large jump is OK, likely due to an out of order segment if lag > 1: print("sleeping for", lag) time.sleep(lag) elif lag < -1: # Relax the real time schedule when we slip far behind. reset_time = True # Send message. try: send_funcs[typ](msg_bytes) except MultiplePublishersError: del send_funcs[typ] def timestamp_to_s(tss): return time.mktime(datetime.strptime(tss, '%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S').timetuple()) def absolute_time_str(s, start_time): try: # first try if it's a float return float(s) except ValueError: # now see if it's a timestamp return timestamp_to_s(s) - start_time def _get_address_mapping(args): if args.min is not None: services_to_mock = [ 'thermal', 'can', 'health', 'sensorEvents', 'gpsNMEA', 'frame', 'encodeIdx', 'model', 'features', 'liveLocation', 'gpsLocation' ] elif args.enabled is not None: services_to_mock = args.enabled else: services_to_mock = service_list.keys() address_mapping = {service_name: service_name for service_name in services_to_mock} address_mapping.update(dict(args.address_mapping)) for k in args.disabled: address_mapping.pop(k, None) non_services = set(address_mapping) - set(service_list) if non_services: print("WARNING: Unknown services {}".format(list(non_services))) return address_mapping def keyboard_controller_thread(q, route_start_time): print("keyboard waiting for input") kb = KBHit() while 1: c = kb.getch() if c == 'm': # Move forward by 1m q.send_pyobj(SeekRelativeTime(60)) elif c == 'M': # Move backward by 1m q.send_pyobj(SeekRelativeTime(-60)) elif c == 's': # Move forward by 10s q.send_pyobj(SeekRelativeTime(10)) elif c == 'S': # Move backward by 10s q.send_pyobj(SeekRelativeTime(-10)) elif c == 'G': # Move backward by 10s q.send_pyobj(SeekAbsoluteTime(0.)) elif c == "\x20": # Space bar. q.send_pyobj(TogglePause()) elif c == "\n": try: seek_time_input = input('time: ') seek_time = absolute_time_str(seek_time_input, route_start_time) q.send_pyobj(SeekAbsoluteTime(seek_time)) except Exception as e: print("Time not understood: {}".format(e)) def get_arg_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Mock openpilot components by publishing logged messages.", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("route_name", type=(lambda x: x.replace("#", "|")), nargs="?", help="The route whose messages will be published.") parser.add_argument("data_dir", nargs='?', default=os.getenv('UNLOGGER_DATA_DIR'), help="Path to directory in which log and camera files are located.") parser.add_argument("--no-loop", action="store_true", help="Stop at the end of the replay.") def key_value_pair(x): return x.split("=") parser.add_argument("address_mapping", nargs="*", type=key_value_pair, help="Pairs = to publish on .") def comma_list(x): return x.split(",") to_mock_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() to_mock_group.add_argument("--min", action="store_true", default=os.getenv("MIN")) to_mock_group.add_argument("--enabled", default=os.getenv("ENABLED"), type=comma_list) parser.add_argument("--disabled", type=comma_list, default=os.getenv("DISABLED") or ()) parser.add_argument( "--tl", dest="publish_time_length", type=float, default=None, help="Length of interval in event time for which messages should be published.") parser.add_argument( "--no-realtime", dest="realtime", action="store_false", default=True, help="Publish messages as quickly as possible instead of realtime.") parser.add_argument( "--no-interactive", dest="interactive", action="store_false", default=True, help="Disable interactivity.") parser.add_argument( "--bind-early", action="store_true", default=False, help="Bind early to avoid dropping messages.") return parser def main(argv): args = get_arg_parser().parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) command_address = "ipc:///tmp/{}".format(uuid4()) forward_commands_address = "ipc:///tmp/{}".format(uuid4()) data_address = "ipc:///tmp/{}".format(uuid4()) address_mapping = _get_address_mapping(args) command_sock = zmq.Context.instance().socket(zmq.PUSH) command_sock.connect(command_address) if args.route_name is not None: route_name_split = args.route_name.split("|") if len(route_name_split) > 1: route_start_time = timestamp_to_s(route_name_split[1]) else: route_start_time = 0 command_sock.send_pyobj( SetRoute(args.route_name, 0, args.data_dir)) else: print("waiting for external command...") route_start_time = 0 subprocesses = {} try: subprocesses["data"] = Process( target=UnloggerWorker().run, args=(forward_commands_address, data_address, address_mapping.copy())) subprocesses["control"] = Process( target=unlogger_thread, args=(command_address, forward_commands_address, data_address, args.realtime, _get_address_mapping(args), args.publish_time_length, args.bind_early, args.no_loop)) for p in subprocesses.values(): p.daemon = True subprocesses["data"].start() subprocesses["control"].start() # Exit if any of the children die. def exit_if_children_dead(*_): for name, p in subprocesses.items(): if not p.is_alive(): [p.terminate() for p in subprocesses.values()] exit() signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, signal.SIG_IGN) signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, exit_if_children_dead) if args.interactive: keyboard_controller_thread(command_sock, route_start_time) else: # Wait forever for children. while True: time.sleep(10000.) finally: for p in subprocesses.values(): if p.is_alive(): try: p.join(3.) except TimeoutError: p.terminate() continue return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))