# # Copyright 2019 Gianluca Frison, Dimitris Kouzoupis, Robin Verschueren, # Andrea Zanelli, Niels van Duijkeren, Jonathan Frey, Tommaso Sartor, # Branimir Novoselnik, Rien Quirynen, Rezart Qelibari, Dang Doan, # Jonas Koenemann, Yutao Chen, Tobias Schöls, Jonas Schlagenhauf, Moritz Diehl # # This file is part of acados. # # The 2-Clause BSD License # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.; # class AcadosModel(): """ Class containing all the information to code generate the external CasADi functions that are needed when creating an acados ocp solver or acados integrator. Thus, this class contains: a) the :py:attr:`name` of the model, b) all CasADi variables/expressions needed in the CasADi function generation process. """ def __init__(self): ## common for OCP and Integrator self.name = None """ The model name is used for code generation. Type: string. Default: :code:`None` """ self.x = None #: CasADi variable describing the state of the system; Default: :code:`None` self.xdot = None #: CasADi variable describing the derivative of the state wrt time; Default: :code:`None` self.u = None #: CasADi variable describing the input of the system; Default: :code:`None` self.z = [] #: CasADi variable describing the algebraic variables of the DAE; Default: :code:`empty` self.p = [] #: CasADi variable describing parameters of the DAE; Default: :code:`empty` # dynamics self.f_impl_expr = None """ CasADi expression for the implicit dynamics :math:`f_\\text{impl}(\dot{x}, x, u, z, p) = 0`. Used if :py:attr:`acados_template.acados_ocp.AcadosOcpOptions.integrator_type` == 'IRK'. Default: :code:`None` """ self.f_expl_expr = None """ CasADi expression for the explicit dynamics :math:`\dot{x} = f_\\text{expl}(x, u, p)`. Used if :py:attr:`acados_template.acados_ocp.AcadosOcpOptions.integrator_type` == 'ERK'. Default: :code:`None` """ self.disc_dyn_expr = None """ CasADi expression for the discrete dynamics :math:`x_{+} = f_\\text{disc}(x, u, p)`. Used if :py:attr:`acados_template.acados_ocp.AcadosOcpOptions.integrator_type` == 'DISCRETE'. Default: :code:`None` """ self.dyn_ext_fun_type = 'casadi' #: type of external functions for dynamics module; 'casadi' or 'generic'; Default: 'casadi' self.dyn_source_discrete = None #: name of source file for discrete dyanamics; Default: :code:`None` self.dyn_disc_fun_jac_hess = None #: name of function discrete dyanamics + jacobian and hessian; Default: :code:`None` self.dyn_disc_fun_jac = None #: name of function discrete dyanamics + jacobian; Default: :code:`None` self.dyn_disc_fun = None #: name of function discrete dyanamics; Default: :code:`None` # for GNSF models self.gnsf = {'nontrivial_f_LO': 1, 'purely_linear': 0} """ dictionary containing information on GNSF structure needed when rendering templates. Contains integers `nontrivial_f_LO`, `purely_linear`. """ ## for OCP # constraints self.con_h_expr = None #: CasADi expression for the constraint :math:`h`; Default: :code:`None` self.con_phi_expr = None #: CasADi expression for the constraint phi; Default: :code:`None` self.con_r_expr = None #: CasADi expression for the constraint phi(r); Default: :code:`None` self.con_r_in_phi = None # terminal self.con_h_expr_e = None #: CasADi expression for the terminal constraint :math:`h^e`; Default: :code:`None` self.con_r_expr_e = None #: CasADi expression for the terminal constraint; Default: :code:`None` self.con_phi_expr_e = None #: CasADi expression for the terminal constraint; Default: :code:`None` self.con_r_in_phi_e = None # cost self.cost_y_expr = None #: CasADi expression for nonlinear least squares; Default: :code:`None` self.cost_y_expr_e = None #: CasADi expression for nonlinear least squares, terminal; Default: :code:`None` self.cost_y_expr_0 = None #: CasADi expression for nonlinear least squares, initial; Default: :code:`None` self.cost_expr_ext_cost = None #: CasADi expression for external cost; Default: :code:`None` self.cost_expr_ext_cost_e = None #: CasADi expression for external cost, terminal; Default: :code:`None` self.cost_expr_ext_cost_0 = None #: CasADi expression for external cost, initial; Default: :code:`None` self.cost_expr_ext_cost_custom_hess = None #: CasADi expression for custom hessian (only for external cost); Default: :code:`None` self.cost_expr_ext_cost_custom_hess_e = None #: CasADi expression for custom hessian (only for external cost), terminal; Default: :code:`None` self.cost_expr_ext_cost_custom_hess_0 = None #: CasADi expression for custom hessian (only for external cost), initial; Default: :code:`None` def acados_model_strip_casadi_symbolics(model): out = model if 'f_impl_expr' in out.keys(): del out['f_impl_expr'] if 'f_expl_expr' in out.keys(): del out['f_expl_expr'] if 'disc_dyn_expr' in out.keys(): del out['disc_dyn_expr'] if 'x' in out.keys(): del out['x'] if 'xdot' in out.keys(): del out['xdot'] if 'u' in out.keys(): del out['u'] if 'z' in out.keys(): del out['z'] if 'p' in out.keys(): del out['p'] # constraints if 'con_phi_expr' in out.keys(): del out['con_phi_expr'] if 'con_h_expr' in out.keys(): del out['con_h_expr'] if 'con_r_expr' in out.keys(): del out['con_r_expr'] if 'con_r_in_phi' in out.keys(): del out['con_r_in_phi'] # terminal if 'con_phi_expr_e' in out.keys(): del out['con_phi_expr_e'] if 'con_h_expr_e' in out.keys(): del out['con_h_expr_e'] if 'con_r_expr_e' in out.keys(): del out['con_r_expr_e'] if 'con_r_in_phi_e' in out.keys(): del out['con_r_in_phi_e'] # cost if 'cost_y_expr' in out.keys(): del out['cost_y_expr'] if 'cost_y_expr_e' in out.keys(): del out['cost_y_expr_e'] if 'cost_y_expr_0' in out.keys(): del out['cost_y_expr_0'] if 'cost_expr_ext_cost' in out.keys(): del out['cost_expr_ext_cost'] if 'cost_expr_ext_cost_e' in out.keys(): del out['cost_expr_ext_cost_e'] if 'cost_expr_ext_cost_0' in out.keys(): del out['cost_expr_ext_cost_0'] if 'cost_expr_ext_cost_custom_hess' in out.keys(): del out['cost_expr_ext_cost_custom_hess'] if 'cost_expr_ext_cost_custom_hess_e' in out.keys(): del out['cost_expr_ext_cost_custom_hess_e'] if 'cost_expr_ext_cost_custom_hess_0' in out.keys(): del out['cost_expr_ext_cost_custom_hess_0'] return out