# functions common among cars from common.numpy_fast import clip # kg of standard extra cargo to count for drive, gas, etc... STD_CARGO_KG = 136. def gen_empty_fingerprint(): return {i: {} for i in range(0, 4)} # FIXME: hardcoding honda civic 2016 touring params so they can be used to # scale unknown params for other cars class CivicParams: MASS = 1326. + STD_CARGO_KG WHEELBASE = 2.70 CENTER_TO_FRONT = WHEELBASE * 0.4 CENTER_TO_REAR = WHEELBASE - CENTER_TO_FRONT ROTATIONAL_INERTIA = 2500 TIRE_STIFFNESS_FRONT = 192150 TIRE_STIFFNESS_REAR = 202500 # TODO: get actual value, for now starting with reasonable value for # civic and scaling by mass and wheelbase def scale_rot_inertia(mass, wheelbase): return CivicParams.ROTATIONAL_INERTIA * mass * wheelbase ** 2 / (CivicParams.MASS * CivicParams.WHEELBASE ** 2) # TODO: start from empirically derived lateral slip stiffness for the civic and scale by # mass and CG position, so all cars will have approximately similar dyn behaviors def scale_tire_stiffness(mass, wheelbase, center_to_front, tire_stiffness_factor=1.0): center_to_rear = wheelbase - center_to_front tire_stiffness_front = (CivicParams.TIRE_STIFFNESS_FRONT * tire_stiffness_factor) * mass / CivicParams.MASS * \ (center_to_rear / wheelbase) / (CivicParams.CENTER_TO_REAR / CivicParams.WHEELBASE) tire_stiffness_rear = (CivicParams.TIRE_STIFFNESS_REAR * tire_stiffness_factor) * mass / CivicParams.MASS * \ (center_to_front / wheelbase) / (CivicParams.CENTER_TO_FRONT / CivicParams.WHEELBASE) return tire_stiffness_front, tire_stiffness_rear def dbc_dict(pt_dbc, radar_dbc, chassis_dbc=None): return {'pt': pt_dbc, 'radar': radar_dbc, 'chassis': chassis_dbc} def apply_std_steer_torque_limits(apply_torque, apply_torque_last, driver_torque, LIMITS): # limits due to driver torque driver_max_torque = LIMITS.STEER_MAX + (LIMITS.STEER_DRIVER_ALLOWANCE + driver_torque * LIMITS.STEER_DRIVER_FACTOR) * LIMITS.STEER_DRIVER_MULTIPLIER driver_min_torque = -LIMITS.STEER_MAX + (-LIMITS.STEER_DRIVER_ALLOWANCE + driver_torque * LIMITS.STEER_DRIVER_FACTOR) * LIMITS.STEER_DRIVER_MULTIPLIER max_steer_allowed = max(min(LIMITS.STEER_MAX, driver_max_torque), 0) min_steer_allowed = min(max(-LIMITS.STEER_MAX, driver_min_torque), 0) apply_torque = clip(apply_torque, min_steer_allowed, max_steer_allowed) # slow rate if steer torque increases in magnitude if apply_torque_last > 0: apply_torque = clip(apply_torque, max(apply_torque_last - LIMITS.STEER_DELTA_DOWN, -LIMITS.STEER_DELTA_UP), apply_torque_last + LIMITS.STEER_DELTA_UP) else: apply_torque = clip(apply_torque, apply_torque_last - LIMITS.STEER_DELTA_UP, min(apply_torque_last + LIMITS.STEER_DELTA_DOWN, LIMITS.STEER_DELTA_UP)) return int(round(float(apply_torque))) def apply_toyota_steer_torque_limits(apply_torque, apply_torque_last, motor_torque, LIMITS): # limits due to comparison of commanded torque VS motor reported torque max_lim = min(max(motor_torque + LIMITS.STEER_ERROR_MAX, LIMITS.STEER_ERROR_MAX), LIMITS.STEER_MAX) min_lim = max(min(motor_torque - LIMITS.STEER_ERROR_MAX, -LIMITS.STEER_ERROR_MAX), -LIMITS.STEER_MAX) apply_torque = clip(apply_torque, min_lim, max_lim) # slow rate if steer torque increases in magnitude if apply_torque_last > 0: apply_torque = clip(apply_torque, max(apply_torque_last - LIMITS.STEER_DELTA_DOWN, -LIMITS.STEER_DELTA_UP), apply_torque_last + LIMITS.STEER_DELTA_UP) else: apply_torque = clip(apply_torque, apply_torque_last - LIMITS.STEER_DELTA_UP, min(apply_torque_last + LIMITS.STEER_DELTA_DOWN, LIMITS.STEER_DELTA_UP)) return int(round(float(apply_torque))) def crc8_pedal(data): crc = 0xFF # standard init value poly = 0xD5 # standard crc8: x8+x7+x6+x4+x2+1 size = len(data) for i in range(size-1, -1, -1): crc ^= data[i] for j in range(8): if ((crc & 0x80) != 0): crc = ((crc << 1) ^ poly) & 0xFF else: crc <<= 1 return crc def create_gas_command(packer, gas_amount, idx): # Common gas pedal msg generator enable = gas_amount > 0.001 values = { "ENABLE": enable, "COUNTER_PEDAL": idx & 0xF, } if enable: values["GAS_COMMAND"] = gas_amount * 255. values["GAS_COMMAND2"] = gas_amount * 255. dat = packer.make_can_msg("GAS_COMMAND", 0, values)[2] checksum = crc8_pedal(dat[:-1]) values["CHECKSUM_PEDAL"] = checksum return packer.make_can_msg("GAS_COMMAND", 0, values) def is_ecu_disconnected(fingerprint, fingerprint_list, ecu_fingerprint, car, ecu): # check if a stock ecu is disconnected by looking for specific CAN msgs in the fingerprint # return True if the reference car fingerprint contains the ecu fingerprint msg and # fingerprint does not contains messages normally sent by a given ecu ecu_in_car = False for car_finger in fingerprint_list[car]: if any(msg in car_finger for msg in ecu_fingerprint[ecu]): ecu_in_car = True return ecu_in_car and not any(msg in fingerprint for msg in ecu_fingerprint[ecu]) def make_can_msg(addr, dat, bus): return [addr, 0, dat, bus]