from common.numpy_fast import clip from import MAX_ANGLE def create_steer_command(packer, angle_cmd, enabled, lkas_state, angle_steers, curvature, lkas_action): """Creates a CAN message for the Ford Steer Command.""" #if enabled and lkas available: if enabled and lkas_state in [2,3]: # and (frame % 500) >= 3: action = lkas_action else: action = 0xf angle_cmd = angle_steers/MAX_ANGLE angle_cmd = clip(angle_cmd * MAX_ANGLE, - MAX_ANGLE, MAX_ANGLE) values = { "Lkas_Action": action, "Lkas_Alert": 0xf, # no alerts "Lane_Curvature": clip(curvature, -0.01, 0.01), # is it just for debug? #"Lane_Curvature": 0, # is it just for debug? "Steer_Angle_Req": angle_cmd } return packer.make_can_msg("Lane_Keep_Assist_Control", 0, values) def create_lkas_ui(packer, main_on, enabled, steer_alert): """Creates a CAN message for the Ford Steer Ui.""" if not main_on: lines = 0xf elif enabled: lines = 0x3 else: lines = 0x6 values = { "Set_Me_X80": 0x80, "Set_Me_X45": 0x45, "Set_Me_X30": 0x30, "Lines_Hud": lines, "Hands_Warning_W_Chime": steer_alert, } return packer.make_can_msg("Lane_Keep_Assist_Ui", 0, values) def spam_cancel_button(packer): values = { "Cancel": 1 } return packer.make_can_msg("Steering_Buttons", 0, values)