import importlib import os import signal import struct import time import subprocess from typing import Optional, List, ValuesView from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from multiprocessing import Process from setproctitle import setproctitle # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module import cereal.messaging as messaging import selfdrive.crash as crash from common.basedir import BASEDIR from common.params import Params from common.realtime import sec_since_boot from selfdrive.swaglog import cloudlog from selfdrive.hardware import HARDWARE from cereal import log WATCHDOG_FN = "/dev/shm/wd_" ENABLE_WATCHDOG = os.getenv("NO_WATCHDOG") is None def launcher(proc: str, name: str) -> None: try: # import the process mod = importlib.import_module(proc) # rename the process setproctitle(proc) # create new context since we forked messaging.context = messaging.Context() # add daemon name to cloudlog ctx cloudlog.bind(daemon=name) # exec the process getattr(mod, 'main')() except KeyboardInterrupt: cloudlog.warning(f"child {proc} got SIGINT") except Exception: # can't install the crash handler because sys.excepthook doesn't play nice # with threads, so catch it here. crash.capture_exception() raise def nativelauncher(pargs: List[str], cwd: str) -> None: # exec the process os.chdir(cwd) os.execvp(pargs[0], pargs) def join_process(process: Process, timeout: float) -> None: # Process().join(timeout) will hang due to a python 3 bug: # We have to poll the exitcode instead t = time.monotonic() while time.monotonic() - t < timeout and process.exitcode is None: time.sleep(0.001) class ManagerProcess(ABC): unkillable = False daemon = False sigkill = False persistent = False proc: Optional[Process] = None enabled = True name = "" last_watchdog_time = 0 watchdog_max_dt = None watchdog_seen = False shutting_down = False @abstractmethod def prepare(self) -> None: pass @abstractmethod def start(self) -> None: pass def restart(self) -> None: self.stop() self.start() def check_watchdog(self, started: bool) -> None: if self.watchdog_max_dt is None or self.proc is None: return try: fn = WATCHDOG_FN + str( # TODO: why can't pylint find struct.unpack? self.last_watchdog_time = struct.unpack('Q', open(fn, "rb").read())[0] # pylint: disable=no-member except Exception: pass dt = sec_since_boot() - self.last_watchdog_time / 1e9 if dt > self.watchdog_max_dt: # Only restart while offroad for now if self.watchdog_seen and ENABLE_WATCHDOG: cloudlog.error(f"Watchdog timeout for {} (exitcode {self.proc.exitcode}) restarting ({started=})") self.restart() else: self.watchdog_seen = True def stop(self, retry: bool=True, block: bool=True) -> Optional[int]: if self.proc is None: return None if self.proc.exitcode is None: if not self.shutting_down:"killing {}") sig = signal.SIGKILL if self.sigkill else signal.SIGINT self.signal(sig) self.shutting_down = True if not block: return None join_process(self.proc, 5) # If process failed to die send SIGKILL or reboot if self.proc.exitcode is None and retry: if self.unkillable: cloudlog.critical(f"unkillable process {} failed to exit! rebooting in 15 if it doesn't die") join_process(self.proc, 15) if self.proc.exitcode is None: cloudlog.critical(f"unkillable process {} failed to die!") os.system("date >> /data/unkillable_reboot") os.sync() HARDWARE.reboot() raise RuntimeError else:"killing {} with SIGKILL") self.signal(signal.SIGKILL) self.proc.join() ret = self.proc.exitcode"{} is dead with {ret}") if self.proc.exitcode is not None: self.shutting_down = False self.proc = None return ret def signal(self, sig: int) -> None: if self.proc is None: return # Don't signal if already exited if self.proc.exitcode is not None and is not None: return # Can't signal if we don't have a pid if is None: return"sending signal {sig} to {}") os.kill(, sig) def get_process_state_msg(self): state = log.ManagerState.ProcessState.new_message() = if self.proc: state.running = self.proc.is_alive() state.shouldBeRunning = self.proc is not None and not self.shutting_down = or 0 state.exitCode = self.proc.exitcode or 0 return state class NativeProcess(ManagerProcess): def __init__(self, name, cwd, cmdline, enabled=True, persistent=False, driverview=False, unkillable=False, sigkill=False, watchdog_max_dt=None): = name self.cwd = cwd self.cmdline = cmdline self.enabled = enabled self.persistent = persistent self.driverview = driverview self.unkillable = unkillable self.sigkill = sigkill self.watchdog_max_dt = watchdog_max_dt def prepare(self) -> None: pass def start(self) -> None: # In case we only tried a non blocking stop we need to stop it before restarting if self.shutting_down: self.stop() if self.proc is not None: return cwd = os.path.join(BASEDIR, self.cwd)"starting process {}") self.proc = Process(, target=nativelauncher, args=(self.cmdline, cwd)) self.proc.start() self.watchdog_seen = False self.shutting_down = False class PythonProcess(ManagerProcess): def __init__(self, name, module, enabled=True, persistent=False, driverview=False, unkillable=False, sigkill=False, watchdog_max_dt=None): = name self.module = module self.enabled = enabled self.persistent = persistent self.driverview = driverview self.unkillable = unkillable self.sigkill = sigkill self.watchdog_max_dt = watchdog_max_dt def prepare(self) -> None: if self.enabled:"preimporting {self.module}") importlib.import_module(self.module) def start(self) -> None: # In case we only tried a non blocking stop we need to stop it before restarting if self.shutting_down: self.stop() if self.proc is not None: return"starting python {self.module}") self.proc = Process(, target=launcher, args=(self.module, self.proc.start() self.watchdog_seen = False self.shutting_down = False class DaemonProcess(ManagerProcess): """Python process that has to stay running across manager restart. This is used for athena so you don't lose SSH access when restarting manager.""" def __init__(self, name, module, param_name, enabled=True): = name self.module = module self.param_name = param_name self.enabled = enabled self.persistent = True def prepare(self) -> None: pass def start(self) -> None: params = Params() pid = params.get(self.param_name, encoding='utf-8') if pid is not None: try: os.kill(int(pid), 0) with open(f'/proc/{pid}/cmdline') as f: if self.module in # daemon is running return except (OSError, FileNotFoundError): # process is dead pass"starting daemon {}") proc = subprocess.Popen(['python', '-m', self.module], # pylint: disable=subprocess-popen-preexec-fn stdin=open('/dev/null'), stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w'), stderr=open('/dev/null', 'w'), preexec_fn=os.setpgrp) params.put(self.param_name, str( def stop(self, retry=True, block=True) -> None: pass def ensure_running(procs: ValuesView[ManagerProcess], started: bool, driverview: bool=False, not_run: Optional[List[str]]=None) -> None: if not_run is None: not_run = [] for p in procs: if in not_run: p.stop(block=False) elif not p.enabled: p.stop(block=False) elif p.persistent: p.start() elif getattr(p, 'driverview', False) and driverview: # TODO: why is driverview an argument here? can this be done with the name? p.start() elif started: p.start() else: p.stop(block=False) p.check_watchdog(started)