#include #include "libyuv.h" #include "selfdrive/common/mat.h" #include "selfdrive/common/modeldata.h" #include "selfdrive/common/params.h" #include "selfdrive/common/timing.h" #include "selfdrive/hardware/hw.h" #include "selfdrive/modeld/models/dmonitoring.h" constexpr int MODEL_WIDTH = 320; constexpr int MODEL_HEIGHT = 640; template static inline T *get_buffer(std::vector &buf, const size_t size) { if (buf.size() < size) buf.resize(size); return buf.data(); } static inline void init_yuv_buf(std::vector &buf, const int width, int height) { uint8_t *y = get_buffer(buf, width * height * 3 / 2); uint8_t *u = y + width * height; uint8_t *v = u + (width / 2) * (height / 2); // needed on comma two to make the padded border black // equivalent to RGB(0,0,0) in YUV space memset(y, 16, width * height); memset(u, 128, (width / 2) * (height / 2)); memset(v, 128, (width / 2) * (height / 2)); } void dmonitoring_init(DMonitoringModelState* s) { s->is_rhd = Params().getBool("IsRHD"); for (int x = 0; x < std::size(s->tensor); ++x) { s->tensor[x] = (x - 128.f) * 0.0078125f; } init_yuv_buf(s->resized_buf, MODEL_WIDTH, MODEL_HEIGHT); #ifdef USE_ONNX_MODEL s->m = new ONNXModel("../../models/dmonitoring_model.onnx", &s->output[0], OUTPUT_SIZE, USE_DSP_RUNTIME); #else s->m = new SNPEModel("../../models/dmonitoring_model_q.dlc", &s->output[0], OUTPUT_SIZE, USE_DSP_RUNTIME); #endif s->m->addCalib(s->calib, CALIB_LEN); } static inline auto get_yuv_buf(std::vector &buf, const int width, int height) { uint8_t *y = get_buffer(buf, width * height * 3 / 2); uint8_t *u = y + width * height; uint8_t *v = u + (width /2) * (height / 2); return std::make_tuple(y, u, v); } struct Rect {int x, y, w, h;}; void crop_yuv(uint8_t *raw, int width, int height, uint8_t *y, uint8_t *u, uint8_t *v, const Rect &rect) { uint8_t *raw_y = raw; uint8_t *raw_u = raw_y + (width * height); uint8_t *raw_v = raw_u + ((width / 2) * (height / 2)); for (int r = 0; r < rect.h / 2; r++) { memcpy(y + 2 * r * rect.w, raw_y + (2 * r + rect.y) * width + rect.x, rect.w); memcpy(y + (2 * r + 1) * rect.w, raw_y + (2 * r + rect.y + 1) * width + rect.x, rect.w); memcpy(u + r * (rect.w / 2), raw_u + (r + (rect.y / 2)) * width / 2 + (rect.x / 2), rect.w / 2); memcpy(v + r * (rect.w / 2), raw_v + (r + (rect.y / 2)) * width / 2 + (rect.x / 2), rect.w / 2); } } DMonitoringResult dmonitoring_eval_frame(DMonitoringModelState* s, void* stream_buf, int width, int height, float *calib) { Rect crop_rect; if (width == TICI_CAM_WIDTH) { const int cropped_height = tici_dm_crop::width / 1.33; crop_rect = {width / 2 - tici_dm_crop::width / 2 + tici_dm_crop::x_offset, height / 2 - cropped_height / 2 + tici_dm_crop::y_offset, cropped_height / 2, cropped_height}; if (!s->is_rhd) { crop_rect.x += tici_dm_crop::width - crop_rect.w; } } else { const int adapt_width = 372; crop_rect = {0, 0, adapt_width, height}; if (!s->is_rhd) { crop_rect.x += width - crop_rect.w; } } int resized_width = MODEL_WIDTH; int resized_height = MODEL_HEIGHT; auto [cropped_y, cropped_u, cropped_v] = get_yuv_buf(s->cropped_buf, crop_rect.w, crop_rect.h); if (!s->is_rhd) { crop_yuv((uint8_t *)stream_buf, width, height, cropped_y, cropped_u, cropped_v, crop_rect); } else { auto [mirror_y, mirror_u, mirror_v] = get_yuv_buf(s->premirror_cropped_buf, crop_rect.w, crop_rect.h); crop_yuv((uint8_t *)stream_buf, width, height, mirror_y, mirror_u, mirror_v, crop_rect); libyuv::I420Mirror(mirror_y, crop_rect.w, mirror_u, crop_rect.w / 2, mirror_v, crop_rect.w / 2, cropped_y, crop_rect.w, cropped_u, crop_rect.w / 2, cropped_v, crop_rect.w / 2, crop_rect.w, crop_rect.h); } auto [resized_buf, resized_u, resized_v] = get_yuv_buf(s->resized_buf, resized_width, resized_height); uint8_t *resized_y = resized_buf; libyuv::FilterMode mode = libyuv::FilterModeEnum::kFilterBilinear; if (Hardware::TICI()) { libyuv::I420Scale(cropped_y, crop_rect.w, cropped_u, crop_rect.w / 2, cropped_v, crop_rect.w / 2, crop_rect.w, crop_rect.h, resized_y, resized_width, resized_u, resized_width / 2, resized_v, resized_width / 2, resized_width, resized_height, mode); } else { const int source_height = 0.7*resized_height; const int extra_height = (resized_height - source_height) / 2; const int extra_width = (resized_width - source_height / 2) / 2; const int source_width = source_height / 2 + extra_width; libyuv::I420Scale(cropped_y, crop_rect.w, cropped_u, crop_rect.w / 2, cropped_v, crop_rect.w / 2, crop_rect.w, crop_rect.h, resized_y + extra_height * resized_width, resized_width, resized_u + extra_height / 2 * resized_width / 2, resized_width / 2, resized_v + extra_height / 2 * resized_width / 2, resized_width / 2, source_width, source_height, mode); } int yuv_buf_len = (MODEL_WIDTH/2) * (MODEL_HEIGHT/2) * 6; // Y|u|v -> y|y|y|y|u|v float *net_input_buf = get_buffer(s->net_input_buf, yuv_buf_len); // one shot conversion, O(n) anyway // yuvframe2tensor, normalize for (int r = 0; r < MODEL_HEIGHT/2; r++) { for (int c = 0; c < MODEL_WIDTH/2; c++) { // Y_ul net_input_buf[(r*MODEL_WIDTH/2) + c + (0*(MODEL_WIDTH/2)*(MODEL_HEIGHT/2))] = s->tensor[resized_y[(2*r)*resized_width + 2*c]]; // Y_dl net_input_buf[(r*MODEL_WIDTH/2) + c + (1*(MODEL_WIDTH/2)*(MODEL_HEIGHT/2))] = s->tensor[resized_y[(2*r+1)*resized_width + 2*c]]; // Y_ur net_input_buf[(r*MODEL_WIDTH/2) + c + (2*(MODEL_WIDTH/2)*(MODEL_HEIGHT/2))] = s->tensor[resized_y[(2*r)*resized_width + 2*c+1]]; // Y_dr net_input_buf[(r*MODEL_WIDTH/2) + c + (3*(MODEL_WIDTH/2)*(MODEL_HEIGHT/2))] = s->tensor[resized_y[(2*r+1)*resized_width + 2*c+1]]; // U net_input_buf[(r*MODEL_WIDTH/2) + c + (4*(MODEL_WIDTH/2)*(MODEL_HEIGHT/2))] = s->tensor[resized_u[r*resized_width/2 + c]]; // V net_input_buf[(r*MODEL_WIDTH/2) + c + (5*(MODEL_WIDTH/2)*(MODEL_HEIGHT/2))] = s->tensor[resized_v[r*resized_width/2 + c]]; } } //printf("preprocess completed. %d \n", yuv_buf_len); //FILE *dump_yuv_file = fopen("/tmp/rawdump.yuv", "wb"); //fwrite(resized_buf, yuv_buf_len, sizeof(uint8_t), dump_yuv_file); //fclose(dump_yuv_file); // *** testing *** // idat = np.frombuffer(open("/tmp/inputdump.yuv", "rb").read(), np.float32).reshape(6, 160, 320) // imshow(cv2.cvtColor(tensor_to_frames(idat[None]/0.0078125+128)[0], cv2.COLOR_YUV2RGB_I420)) //FILE *dump_yuv_file2 = fopen("/tmp/inputdump.yuv", "wb"); //fwrite(net_input_buf, MODEL_HEIGHT*MODEL_WIDTH*3/2, sizeof(float), dump_yuv_file2); //fclose(dump_yuv_file2); double t1 = millis_since_boot(); s->m->addImage(net_input_buf, yuv_buf_len); for (int i = 0; i < CALIB_LEN; i++) { s->calib[i] = calib[i]; } s->m->execute(); double t2 = millis_since_boot(); DMonitoringResult ret = {0}; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { ret.face_orientation[i] = s->output[i] * REG_SCALE; ret.face_orientation_meta[i] = exp(s->output[6 + i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { ret.face_position[i] = s->output[3 + i] * REG_SCALE; ret.face_position_meta[i] = exp(s->output[9 + i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { ret.ready_prob[i] = sigmoid(s->output[39 + i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { ret.not_ready_prob[i] = sigmoid(s->output[43 + i]); } ret.face_prob = sigmoid(s->output[12]); ret.left_eye_prob = sigmoid(s->output[21]); ret.right_eye_prob = sigmoid(s->output[30]); ret.left_blink_prob = sigmoid(s->output[31]); ret.right_blink_prob = sigmoid(s->output[32]); ret.sg_prob = sigmoid(s->output[33]); ret.poor_vision = sigmoid(s->output[34]); ret.partial_face = sigmoid(s->output[35]); ret.distracted_pose = sigmoid(s->output[36]); ret.distracted_eyes = sigmoid(s->output[37]); ret.occluded_prob = sigmoid(s->output[38]); ret.dsp_execution_time = (t2 - t1) / 1000.; return ret; } void dmonitoring_publish(PubMaster &pm, uint32_t frame_id, const DMonitoringResult &res, float execution_time, kj::ArrayPtr raw_pred) { // make msg MessageBuilder msg; auto framed = msg.initEvent().initDriverState(); framed.setFrameId(frame_id); framed.setModelExecutionTime(execution_time); framed.setDspExecutionTime(res.dsp_execution_time); framed.setFaceOrientation(res.face_orientation); framed.setFaceOrientationStd(res.face_orientation_meta); framed.setFacePosition(res.face_position); framed.setFacePositionStd(res.face_position_meta); framed.setFaceProb(res.face_prob); framed.setLeftEyeProb(res.left_eye_prob); framed.setRightEyeProb(res.right_eye_prob); framed.setLeftBlinkProb(res.left_blink_prob); framed.setRightBlinkProb(res.right_blink_prob); framed.setSunglassesProb(res.sg_prob); framed.setPoorVision(res.poor_vision); framed.setPartialFace(res.partial_face); framed.setDistractedPose(res.distracted_pose); framed.setDistractedEyes(res.distracted_eyes); framed.setOccludedProb(res.occluded_prob); framed.setReadyProb(res.ready_prob); framed.setNotReadyProb(res.not_ready_prob); if (send_raw_pred) { framed.setRawPredictions(raw_pred.asBytes()); } pm.send("driverState", msg); } void dmonitoring_free(DMonitoringModelState* s) { delete s->m; }