import sys import json # pip2 install msgpack-python import msgpack import zlib import os import logging from Crypto.Cipher import AES ext = ".gz" SWAG = '\xde\xe2\x11\x15VVC\xf2\x8ep\xd7\xe4\x87\x8d,9' def compress_json(in_file, out_file): logging.debug("compressing %s -> %s", in_file, out_file) errors = 0 good = [] last_can_time = 0 with open(in_file, 'r') as inf: for ln in inf: ln = ln.rstrip() if not ln: continue try: ll = json.loads(ln) except ValueError: errors += 1 continue if ll is None or ll[0] is None: continue if ll[0][1] == 1: # no CAN in hex ll[1][2] = ll[1][2].decode("hex") # relativize the CAN timestamps this_can_time = ll[1][1] ll[1] = [ll[1][0], this_can_time - last_can_time, ll[1][2]] last_can_time = this_can_time good.append(ll) logging.debug("compressing %s -> %s, read done", in_file, out_file) data = msgpack.packb(good) data_compressed = zlib.compress(data) # zlib doesn't care about this data_compressed += "\x00" * (16 - len(data_compressed)%16) aes =, AES.MODE_CBC, "\x00"*16) data_encrypted = aes.encrypt(data_compressed) with open(out_file, "wb") as outf: outf.write(data_encrypted) logging.debug("compressing %s -> %s, write done", in_file, out_file) return errors def decompress_json_internal(data_encrypted): aes =, AES.MODE_CBC, "\x00"*16) data_compressed = aes.decrypt(data_encrypted) data = zlib.decompress(data_compressed) msgs = msgpack.unpackb(data) good = [] last_can_time = 0 for ll in msgs: if ll[0][1] == 1: # back into hex ll[1][2] = ll[1][2].encode("hex") # derelativize CAN timestamps last_can_time += ll[1][1] ll[1] = [ll[1][0], last_can_time, ll[1][2]] good.append(ll) return good def decompress_json(in_file, out_file): logging.debug("decompressing %s -> %s", in_file, out_file) f = open(in_file) data_encrypted = f.close() good = decompress_json_internal(data_encrypted) out = '\n'.join(map(lambda x: json.dumps(x), good)) + "\n" logging.debug("decompressing %s -> %s, writing", in_file, out_file) f = open(out_file, 'w') f.write(out) f.close() logging.debug("decompressing %s -> %s, write finished", in_file, out_file) if __name__ == "__main__": for dat in sys.argv[1:]: print(dat) compress_json(dat, "/tmp/out"+ext) decompress_json("/tmp/out"+ext, "/tmp/test") os.system("diff "+dat+" /tmp/test")