# pysalx `pysalx` - scripts for interacting with the SciAps XRF and LIBS analyzers. # Installation Tools to interact with the device are available in most free software oriented distributions, such as Debian. Install on a Debian workstation (running as user `debian`, hostname `workstation`) example: ``` debian@workstation:~$ sudo apt update debian@workstation:~$ sudo apt install adb ``` # HOWTO TODO HOWTOs * Connect to device. * Copy SD card data, such as samples and photos. * Mount device. * Initiate sampling remotely via USB and/or wifi. ## Connect You may need to set up permissions to access the device as non-root. Run: ``` debian@workstation$ adb root # If you don't have perms, something like: debian@workstation:~$ sudo adb root ``` It should then say you are connected. To see files, after connecting as show above. Examples (output not shown): ``` # See top level directory: debian@workstation:~$ adb ls / # See main sdcard where captured samples and photos are stored (main dir): debian@workstation:~$ adb ls /storage/sdcard0/ ``` To view debug logs in realtime: ``` debian@workstation:~$ adb shell tail -f /storage/sdcard0/ngl.log ``` # SciAps Analyzers In sum, they are Android-derived 64-bit ARM systems. So they interact with standard free software Android tools such as "Android Debug Bridge" (`adb`). Equipment: Z-903 LIBS Analyzer * https://sciaps.com/libs-handheld-laser-analyzers/z-903-libs/ X-555 XRF Analyzer * https://sciaps.com/xrf-handheld-x-ray-analyzers/x-555-xrf-gun/ ## SciAps Resources SciAps sites. * https://sciaps.com/ * https://www.youtube.com/c/SciAps/videos * https://github.com/SciAps # Unofficial This repository, documentation and code is unofficial, unaffiliated with SciAps. # License GPLv3+. Copyright (C) 2022, Jeff Moe