qfits_table.c File Reference


int qfits_is_table (const char *filename, int xtnum)
 Identify a file as containing a FITS table in extension.
qfits_header * qfits_table_prim_header_default (void)
 Generate a default primary header to store tables.
qfits_header * qfits_table_ext_header_default (const qfits_table *t)
 Generate a default extension header to store tables.
qfits_table * qfits_table_new (const char *filename, int table_type, int table_width, int nb_cols, int nb_raws)
 Table object constructor.
int qfits_col_fill (qfits_col *qc, int atom_nb, int atom_dec_nb, int atom_size, tfits_type atom_type, const char *label, const char *unit, const char *nullval, const char *disp, int zero_present, float zero, int scale_present, float scale, int offset_beg)
 Fill a column object with some provided informations.
qfits_table * qfits_table_open (const char *filename, int xtnum)
 Read a FITS extension.
void qfits_table_close (qfits_table *t)
 Free a FITS table and associated pointers.
unsigned char * qfits_query_column (const qfits_table *th, int colnum, const int *selection)
 Extract data from a column in a FITS table.
unsigned char * qfits_query_column_seq (const qfits_table *th, int colnum, int start_ind, int nb_rows)
 Extract consequtive values from a column in a FITS table.
void * qfits_query_column_data (const qfits_table *th, int colnum, const int *selection, const void *null_value)
 Extract binary data from a column in a FITS table.
void * qfits_query_column_seq_data (const qfits_table *th, int colnum, int start_ind, int nb_rows, const void *null_value)
 Extract binary data from a column in a FITS table.
int * qfits_query_column_nulls (const qfits_table *th, int colnum, const int *selection, int *nb_vals, int *nb_nulls)
 Detect NULL values in a column.
int qfits_save_table_hdrdump (const void **array, const qfits_table *table, const qfits_header *fh)
 Save a table to a FITS file with a given FITS header.
int qfits_table_append_xtension (FILE *outfile, const qfits_table *t, const void **data)
 Appends a std extension header + data to a FITS table file.
int qfits_table_append_xtension_hdr (FILE *outfile, const qfits_table *t, const void **data, const qfits_header *hdr)
 Appends a specified extension header + data to a FITS table file.
char * qfits_table_field_to_string (const qfits_table *table, int col_id, int row_id, int use_zero_scale)
 given a col and a row, find out the string to write for display