import requests import logging from datetime import datetime import lxml import settings import sys def get_paginated_endpoint(url, max_entries=None): r = requests.get(url=url) r.raise_for_status() data = r.json() while 'next' in r.links and (not max_entries or len(data) < max_entries): next_page_url = r.links['next']['url'] r = requests.get(url=next_page_url) r.raise_for_status() data.extend(r.json()) return data def get_satellite_info(): # Open session"Fetching satellite information from DB.") r = requests.get('{}/api/satellites'.format(settings.DB_BASE_URL))"Satellites received!") # Select alive satellites norad_cat_ids = [] for o in r.json(): if o["status"] == "alive": norad_cat_ids.append(o["norad_cat_id"]) return norad_cat_ids def get_active_transmitter_info(fmin, fmax): # Open session"Fetching transmitter information from DB.") r = requests.get('{}/api/transmitters'.format(settings.DB_BASE_URL))"Transmitters received!") # Loop transmitters = [] for o in r.json(): if o["downlink_low"]: if o["status"] == "active" and o["downlink_low"] > fmin and o["downlink_low"] <= fmax: transmitter = {"norad_cat_id": o["norad_cat_id"], "uuid": o["uuid"], "mode": o["mode"]} transmitters.append(transmitter)"Transmitters filtered based on ground station capability.") return transmitters def get_transmitter_stats(): logging.debug("Requesting transmitter success rates for all satellite") transmitters = get_paginated_endpoint('{}/api/transmitters/'.format(settings.NETWORK_BASE_URL)) return transmitters def get_scheduled_passes_from_network(ground_station, tmin, tmax): # Get first page client = requests.session() # Loop start = True scheduledpasses = []"Requesting scheduled passes for ground station %d" % ground_station) # Fetch observations until the time of the end of the last fetched observation happends to be # before the start time of the selected timerange for scheduling # NOTE: This algorithm is based on the order in which the API returns the observations, i.e. # most recent observations are returned at first! while True: if start: r = client.get('{}/api/observations/?ground_station={:d}'.format( settings.NETWORK_BASE_URL, ground_station)) start = False else: nextpage = r.links.get("next") r = client.get(nextpage["url"]) if not r.json(): # Ground station has no observations yet break # r.json() is a list of dicts/observations for o in r.json(): satpass = { "id": o['norad_cat_id'], "tr": datetime.strptime(o['start'].replace("Z", ""), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"), "ts": datetime.strptime(o['end'].replace("Z", ""), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"), "scheduled": True, "altt": o['max_altitude'], "priority": 1, "uuid": o['transmitter'], "name": '', "mode": '' } if satpass['ts'] > tmin and satpass['tr'] < tmax: # Only store observations which are during the ROI for scheduling scheduledpasses.append(satpass) if satpass['ts'] < tmin: # Last fetched observation is older than the ROI for scheduling, end loop. break"Scheduled passes for ground station %d retrieved!" % ground_station) return scheduledpasses def get_groundstation_info(ground_station_id, allow_testing):"Requesting information for ground station %d" % ground_station_id) # Loop r = requests.get("{}/api/stations/?id={:d}".format(settings.NETWORK_BASE_URL, ground_station_id)) selected_stations = list(filter(lambda s: s['id'] == ground_station_id, r.json())) if not selected_stations:'No ground station information found!') # Exit if no ground station found sys.exit()'Ground station information retrieved!') station = selected_stations[0] if station['status'] == 'Online' or (station['status'] == 'Testing' and allow_testing): return station else: if station['status'] == 'Testing' and not allow_testing:"Ground station {} is in testing mode but auto-scheduling is not " "allowed. Use -T command line argument to enable scheduling.".format(ground_station_id)) else:"Ground station {} neither in 'online' nor in 'testing' mode, " "can't schedule!".format(ground_station_id)) return {} def schedule_observation(session, norad_cat_id, uuid, ground_station_id, starttime, endtime): obsURL = '{}/observations/new/'.format(settings.NETWORK_BASE_URL) # Observation URL # Get the observation/new/ page to get the CSFR token obs = session.get(obsURL) obs_html = lxml.html.fromstring(obs.text) hidden_inputs = obs_html.xpath(r'//form//input[@type="hidden"]') form = {x.attrib["name"]: x.attrib["value"] for x in hidden_inputs} form["obs-0-transmitter_uuid"] = uuid form["obs-0-start"] = starttime form["obs-0-end"] = endtime form["obs-0-ground_station"] = ground_station_id form["obs-TOTAL_FORMS"] = str(1) form["obs-INITIAL_FORMS"] = str(0), data=form, headers={'referer': obsURL}) logging.debug("Scheduled!")