## 0.8 * Add telemetry decoding functionlity * Add telemetry UI per satellite * Add travis support * Switch to bower for static dependencies * Increase frq precision * Add stats visualizations ## 0.7 * Provide initiliaze command for developers * Enhance Satellite view with image * Fix case sensitivity on filtering * Add static files compression * Show suggestion to frontend for admins * Email admins on new suggestion ## 0.6 * Redesign homepage UI * Satellite additional names and image * Move Modes to model ## 0.5 * Rename Transponders to Transmitters ## 0.4 * Hide suggestions counter when None * Command to fetch satellites names * Opbeat logging * Notify user when their suggestion is approved * API filtering * Custom 404/500 pages ## 0.3 * Show active link on top menu * Beautify freqs as MHz * Add Suggestions stats ## 0.2 * Simplify suggestions UI * About page * FAQ * Opbeat * Suggestion approval admin action ## 0.1 * Initial release