[metadata] name = satnogs-db url = https://gitlab.com/librespacefoundation/satnogs/satnogs-db author = SatNOGS project author_email = dev@satnogs.org license = AGPLv3 classifiers = Development Status :: 4 - Beta Environment :: Web Environment Framework :: Django Intended Audience :: Telecommunications Industry Intended Audience :: Science/Research License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Affero General Public License v3 Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux Programming Language :: Python Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Topic :: Communications :: Ham Radio Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content description = SatNOGS DB [options] packages = find: include_package_data = True install_requires = # Basic Django~=3.2.0 django-shortuuidfield~=0.1.0 django-jsonfield~=1.4.0 celery~=5.0.0 # Deployment mysqlclient~=2.0.0 # Cache django-redis-cache~=3.0.0 # Logging sentry-sdk~=1.1.0 # Configuration python-decouple~=3.4.0 dj-database-url~=0.5.0 pytz Unipath~=1.1 python-dotenv~=0.17.0 # Security django_csp~=3.7.0 django-cors-headers~=3.10.0 # Users django-allauth~=0.44.0 django-avatar~=5.0.0 django-crispy-forms~=1.11.0 python-jose[cryptography]~=3.2.0 social-auth-app-django~=4.0.0 # Static django_compressor~=2.4.0 # API djangorestframework~=3.12.0 drf-spectacular~=0.16.0 Markdown~=3.3.0 django-filter~=2.4.0 # Astronomy sgp4~=2.19.0 satellitetle~=0.11.0 # Unsorted influxdb~=5.3.0 django-widget-tweaks~=1.4.8 django-bootstrap-modal-forms~=2.2.0 django-fontawesome-5 satnogs-decoders~=1.0 simplejson~=3.17.0 uritemplate~=3.0.0 PyYAML~=5.4.0 h5py~=3.2.0 PyLD~=2.0.3 pyzmq~=22.0.0 nanoid~=2.0.0 urllib3~=1.26 requests~=2.25.0 # Metasat django-countries~=7.2.0 # Debugging django-debug-toolbar~=3.2.0 # pinning for https://github.com/benoitc/gunicorn/pull/2581 eventlet==0.29.1 gunicorn[eventlet]==19.9.0 [options.extras_require] dev = pytest-celery pytest-cov~=2.12.0 pytest-django~=4.2.0 pytest-forked~=1.3.0 pytest-xdist~=2.2.0 mock~=4.0.0 Faker~=8.1.0 factory-boy~=3.2.0 pur~=5.4.0 docopts~=0.6.0 tox~=3.23.0 [flake8] max-complexity = 23 max-line-length = 99 ignore = F403,W503 exclude = db/_version.py,versioneer.py,*/migrations,docs,build,.tox,node_modules,satnogs-db-api-client [yapf] column_limit = 99 split_before_first_argument = True dedent_closing_brackets = True allow_split_before_dict_value = False split_before_arithmetic_operator=True split_before_bitwise_operator=True [tool:isort] use_parentheses = True skip_glob = */migrations,build,.tox,node_modules,satnogs-db-api-client skip = _version.py,versioneer.py known_third_party = factory line_length = 99 multi_line_output = 2 [tool:pytest] addopts = -v --cov --cov-report=term-missing python_files = tests.py DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = db.settings # See the docstring in versioneer.py for instructions. Note that you must # re-run 'versioneer.py setup' after changing this section, and commit the # resulting files. [versioneer] VCS = git style = pep440 versionfile_source = db/_version.py versionfile_build = db/_version.py tag_prefix = parentdir_prefix =