""" Custom pagination classes for REST framework """ from rest_framework.pagination import PageNumberPagination from rest_framework.response import Response class LinkedHeaderPageNumberPagination(PageNumberPagination): """ This overrides the default PageNumberPagination so that it only returns the results as an array, not the pagination controls (eg number of results, etc) """ page_size = 25 def get_paginated_response(self, data): next_url = self.get_next_link() previous_url = self.get_previous_link() if next_url is not None and previous_url is not None: link = '<{next_url}>; rel="next", <{previous_url}>; rel="prev"' elif next_url is not None: link = '<{next_url}>; rel="next"' elif previous_url is not None: link = '<{previous_url}>; rel="prev"' else: link = '' link = link.format(next_url=next_url, previous_url=previous_url) headers = {'Link': link} if link else {} return Response(data, headers=headers)