"""SatNOGS DB django base Forms class""" from bootstrap_modal_forms.forms import BSModalForm, BSModalModelForm from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.forms import ModelChoiceField, TextInput from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from db.base.models import Satellite, SatelliteEntry, Transmitter, TransmitterEntry def existing_uuid(value): """ensures the UUID is existing and valid""" try: Transmitter.objects.get(uuid=value) except Transmitter.DoesNotExist as error: raise ValidationError( _('%(value)s is not a valid uuid'), code='invalid', params={'value': value}, ) from error class TransmitterCreateForm(BSModalModelForm): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors """Model Form class for TransmitterEntry objects""" class Meta: model = TransmitterEntry fields = [ 'description', 'type', 'status', 'uplink_low', 'uplink_high', 'uplink_drift', 'uplink_mode', 'downlink_low', 'downlink_high', 'downlink_drift', 'downlink_mode', 'invert', 'baud', 'citation', 'service', 'iaru_coordination', 'iaru_coordination_url', 'itu_coordination', 'coordination', 'coordination_url' ] labels = { 'downlink_low': _('Downlink freq.'), 'uplink_low': _('Uplink freq.'), 'invert': _('Inverted Transponder?'), 'iaru_coordination': _('IARU Coordination'), 'iaru_coordination_url': _('IARU Coordination URL'), 'itu_coordination': _('ITU Coordinations URLs'), } widgets = { 'description': TextInput(), } class TransmitterUpdateForm(BSModalModelForm): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors """Model Form class for TransmitterEntry objects""" class Meta: model = TransmitterEntry fields = [ 'description', 'type', 'status', 'uplink_low', 'uplink_high', 'uplink_drift', 'uplink_mode', 'downlink_low', 'downlink_high', 'downlink_drift', 'downlink_mode', 'invert', 'baud', 'citation', 'service', 'iaru_coordination', 'iaru_coordination_url', 'itu_coordination', 'coordination', 'coordination_url' ] labels = { 'downlink_low': _('Downlink freq.'), 'uplink_low': _('Uplink freq.'), 'invert': _('Inverted Transponder?'), 'iaru_coordination': _('IARU Coordination'), 'iaru_coordination_url': _('IARU Coordination URL'), 'itu_coordination': _('ITU Coordination URLs'), } widgets = { 'description': TextInput(), } class SatelliteCreateForm(BSModalModelForm): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors """Form that uses django-bootstrap-modal-forms for satellite editing""" class Meta: model = SatelliteEntry fields = [ 'norad_cat_id', 'norad_follow_id', 'name', 'names', 'description', 'operator', 'status', 'countries', 'website', 'dashboard_url', 'launched', 'deployed', 'decayed', 'image', 'citation' ] labels = { 'norad_cat_id': _('Norad ID'), 'norad_follow_id': _('Followed Norad ID'), 'names': _('Other names'), 'countries': _('Countries of Origin'), 'launched': _('Launch Date'), 'deployed': _('Deploy Date'), 'decayed': _('Re-entry Date'), 'description': _('Description'), 'dashboard_url': _('Dashboard URL'), 'operator': _('Owner/Operator'), } widgets = {'names': TextInput()} class SatelliteUpdateForm(BSModalModelForm): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors """Form that uses django-bootstrap-modal-forms for satellite editing""" class Meta: model = SatelliteEntry fields = [ 'norad_cat_id', 'norad_follow_id', 'name', 'names', 'description', 'operator', 'status', 'countries', 'website', 'dashboard_url', 'launched', 'deployed', 'decayed', 'image', 'citation' ] labels = { 'norad_cat_id': _('Norad ID'), 'norad_follow_id': _('Followed Norad ID'), 'names': _('Other names'), 'countries': _('Countries of Origin'), 'launched': _('Launch Date'), 'deployed': _('Deploy Date'), 'decayed': _('Re-entry Date'), 'description': _('Description'), 'dashboard_url': _('Dashboard URL'), 'operator': _('Owner/Operator'), } widgets = {'names': TextInput()} class MergeSatellitesForm(BSModalForm): """Form that uses django-bootstrap-modal-forms for merging satellites""" primary_satellite = ModelChoiceField( label=_('Primary Satellite'), queryset=Satellite.objects.filter( associated_satellite__isnull=True, satellite_entry__approved=True ), empty_label="Select the Primary Satellite" ) associated_satellite = ModelChoiceField( label=_('Associated Satellite'), queryset=Satellite.objects.filter( associated_satellite__isnull=True, satellite_entry__approved=True ), empty_label="Select the Associated Satellite" ) def clean(self): if any(self.errors): # If there are errors in forms validation no need for validating the formset return cleaned_data = super().clean() primary_satellite = cleaned_data.get("primary_satellite") associated_satellite = cleaned_data.get("associated_satellite") if primary_satellite == associated_satellite: self.add_error( 'associated_satellite', ValidationError( _('Associated Satellite can not be the same with the Primary Satellite'), code='invalid' ) ) class Meta: fields = ['primary_satellite', 'associated_satellite']