# SatNOGS Controller PCB Production ![Front of PCB](../../pics/rotator-dirtypcb-front.jpg) ![Back of PCB](../../pics/rotator-dirtypcb-back.jpg) ![Set of 12 PCBs](../../pics/rotator-dirtypcb-dozen.jpg) A dozen boards were made by Dirty PCBs by following this link: https://dirtypcbs.com/store/designer/details/6933/5904/satnogs-v3-motor-controller-zip Produced according to these specs: * PCB: FR4 proto / 2 layers / 10x10cm (9.0x10.0cm) / 1.6mm / ENIG / 1oz / Yellow / Protopack ±10 / Processing: Emergency * PN: 107-530 * Designed by: 6933 * Weight: 420 g * Cost: $81.95 PCBs + $30.00 Shipping = $111.95 USD Total