# waterfall2png waterfall2png will take a satellite recording, such as from the Libre Space Foundation's SatNOG network, and convert it into a PNG. This script is just a few lines added to upstream's `satnogs-client` `waterfall.py` to make it easier for command line processing. # Use If you don't already have satnogs-client installed, install Python dependencies to your taste, such as: ``` sudo apt update sudo apt install python3-pip pip install --user matplotlib numpy ``` Change these two lines to your input data and output PNG: ``` # Change this to your input file name datafile_path='receiving_waterfall_.dat' # This is the output PNG filename: figure_path='waterfall.png' ``` Then run: ``` ./waterfall2png ``` # Reference https://community.libre.space/t/creating-waterfall-images-from-satnogs-generated-dat-file/8479 # Upstream * https://gitlab.com/librespacefoundation/satnogs/satnogs-client/ # Status / Disclaimer I have no idea if this is doing what it should. # LICENSE Same as upstream, AGPLv3.