from datetime import datetime, timedelta import requests from tqdm import tqdm from flask import Flask , render_template,redirect,url_for, request import json from collections import defaultdict import random from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler from satnogs_api_client import fetch_satellites from satnogs_api_client.satnogs_api_client import DB_BASE_URL, get_paginated_endpoint from satellite_tle import fetch_tles from skyfield.api import EarthSatellite, utc, load import numpy scheduler = BackgroundScheduler() app = Flask(__name__) ts = load.timescale() Observations = defaultdict(list) Passes = defaultdict(list) Stations = [] StationsByID = {} TLEs = defaultdict(list) Transmitters = defaultdict(dict) Raw_Transmitters = {} StationsPasses = defaultdict(list) SatDescrip = defaultdict(str) CZMLOnline = [] CZMLTesting = [] CZMLOffline = [] TransmitterStats = [] def getFuture(): print("Getting future Passes") global Observations global TLEs global StationsPasses norads = {} TLEs = defaultdict(list) StationsPasses = defaultdict(list) observations = defaultdict(dict) Start = datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z') End = (datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days = 1)) End = End.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z') passes = get_paginated_endpoint("") # print("Started") # obs = get_paginated_endpoint(""+End+"&format=json&start="+Start) # for x in obs: # norads[x["id"]] = x["noard_cat_id"] Observations = defaultdict(list) for x in passes: if x["ground_station"] == None: continue #if x["id"] in observations: #noard = norads[x["id"]] norad = int(x["tle1"].split(" ")[1].replace("U","")) try: if(not norad in SatDescrip.keys()): continue start = datetime.strptime(x["start"], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%Sz') start = start.replace(tzinfo=utc) end = datetime.strptime(x["end"], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%Sz') end = end.replace(tzinfo=utc) # "transmitter":Transmitters[observations[x["id"]]["norad_cat_id"]][x["transmitter"]] if start < end: Observations[norad].append({"station": x["ground_station"], "transmitter": Transmitters[x["transmitter"]], "start": start, "end": end, "id": x["id"]}) TLEs[norad] = EarthSatellite(x["tle1"], x["tle2"],x["tle0"]) StationsPasses[x["ground_station"]].append({"norad": norad, "transmitter": Transmitters[x["transmitter"]], "start": start, "end": end, "id": x["id"]}) except Exception as e: pass print("Error on observation number: " + str(x["id"]) + " "+str(norad)+" " + str(e)) del observations del passes del End del Start print(str(len(Observations))+" Future passes found.") def GetGroundStations(): print("Getting Ground Stations") stations = get_paginated_endpoint("") for x in stations: StationsByID[x["id"]] = x return stations def FindPasses(observations_): print("Finding Future Passes") observations = observations_.copy() passses = [] observation = observations.pop(0) for x in observations: if x["end"] >= observation["start"]: observation["start"] = x["start"] else: if (observation["start"] - x["end"]).total_seconds() < 120: observation["start"] = x["start"] else: passses.append(observation) observation = x passses.append(observation) print("Finished Finding Future Passes") return passses def updateTLE(): print("Updating TLE") global TLEs sats = fetch_satellites(None, DB_BASE_URL) satnogs_db_norad_ids = set(sat['norad_cat_id'] for sat in sats if sat['status'] != 're-entered') # Remove satellites with temporary norad ids temporary_norad_ids = set(filter(lambda norad_id: norad_id >= 99900, satnogs_db_norad_ids)) satnogs_db_norad_ids = satnogs_db_norad_ids - temporary_norad_ids # Fetch TLEs for the satellites of interest tles = fetch_tles(satnogs_db_norad_ids) TLEs = {} for norad_id, (source, tle) in tqdm(tles.items()): TLEs[norad_id] = EarthSatellite(tle[1], Ttle[2], tle[0]) print('\nTLEs for {} of {} requested satellites found ({} satellites with temporary norad ids skipped).'.format(len(tles), len(satnogs_db_norad_ids), len(temporary_norad_ids))) @scheduler.scheduled_job('interval', days=0.5) def updateTransmitters(): global Transmitters global SatDescrip SatDescrip = {} Transmitters = defaultdict(dict) print("Updating Transmitters") temp = requests.get("").json() for x in temp: Raw_Transmitters[x["uuid"]] = x Transmitters[x["uuid"]] = [x["description"], [random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), 255]] SatDescrip[x["norad_cat_id"]] = "" #for x in Transmitters.keys(): for x in temp: SatDescrip[x["norad_cat_id"]] += '
' print("Finished Updating Transmitters") updateTransmitterStats() def updateTransmitterStats(): print("Updating Transmitter Stats") global TransmitterStats TransmitterStats = [] transmitterStats = get_paginated_endpoint("") satellites = requests.get("").json() sats = {} for x in satellites: sats[x["norad_cat_id"]] = x for x in transmitterStats: try: transmitter = Raw_Transmitters[x["uuid"]] stat = x["stats"] sat = sats[transmitter["norad_cat_id"]] stat["transmitter_name"] = transmitter["description"] stat["sat_name"] = sat["name"] stat["norad"] = transmitter["norad_cat_id"] TransmitterStats.append(stat) except: pass TransmitterStats.sort(key=lambda x: x["success_rate"],reverse = True) print("Finished Updating Transmitter Stats") @scheduler.scheduled_job('interval', minutes=15)#hours=1) def updatePasses(): getFuture() updateCZML() # total = 0 # for x in StationsPasses.keys(): # total+=len(StationsPasses[x]) # print("Total StationsPassses: " +str(total)) # print("Total TLE: "+str(len(TLEs))) # print("Total Passes: "+str(len(Passes))) #print("Total StationsPasses: "+str(len(StationsPasses))) # all_objects = muppy.get_objects() # sum1 = summary.summarize(all_objects) # summary.print_(sum1) # del all_objects # del sum1 @scheduler.scheduled_job('interval', hours=1) def updateStations(): global Stations print("Updating Stations") Stations = GetGroundStations() #@scheduler.scheduled_job('interval', minutes=5) def updateCZML(): #print(SatDescrip.keys()) print("Updating CZML") global CZMLOnline global CZMLOffline global CZMLTesting CZMLOffline = [] CZMLOnline = [] CZMLTesting = [] onlineDoc = {"id":"document","name":"Online","version":"1.0","clock":{"interval":"0000-00-00T00:00:00Z/9999-12-31T24:00:00Z","step":"SYSTEM_CLOCK"}} offlineDoc = {"id":"document","name":"Offline","version":"1.0","clock":{"interval":"0000-00-00T00:00:00Z/9999-12-31T24:00:00Z","step":"SYSTEM_CLOCK"}} testingDoc = {"id":"document","name":"Testing","version":"1.0","clock":{"interval":"0000-00-00T00:00:00Z/9999-12-31T24:00:00Z","step":"SYSTEM_CLOCK"}} CZMLOffline.append(offlineDoc) CZMLOnline.append(onlineDoc) CZMLTesting.append(testingDoc) for x in Stations: color = [0, 230, 64, 255] if x["status"] == "Testing": color = [248, 148, 6, 255] if x["status"] == "Offline": color = [255, 0, 0, 50] station = {} station["id"] = str(x["id"]) station["name"] = x["name"] station["point"] = {} station["show"] = True station["point"]["color"] = {} station["point"]["color"]["rgba"] = color station["point"]["outlineColor"] = {} station["point"]["outlineColor"]["rgba"] = [255, 255, 255, color[3]] station["point"]["outlineWidth"] = 2.0 station["position"] = {} station["point"]["pixelSize"] = 7.0 station["position"]["cartographicDegrees"] = [x["lng"], x['lat'], x["altitude"]] station["description"] = "ID: "+str(x["id"]) + "
Total Observations: " station["description"] += str(x["observations"]) + "
Status: " + x["status"] + "
QTH: " station["description"] += x["qthlocator"] + "
Description: " + x["description"] if x["status"] == "Testing": CZMLTesting.append(station) else: if x["status"] == "Offline": CZMLOffline.append(station) else: CZMLOnline.append(station) AliveSats = [] for x in Observations.keys(): for y in Observations[x]: sat = {} sat["id"] = str(y["id"]) sat["name"] = TLEs[x].name sat["show"] = True sat["billboard"] = {"image": "static/sat.png", "scale": 0.50} sat["position"] = {} sat["position"]["cartographicDegrees"] = [] # print(y) sat["description"] = SatDescrip[x] temp = y["start"] time = 0 sat["position"]["interpolationAlgorithm"] = "LAGRANGE" sat["position"]["interpolationDegree"] = 5 sat["position"]["epoch"] = (y["start"].isoformat()+"Z").replace("+00:00", "") sat["path"] = {"show": {"interval": (y["start"].isoformat()+"Z").replace("+00:00", "") + "/" + ((y["end"]).isoformat()+"Z").replace("+00:00", ""), "boolean": True}, "width": 2, "material": {"solidColor": {"color": {"rgba": [0, 255, 0, 255]}}}, "leadTime": 100000, "trailTime": 100000} while temp <= y["end"] + timedelta(seconds=1): subpoint = TLEs[x].at(ts.utc(temp)).subpoint() lat = subpoint.latitude.degrees lng = subpoint.longitude.degrees if numpy.isnan(lat): break elevation = subpoint.elevation.m sat["position"]["cartographicDegrees"].extend([time, lng, lat, elevation]) time += 60 temp = temp + timedelta(minutes=1) else: try: # print(StationsByID) # print(y["station"]) if StationsByID[y["station"]]["status"] =="Testing": CZMLTesting.append(sat) else: if StationsByID[y["station"]]["status"] == "Offline": CZMLOffline.append(sat) else: CZMLOnline.append(sat) except: print(y) print(StationsByID[y["station"]]) AliveSats.append(str(y["id"])) for x in Observations.keys(): for y in Observations[x]: if str(y["id"]) in AliveSats: sat = {} sat["id"] = str(y["id"])+"Link" sat["polyline"] = {"show": {"interval": (y["start"].isoformat()+"Z").replace("+00:00", "")+"/"+((y["end"]+timedelta(seconds=1)).isoformat()+"Z").replace("+00:00", ""), "boolean": True}, "width": 2, "material": {"solidColor": {"color": {"rgba": y["transmitter"][1]}}}, "followSurface": False, "positions": {"references": [str(y["id"])+"#position", str(y["station"]) + "#position"]}} if StationsByID[y["station"]]["status"] =="Testing": CZMLTesting.append(sat) else: if StationsByID[y["station"]]["status"] == "Offline": CZMLOffline.append(sat) else: CZMLOnline.append(sat) print("Finished Updating CZML") @app.route("/") def index(): return render_template("index.html",url="/czml") @app.route("/rotating") def rotating(): speed = request.args.get('speed', default = '30', type = str) return render_template("rotating.html",url="/czml",speed=speed) @app.route("/czml") def api_czml(): return json.dumps(CZMLOnline) @app.route("/czmloff") def api_czmloff(): return json.dumps(CZMLOffline) @app.route("/czmltest") def api_czmltest(): return json.dumps(CZMLTesting) @app.route("/transmitterstats") def transmitterStats(): return render_template("transmitterstats.html",stats=TransmitterStats) updateStations() updateTransmitters() getFuture() updateCZML() scheduler.start(), host="", port=5000)