/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @file hierarch28.c @author N. Devillard @date July 14th, 1998 @version $Revision: 1.6 $ @brief header conversion from ESO-FITS to standard FITS */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* $Id: hierarch28.c,v 1.6 2005/06/29 15:14:50 yjung Exp $ $Author: yjung $ $Date: 2005/06/29 15:14:50 $ $Revision: 1.6 $ */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Include -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Define -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define NM_SIZ 512 #define FITS_LINE 80 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function prototypes -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static char prog_desc[] = "header conversion from ESO to standard FITS"; static void usage (char *); static int convert_eso_to_std_FITS (char *, char *); static void free_keys (char **, int n); static void strip_beg_end (char *); static int search_and_replace_kw (char *, int, char **, char **, int); static void search_rep (char *, char *, char *); static void generate_default_convtab (void); static char *convert_deg_to_str (double deg); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Static variables -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static char CONVTAB_DEFAULT1[] = "#\n" "# Example of conversion table for hierarch28\n" "#\n" "# A note about this file's format:\n" "# Any blank line or line starting with a hash is ignored.\n" "# Declare the keyword names to search and replace with:\n" "#\n" "# OLDKEYWORD = NEWKEYWORD\n" "#\n" "# Spaces are allowed within keyword names, to allow e.g.:\n" "#\n" "# HIERARCH ESO DET NDIT = DET NDIT\n" "#\n" "# The most important restriction is that new keywords shall not be\n" "# longer than the keywords they replace.\n" "#\n"; static char CONVTAB_DEFAULT2[] = "#\n" "# Translation table for basic keywords used by IRAF\n" "# -------------------------------------------------\n" "#\n" "# Note: hierarch28 will replace keywords in the main header\n" "# and also in extensions.\n" "#\n" "# Disclaimer:\n" "# this table has been compiled to best knowledge of present\n" "# IRAF packages. Please let us know of any addition/change.\n" "#\n" "\n"; static char CONVTAB_DEFAULT3[] = "UTC = UT\n" "LST = ST\n" "RA = RA\n" "DEC = DEC\n" "\n" "HIERARCH ESO TEL AIRM START = AIRMASS\n" "HIERARCH ESO DPR TYPE = IMAGETYP\n" "HIERARCH ESO INS FILT1 NAME = FILTER1\n" "HIERARCH ESO INS SLIT2 NAME = SLIT\n" "HIERARCH ESO INS GRIS1 NAME = GRISM\n" "HIERARCH ESO INS GRAT NAME = GRAT\n" "HIERARCH ESO INS GRAT1 NAME = GRAT1\n" "HIERARCH ESO INS GRAT2 NAME = GRAT2\n" "HIERARCH ESO INS GRAT WLEN = WLEN\n" "HIERARCH ESO INS GRAT1 WLEN = WLEN1\n" "HIERARCH ESO INS GRAT2 WLEN = WLEN2\n" "HIERARCH ESO INS GRAT ORDER = ORDER\n" "\n"; static char CONVTAB_DEFAULT4[] = "#\n" "# A note for IRAF users:\n" "# Be aware also that the ESO convention names the keywords UTC and\n" "# LST, whereas the IRAF convention is 'UT' and 'ST'.\n" "#\n" "# The ESO standard (see http://archive.eso.org/dicb) defines these\n" "# keywords as floating point values with the units degrees for RA/DEC\n" "# and elapsed seconds since midnight for UT/ST.\n" "#\n" "# In order to have this tranlation performed, add\n" "# RA = RA\n" "# DEC = DEC\n" "# UTC = UT\n" "# LST = ST\n" "# to the conversion table.\n" "#\n"; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char name_conv[NM_SIZ]; char name_in[NM_SIZ]; if (argc < 2) usage (argv[0]); if (!strcmp (argv[1], "-g")) { generate_default_convtab (); return 0; } strcpy (name_in, argv[1]); if (argc == 3) { strcpy (name_conv, argv[2]); } else { strcpy (name_conv, "table.conv"); } if (convert_eso_to_std_FITS (name_in, name_conv) != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "error during conversion: aborting\n"); } return 0; } static void usage (char *pname) { printf ("\n\n" "hierarch28 (hierarch-to-eight)\n" "%s : %s\n" "use : %s [options] [table]\n" "options are:\n" "\t-g generates a generic table\n" "\n" "default conversion table name is 'table.conv'\n" "\n" "More help can be found in the comments included in the default\n" "conversion table. Generate one with the -g option and read it.\n" "\n\n", pname, prog_desc, pname); exit (0); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @brief Search and replace FITS keywords in main/extension headers. @param name_in File to modify. @param name_conv Conversion table name. @return int 0 if Ok, non-zero if error occurred. The input file is modified in place. Keyword names are replaced according to the input conversion table. In some special cases, the keyword values are also modified to follow the IRAF convention. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int convert_eso_to_std_FITS (char *name_in, char *name_conv) { FILE *convtab; int nkeys; int i; char **key_in; char **key_out; int fd; char *buf; char line[NM_SIZ]; char kw1[FITS_LINE], kw2[FITS_LINE]; int lineno; int fs; struct stat fileinfo; /* Read conversion table and translate it to key_in, key_out */ if ((convtab = fopen (name_conv, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "cannot open conversion table: %s\n", name_conv); return -1; } /* First, count how many keywords we need to translate */ nkeys = 0; while (fgets (line, FITS_LINE, convtab) != NULL) { if ((line[0] != '#') && (line[0] != '\n')) { nkeys++; } } rewind (convtab); /* Allocate space to store keyword info */ key_in = malloc (nkeys * sizeof (char *)); key_out = malloc (nkeys * sizeof (char *)); /* Now read the file through and get the keywords */ i = 0; lineno = 0; while (fgets (line, FITS_LINE, convtab) != NULL) { lineno++; if ((line[0] != '#') && (line[0] != '\n')) { if (sscanf (line, "%[^=] = %[^;#]", kw1, kw2) != 2) { fprintf (stderr, "*** error parsing table file %s\n", name_conv); fprintf (stderr, "line: %d\n", lineno); free_keys (key_in, i); free_keys (key_out, i); fclose (convtab); return -1; } strip_beg_end (kw1); strip_beg_end (kw2); if (strlen (kw2) > strlen (kw1)) { fprintf (stderr, "*** error in conversion table %s (line %d)\n", name_conv, lineno); fprintf (stderr, "*** error: dest keyword is longer than original\n"); fprintf (stderr, "orig: [%s] dest: [%s]\n", kw1, kw2); fclose (convtab); free_keys (key_in, i); free_keys (key_out, i); return -1; } key_in[i] = strdup (kw1); key_out[i] = strdup (kw2); i++; } } fclose (convtab); /* Print out some information about what is being done */ printf ("\n\n"); printf ("*** hierarch28\n"); printf ("\n"); printf ("searching %s and replacing the following keywords:\n", name_in); for (i = 0; i < nkeys; i++) { printf ("\t[%s]\t=>\t[%s]\n", key_in[i], key_out[i]); } printf ("\n\n"); /* mmap the input file entirely */ if (stat (name_in, &fileinfo) != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "*** error: accessing file [%s]\n", name_in); free_keys (key_in, nkeys); free_keys (key_out, nkeys); return -1; } fs = (int) fileinfo.st_size; if (fs < 1) { fprintf (stderr, "error getting FITS header size for %s\n", name_in); free_keys (key_in, nkeys); free_keys (key_out, nkeys); return -1; } fd = open (name_in, O_RDWR); if (fd == -1) { fprintf (stderr, "cannot open %s: aborting\n", name_in); free_keys (key_in, nkeys); free_keys (key_out, nkeys); return -1; } buf = (char *) mmap (0, fs, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if (buf == (char *) -1) { perror ("mmap"); fprintf (stderr, "cannot mmap file: %s\n", name_in); free_keys (key_in, nkeys); free_keys (key_out, nkeys); close (fd); return -1; } /* Apply search and replace for the input keyword lists */ if (search_and_replace_kw (buf, fs, key_in, key_out, nkeys) != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "error while doing search and replace\n"); } free_keys (key_in, nkeys); free_keys (key_out, nkeys); close (fd); munmap (buf, fs); return 0; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @brief Strips out blank characters off a character string. @param s NULL-terminated string to process. @return void This function removes heading and trailing blanks from a NULL-terminated character string. The input string is modified. The input string is assumed to contain only blanks or alphanumeric characters (like FITS keywords). */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void strip_beg_end (char *s) { int beg, len; beg = 0; while (!isalnum ((unsigned char) (s[beg]))) beg++; len = (int) strlen (s) - 1; while (!isalnum ((unsigned char) (s[len]))) len--; strncpy (s, s + beg, len - beg + 1); s[len - beg + 1] = (char) 0; return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @brief Free memory associated to an array of keys. @param keyt Key table. @param n Number of keys in the table. @return void Memory was initially allocated using strdup(). This frees all the keys and the master table pointer. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void free_keys (char **keyt, int n) { int i; if (n < 1) return; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) free (keyt[i]); free (keyt); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @brief Search keywords and replace them over a whole buffer. @param buf Buffer to modify. @param bufsize Buffer size in bytes. @param key_in Input key table. @param key_out Output key table. @param nk Number of keys in each table (same). @return int 0 if Ok, non-zero if error occurred. Main replace function: it browses through the entire file to support keyword changes in extensions too. Heavily optimized for speed. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int search_and_replace_kw (char *buf, int bufsize, char **key_in, char **key_out, int nk) { char *w; int i, j; int in_header; int match_flag; int *keysizes; /* Pre-compute key sizes to gain time */ keysizes = malloc (nk * sizeof (int)); for (i = 0; i < nk; i++) keysizes[i] = (int) strlen (key_in[i]); /* Browse through file line by line */ w = buf; in_header = 1; while ((w - buf + FITS_LINE) < bufsize) { if (in_header) { /* Currently browsing a header */ if (w[0] == 'E' && w[1] == 'N' && w[2] == 'D' && w[3] == ' ') { /* Found an END keyword: exit from header */ in_header = 0; } else { /* Compare the current line with all searched keys */ for (i = 0; i < nk; i++) { match_flag = 1; for (j = 0; j <= keysizes[i]; j++) { if (j < keysizes[i]) { if (key_in[i][j] != w[j]) { match_flag = 0; break; } } else { if ((w[j] != '=') && (w[j] != ' ')) { match_flag = 0; break; } } } if (match_flag) { search_rep (w, key_in[i], key_out[i]); } } } } else { /* Currently out of header, look for next extension */ if (w[0] == 'X' && w[1] == 'T' && w[2] == 'E' && w[3] == 'N' && w[4] == 'S' && w[5] == 'I' && w[6] == 'O' && w[7] == 'N') { /* Found a header start */ in_header = 1; } } w += FITS_LINE; } free (keysizes); return 0; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @brief Atomic keyword replacement. @param line Line to work on. @param key_i Input key. @param key_o Output key. @return void Replace in 'line' the keyword name 'key_i' by 'key_o'. In some special cases, the value is also modified to reflect the IRAF conventions. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void search_rep (char *line, char *key_i, char *key_o) { int i, j; char *equal; int to_copy; char *p; char tmp[FITS_LINE + 1]; char comment[FITS_LINE + 1]; equal = strstr (line, "="); to_copy = FITS_LINE - (equal - line); for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen (key_o); i++) { line[i] = key_o[i]; } if (strlen (key_o) <= 8) { /* Blank-pad until equal sign is reached */ for (; i < 8; i++) { line[i] = ' '; } /* Add equal sign */ line[i] = '='; i++; /* Handle special cases: the value also needs conversion */ if (!strcmp (key_o, "RA")) { if (*(equal + 2) != '\'') { /* out key is RA, translate to ' HH:MM:SS.SSS' */ p = strchr (line + i, '/'); if (p) strncpy (comment, p, line + FITS_LINE - p); sprintf (tmp, " %-29.29s %-40.40s", convert_deg_to_str (atof (equal + 1) / 15.), (p) ? comment : "/ Right Ascension"); memcpy (line + i, tmp, 71); } } else if (!strcmp (key_o, "DEC")) { if (*(equal + 2) != '\'') { /* out key is DEC, translate to '+DD:MM:SS.SSS' */ p = strchr (line + i, '/'); if (p) strncpy (comment, p, line + FITS_LINE - p); sprintf (tmp, " %-29.29s %-40.40s", convert_deg_to_str (atof (equal + 1)), (p) ? comment : "/ Declination"); memcpy (line + i, tmp, 71); } } else if (!strcmp (key_o, "UT")) { if (*(equal + 2) != '\'') { /* out key is UT, translate to ' HH:MM:SS.SSS' */ p = strchr (line + i, '/'); if (p) strncpy (comment, p, line + FITS_LINE - p); sprintf (tmp, " %-29.29s %-40.40s", convert_deg_to_str (atof (equal + 1) / 3600.), (p) ? comment : "/ UT"); memcpy (line + i, tmp, 71); } } else if (!strcmp (key_o, "ST")) { if (*(equal + 2) != '\'') { /* out key is ST, translate to ' HH:MM:SS.SSS' */ p = strchr (line + i, '/'); if (p) strncpy (comment, p, line + FITS_LINE - p); sprintf (tmp, " %-29.29s %-40.40s", convert_deg_to_str (atof (equal + 1) / 3600.), (p) ? comment : "/ ST"); memcpy (line + i, tmp, 71); } } else { /* Copy line from first char after real equal sign */ for (j = 0; j < to_copy; j++) { line[i + j] = equal[j + 1]; } i += to_copy - 1; /* Blank padding */ for (; i < FITS_LINE; i++) { line[i] = ' '; } } } else { /* Blank padding */ for (i = (int) strlen (key_o); i < (int) strlen (key_i); i++) { line[i] = ' '; } } return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @brief Create a default conversion table. @param ins Table name. @return void Creates a translation table for the requested instrument. If no instrument is specified (ins==NULL) a default table is generated. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void generate_default_convtab (void) { FILE *convtab; if ((convtab = fopen ("table.conv", "w")) == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "*** error: cannot create table.conv: aborting\n"); return; } fprintf (convtab, CONVTAB_DEFAULT1); fprintf (convtab, CONVTAB_DEFAULT2); fprintf (convtab, CONVTAB_DEFAULT3); fprintf (convtab, CONVTAB_DEFAULT4); fclose (convtab); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @brief Convert decimal degrees to ASCII representation. @param d Double value, decimal degrees in [-90 ; +90]. @return Pointer to statically allocated character string. Converts an angle value from degrees to ASCII representation following the IRAF convention. Do not free or modify the returned string. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static char * convert_deg_to_str (double deg) { int d, m; double s; int sign; static char buf[13]; sign = 1; if (deg < 0.) sign = -1; deg *= sign; d = (int) deg; m = (int) ((deg - d) * 60); s = (deg - d) * 3600. - m * 60; sprintf (buf, "'%c%02d:%02d:%06.3f'", (sign < 0) ? '-' : ' ', d, m, s); return (buf); }